--- tags: community, minutes --- # PlasmaPy Community Meeting | Tuesday 2021 May 11 at 18:00 UT ### Video Conference Information * [Jitsi video conference link](https://meet.jit.si/plasmapy) with [call-in information](https://meet.jit.si/static/dialInInfo.html?room=plasmapy) * Instant messaging: [Matrix](https://app.element.io/#/room/#plasmapy:openastronomy.org) and [Gitter](https://gitter.im/PlasmaPy/Lobby) * [GitHub Minutes Repository](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/plasmapy-project/tree/master/minutes) * ["Community" Sub-directory](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/plasmapy-project/tree/master/minutes/_community) * [PlasmaPy on GitHub](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/plasmapy) ([pull requests](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/plasmapy/pulls), [issues](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/plasmapy/issues)) * [PlasmaPy Enhancement Proposals on GitHub](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy-PLEPs) * [PlasmaPy Google Calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=bzVsb3ZkcW0zaWxsam00ZTlrMDd2cmw5bWdAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ) ## Agenda (please feel free to edit or add items) 1. Introductions 2. 10-15 minutes for [roadmap](https://hackmd.io/@plasmapy) 3. solicit "Project Issues" 4. `automodapi` for PlasmaPy (PR 1105) 5. Lite-function Framework (See 1098, 1090, 1089) 6. [`pradformat`](https://github.com/phyzicist/pradformat/tree/main/Python) for radiography metadata 7. ... 8. Issues 1. [Integer charge to charge number?](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/issues/1126) 2. ... 9. Pull requests in progress 1. [PR 1000](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1000): Paschen Curve 2. [PR 1105](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1000): `automodapi` for PlasmaPy 3. [PR 1123](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1123): Line Integrated Diagnostic 10. Pull requests **MERGED** 1. ... ## Attendees * Erik * Peter * Dominik * Nick ## Action Items ***Person*** * ... ## Minutes * P-rad format: * Code: https://github.com/phyzicist/pradformat/tree/main/Python * Docs: https://scott.cikeys.com/prad/overview/ * came out of a workshop and very early in development * reading and writing to HDF5 geared for proton radiography * 3 part output: * initial condition for particles * field grid * output radiograph * Is the package too young to become a dependency? * not just the package; metadata standard * Smilar to openPMD: https://www.openpmd.org/#/start * Would openPMD be a better option? * sounds like a subset, actually! * does not, IIRC, support the radiograph output * openPMD is more of metadata scheme * documentation uses HDF5 files as examples * version 0.2; * https://join.slack.com/t/openpmd/shared_invite/zt-q7rtw6s3-lDca4ckkEgnF9xsboVjnkA * Adopting dependencies * probably a case-by-case basis * e.g. Dominik needs https://github.com/RemDelaporteMathurin/plasma-boundaries for neoclassics * let's not be too hasty in adopting new code dependencies; let's be enthusiastic adopters of new metadata standards * Automodapi needs review * code doesn't need that much strict review; docs would * Integer charge to charge number? * `FutureWarning`: Will be removed in version 0.9 * Astropy deprecation decorator: https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/api/astropy.utils.decorators.deprecated.html * takes https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/_modules/astropy/utils/exceptions.html#AstropyDeprecationWarning by default; flexible enough to hot swap for a PlasmaPyDeprecationWarning ```python= class AbstractParticle: @property # @deprecated() def interger_charge(self): warn("blah blah", RemoveIn09) return self.charge_number @property def charge_number(self): return self._charge_number @pytest.mark.skipif(plasmapy.version > (0, 7)) def test_dependent_on_version(): # but doesn't catch anything on dev # needs cleverness that I think can be arranged # utils: class PlasmaPyFutureWarning(FutureWarning): ... deprecated = partial(astropy.deprecated, warningtype = PlasmaPyFutureWarning, pending=False) """ Thin wrapper on top of `astropy.utils.decorators.deprecated`. """ ``` * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55377831/difference-between-deprecationwarning-pendingdeprecationwarning-and-futurewarni * [Old issue on PlasmaPy `deprecated` decorator](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/issues/945) * could close it with #1126 * Automodapi has subtle difference between ours and astropy's * astropy creates TWO stub files for each function (plasmapy.formulary and plasmapy.formulary.parameters) * we link, instead, for everything that's not a variable * those have no module dunder * [as I understand it:] canonical path is original path, rather than the reimport path * always use the long name to where *thing* is originally defined * Paschen: * Nick's meeting with Christoph * 1 on 1 so as to avoid an overabundance of cooks * has docstrings! :tada: * Vaccine after-effects suck, but not as much as SARS-COV-2 does!