# 沒有60萬?<br>試試架設不花錢的地圖服務吧
謝晉凡 (typebrook)
## 自我介紹
- OpenStreetMap Mapper
- Hiker
- Android Developer
## 事情經過

## 死鬼!錢花到哪裡去了?
- 30刀 的 Place API!
- [Dynamic Maps Pricing](https://developers.google.com/maps/billing/gmp-billing?hl=zh-tw#dynamic-maps)

- (600,000 NTD / 30) / (5.6 USD / 1,000 usage)
= 3571,428 =~ 360萬 (JS code usage)
# 如何免費使用?
<iframe height=700px width=100% frameborder="0" src='https://gistpreview.github.io/?43ac7c182a8189c8561d2c97eaf2f4e2/unauthorized.html'></iframe>
<iframe height=700px width=100% frameborder="0" src='https://gistpreview.github.io/?43ac7c182a8189c8561d2c97eaf2f4e2/google.html'></iframe>

<iframe height=700px width=100% frameborder="0" src='https://gistpreview.github.io/?43ac7c182a8189c8561d2c97eaf2f4e2/osm-in-google.html'></iframe>
## [OSM in Google Map](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Google_Maps_Example)

# The End
# The End?
## 先來講講圖磚 (Tiles)
- WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator -> 將地球投影成**正方形**
- z=0 全球表面積
- z=3 澳洲大陸
- z=6 全台灣
- z=10 大台北地區
- z=14 台大校總區
## 先來講講圖磚 (Tiles)
- z=1

## 先來講講圖磚 (Tiles)
- z=8

## 口罩地圖

## Map Tools
- Google Map
- Mapbox
- ArcGIS Map
- [Leaflet](https://leafletjs.com/plugins.html)
- 小巧! 138KB
- Only JS
- OpenLayer
- Only JS
- Tangram
## Raster Tiles
- Pros
- 毋需處理、取得即可用
- 支援大部分工具
- Cons
- 無法進一步壓縮 -> 30KB
- 太糊了
- 需要較高縮放層級
- 可觀的流量
## OSM [Tile Usage Policy](https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/tiles/)
> OpenStreetMap data is free for everyone to use. Our tile servers are not.
## 什麼是ODBL?
- 開放資料庫授權
- 權利
- 分享:複製、散布與使用資料庫
- 創造:從資料庫產生作品
- 修改:變更、轉換與建立資料庫
- 義務
- 標明授權條款
- 相同方式分享
- 保持開放
# Google Maps V.S. OpenStreetMap
# Google Maps V.S. OpenStreetMap
## 不一樣的東西怎麼比?
## Google Maps
#### A full series of services

## OpenStreetMap Infrastructure
#### There is no magic!

### [陳平偉紀念公園](https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E9%99%B3%E5%B9%B3%E5%81%89%E7%B4%80%E5%BF%B5%E5%85%AC%E5%9C%92/@24.6577749,124.6856013,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x34f56f1bd6d31815:0xd105290b4bd6c6d!8m2!3d24.65777!4d124.68779)

## "OSM" Flow
graph TD
id1[(OSM Database)]
id2(osm.pbf, osc)
id5(Other Dataset)
- 道路、地籍圖
- Only Raster Tiles
## Mapbox
- 完整生態系
- Better default Styles
- 自訂性高 (Mapbox Studio)
- 直接將dataset發布為Tile Service
## Mapbox(2019)

## Mapbox(2020)

## MapTiler
- Host Cluld Service
- Show localized Map

## Mapzen & Tangram
- Nextzen
- StreetComplete
- Protomap
## 需求
- 格式:
- [ ] XYZ
- [ ] WMTS (變換圖層)
- [ ] TileJSON
- 用途
- [ ] Raster: 單純作為背景 (png, jpg)
- [ ] Vector: 自訂、使用原始資料(MVT)
- [ ] 使用人數
- [ ] 使用週期 (一場活動? 一個政令? 一個網頁?)
# 你的口袋深度!
## 我的需求
- 山域使用、高度自訂
- 下載後離線使用
- 更新頻率高
- 需顯示不同語言
- 僅提供台灣地區
## Github Workflow
- 可以使用`Cron job`定時啟動
- 支援拉取Docker Hub
- 直接將其它專案作為 Github Action
- 真正免費!
- [mapstew](https://github.com/typebrook/mapstew)
- 3個 YAML 檔案搞定一切
## Steps - Houly update
1. Get latest `osm.pbf` from [Github Release](https://github.com/typebrook/mapstew/releases/tag/daily-taiwan-pbf)
1. Use `osmctools` to update `osm.pbf`
1. Update release
1. Check out at `gh-pages`
1. Use `tilemaker` to generate tiles
1. Commit tiles to git, and push to Github
## Steps - Daily fetch
1. Just download `osm.pbf`
1. Update Github Release
## Steps - Sync master
#### Trigered when new commit on `master`
1. Check out with depth = 1
1. Fetch `master` with depth = 1
1. Merge with strategy & Push to Github
## Stacks
- [**Goefabrik**](http://download.geofabrik.de/asia/taiwan.html) / Protomaps
- Get daily osm.pbf.
- [**osmctools**](https://github.com/ramunasd/osmctools)
- Update osm.pbf hourly.
- Here I use [custom docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/osmtw/osmctools) (smaller size with `debian:stable-slim` to boost Github workflow)
- [**tilemaker**](https://github.com/systemed/tilemaker)
- Generate MVT directly from `osm.pbf` file.
## tilemaker
### 一步到位!
graph TD
id2(osm.pbf, osc)
id2-->id3--Apply configuration-->id4
## Result

## Result
#### https://typebrook.github.io/mapstew
<iframe height=700px width=100% frameborder="0" src='https://typebrook.github.io/mapstew'></iframe>
## tilemaker
- Solved:
- Filter features by `length` and `area`
- OpenMapTiles Schema
- Need:
- Use MVT/MBTiles as Datasource
## 自己的資源自己Host

# 題外話
## 其實...我也有痛過...

## 工程師的素養-風險控管

## Tile Collection
## [Google Vector](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/vector-map)
<iframe height=700px width=100% frameborder="0" src='https://gistpreview.github.io/?43ac7c182a8189c8561d2c97eaf2f4e2/styled.html'></iframe>
## Mapbox 的限制
- Offline Map
- Studio 限制
## POC on gist
- Version Control
- Source Code
## OpenLayer Example
<iframe height=400px width=100% frameborder="0" src='https://sharkbig.github.io/rescue/#map=23/121.301578,/24.528892'></iframe>
### Others
- Refs: OSM wiki
- Issue I get when developing
### List of mentioned
- icons
- pros cons
### Check List
- 市儈、safety first、懶趴握在別人手上
- 窩不知道
- check audience experience
- Have project about Google Map SDK/API
- 口罩地圖
- English desc
- Promote protomap、卓騰
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