--- tags: community, minutes --- # PlasmaPy Community Meeting | Tuesday 2021 May 25 at 18:00 UT [![hackmd-github-sync-badge](https://hackmd.io/Z1fGZ0_fQX6d78Kin3sAug/badge)](https://hackmd.io/Z1fGZ0_fQX6d78Kin3sAug) ### Video Conference Information * [Jitsi video conference link](https://meet.jit.si/plasmapy) with [call-in information](https://meet.jit.si/static/dialInInfo.html?room=plasmapy) * Instant messaging: [Matrix](https://app.element.io/#/room/#plasmapy:openastronomy.org) and [Gitter](https://gitter.im/PlasmaPy/Lobby) * [GitHub Minutes Repository](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/plasmapy-project/tree/master/minutes) * ["Community" Sub-directory](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/plasmapy-project/tree/master/minutes/_community) * [PlasmaPy on GitHub](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/plasmapy) ([pull requests](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/plasmapy/pulls), [issues](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/plasmapy/issues)) * [PlasmaPy Enhancement Proposals on GitHub](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy-PLEPs) * [PlasmaPy Google Calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=bzVsb3ZkcW0zaWxsam00ZTlrMDd2cmw5bWdAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ) ## Agenda (please feel free to edit or add items) 1. Introductions 2. 10-15 minutes for [roadmap](https://hackmd.io/@plasmapy) 3. solicit "Project Issues" 4. PlasmaPy Newsletter posted (3/21) 5. PlasmaPy presence at 2021 SULI summer school (changed to June 23 from 3–5 pm Eastern) 1. Units & particles & formulary 2. E×B notebook 3. Proton radiography (confirmed by Peter) 6. Start planning for PlasmaPy events during hack week 7. Dominik: Need to finally start collaborating more with OMFIT 9. Create `plasmapy-sphinx` and `plasmapy-test` repos in PlasmaPy organization? * D: one for the new automodapi and one for the test helpers? 10. [PR 1145](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1145): Lite-Functions Ep. 1 * update * does `thermal_speed_coefficients` clutter namespace & docuemntation * should `thermal_speed` and `thermal_speed_lite` keep same (similar) signatures 11. [PR 1151](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1151) & [1152](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1152) * only one is need...the PRs basically do the same thing * do we need a `environment.yml` (seems like extra maintenance if not necessary) * if yes, is there a way to reduce maintence of it 12. Dominik: haven't reworked CI in a few weeks and my hands are tingling already * move coverage ru 14. 15. ... 16. Issues 1. ... 2. ... 17. Pull requests in progress 1. [Greeter bot for new contributors (#1095)](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1095) 2. [Lite-Functions Ep. 1 | Jump to Hyperspace (#1145)](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1145) 3. [Set up ReST substitutions for docs (#1147)](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1147) 4. [Begin a project glossary (#1149)](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1149) - Still need to figure out why terms aren't linking 5. [Change code & docs to reflect a default branch named main (#1150)](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1150) 6. [Added notebook to environment.yml (#1151)](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1151) 7. [Minor edit code development guidelines (#1152)](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1152) 18. Pull requests **MERGED** 1. [Rename integer charge to charge number (#1136)](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1136) 2. [Changes to particles from neoclassics (#1130)](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1130) 3. [Improve consistency of ReST formatting in documentation (#1073)](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1073) 4. [Remove deprecated `Particle.particle` (#1146)](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1146) 5. [Refactor `plasmapy_sphinx` (#1144)](https://github.com/PlasmaPy/PlasmaPy/pull/1144) ## Attendees * Erik * Dominik * Nick * Tiger ## Action Items ***Person*** * ... ## Minutes * PR 1151 & 1152: do we need an `environment.yml` > Improptu convo between Erik and Dominik > * lookin at 'em right now, might catch before meeting. Also hi Erik Hey bud! ok sounds good. > * would prefer to have the yml file for conda env support tbh, rather keep it > * I thought you could still use requirements.txt for conda...I don't do conda so I don't know the in and outs. Hence my question on this > * If we keep it, I wonder if there are things we can do to ease maintance...it's just a 3rd place to maintain requirements > * trudat; still, I can probably handle it > * I'm curious if you can refernece a requirements txt in the yml to ease maintence * Dominik would like to keep it for ease of setting up conda env * It is a 3rd (4th) place we need to maintian requiremnts...others being `setup.cfg`, `pyproject.tml`, and all the `requirments` `txt` files * Is there a way to ease maintanence * maybe <https://stackoverflow.com/a/59056234> * FYI, `functools.cache`/`functools.lru_cahce` does not work with `numba` * https://github.com/numba/numba/issues/4062 ### SULI/Hack week * Plan with Arturo * have a PlasmaPy "presence" at SULI school for undergrads * Peter available for proton radiography (in second part) * first half: particles, formulary, ExB notebook * right before hack week * but might get people to use plasmapy * Would want to completely rewrite ExB notebook * UC Irvine person plans to pop in on Friday to discuss hack week * could maybe help out with that? * proton radiography as second half * for hack week, applying that is one thing; having stuff to work on (good first issues) is another ### Working with OMFIT * Whilst working on neoclassics, started looking through OMFIT for ICs * We should look into their documentation * We might be documenting functionality * `FluxSurface` class, as an example * Coordinate transformations * At very least, we should learn more about what's in there * Had looked at namelist of classes in their docs * High time we should start looking into collaboration possibilities * OMFIT modules docs <https://gafusion.github.io/OMFIT-source/modules.html> * [NEO_GACODE](https://gafusion.github.io/OMFIT-source/modules/mod_NEO_GACODE.html#mod-neo-gacode) * [TGYRO_GACODE](https://gafusion.github.io/OMFIT-source/modules/mod_TGYRO_GACODE.html#mod-tgyro-gacode) * need to pay attention at omfit hour at hack week * [OMFIT tutorial series video #1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrB9l2zExZg) * [OMFIT user request form](https://form.omfit.io/) ### Classical transport * Peter doing lots of great work * Dominik needs to talk with to get on the same page for page structure * Peter has surgery in ~2 weeks ### Packaging * Nick has plasmapy-test in private repo * naming might be confusing (as tests for plasmapy) * plasmapy-test-helpers * plasmapy-switzerland * need a more explicit name * for now plasmapy-test-helpers! * Erik wants plasmapy-sphinx rather than plasmapy-doc * will break off the current functionality into that * no rush, though! ### Lite functions * was done, except for tests * Peter brought up that `thermal_speed_coefficients` cluttered up the namespace * Should try to keep signatures of `thermal_speed` and `thermal_speed_lite` similar * Indexing slows things down * Maybe use `functools.cache` * Numba does not work with `cache` 🙀 * But there's an object mode, for normal python * But increased clutter seems worth it, at least for time being * Maybe expose functions like this only to module and not subpackage? * But let's just live with the clutter **for now** * Erik also managed to simplify `@preserve_signature` so it's compatible with two layers of numba jit ### Pain points * Right now, we're not testing conda stuff, only through PyPI * Should add conda stuff back * Tests are split between fast tests and slow tests (sim or proton radiography so we don't have to run those on every run) * Going to tinker with caching for PyPI * So envs install faster * So we don't overuse PyPI resources needlessly * Implementing image testing for plots * Looking at how SunPy does it * Initial setup that's working okay-ish for them * They're still working out the kinks, it seems * Would prefer to come back to this in a month * Figure tests difficulty: fonts. Different versions of fonts, going to have differences between what's on GitHub ## Environment.yml * Dominik needs to look at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35245401/combining-conda-environment-yml-with-pip-requirements-txt/59056234#59056234