image: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2012/04/12/13/33/pineapple-30051_1280.png
tags: 科科小文, 發人深省
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# 鳳梨能減緩飛蚊症?一些合理的懷疑
###### tags: `科科小文` `發人深省`
(原文 2019.06.06 發表)
<font color="#999">※ 本文已蒙 Pansci 泛科學收用,若有報導或出版等商業轉載需要,煩洽泛科學。</font>
<img src='https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2012/04/12/13/33/pineapple-30051_1280.png' width="40%" />
### 什麼是飛蚊症
眼球中有很大部分充滿著無色透明的膠狀物質,稱作玻璃體(vitreous body),正常情況下的玻璃體是澄清的,可以讓光線通過,在視網膜上成象。如果今天因為一些原因,讓玻璃體中的液體不再澄清,有一些懸浮物,就會影響成象,就好像眼前出現一隻打不到的蚊子一樣。
飛蚊症的成因,主要有幾種:玻璃體混濁(有懸浮物)、周邊組織出血流入玻璃體、周邊視網膜破裂、玻璃體後脫離(posterior vitreous detachment,PVD)。
<img src='https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_as7Ap63dYXM/SuQ0fVDSGdI/AAAAAAAAAx0/wnUF2FaVRzM/s320/floaters-in-the-eye.jpg'/>
飛蚊症的病理模型示意圖。取自 [Opthalmology Mcqs Postgraduation entrance preparation](https://ouropthalmology.blogspot.com/2009/10/36-muscae-volitantes-eye-floaters.html)
### 這篇文章在講什麼
這一篇文章,標題是〈Pharmacologic vitreolysis of vitreous floaters by 3-month pineapple supplement in Taiwan: a pilot study〉,由輔英科技大學附設醫院眼科主治醫師洪啟庭、大仁科技大學藥學系陳福安、郭代璜、謝博銓教授、陳立材助理教授、中山醫學大學視光學系黃宣瑜教授;文章發表於《The Journal of American Science》。
點入[期刊網頁](http://www.jofamericanscience.org/journals/am-sci/jas150419/),可以發現有兩篇的篇名一樣,而同名的另外一篇,作者則多了中華民國高雄市政府的葉壽山(Shou-Shan Yeh)局長。
<img src='https://imgur.com/uuWi4ib.jpeg'/>
文章中找了共 388 位受試者,分成兩組,一組依照分成玻璃體內懸浮物多寡,再分成兩小組,每天固定吃兩塊 100 克(或者 120 克,文章前後文不一致)的鳳梨;另一組再分成三小組,分別給予每天 1、2、3 塊的鳳梨。兩組每個月各追蹤一次,總共追蹤三個月。最後發現到了第三個月,所有組別的懸浮物數量都有減少,好轉人數比例 54.5% 到 74.2% 不等;玻璃體懸浮物有所減少的人數,與開始吃鳳梨前,呈現顯著減少關係。在討論中,作者也舉了一些關於鳳梨酵素(bromelain,鳳梨蛋白酶)的研究,試圖解釋實驗結果與機轉,最後作者做出以下的宣稱:
1. 鳳梨酵素可以為人類飛蚊症、PVD 與 玻璃體纖維化帶來新的研究觀點。
2. 持續食用鳳梨有助於飛蚊症的改善。
3. 這篇研究是全世界第一篇提出「每日補充鳳梨,可以作為目前飛蚊症常規醫療之外的便宜另類療法」的文章。
(原文:Our studies revealed that the pineapple supplement every day can offer a cheap alternative to current therapies for the vitreous floaters which is the first report in the world.)
看起來很好啊, 感覺好像期刊論文該有的格式與格局都有了,所以我們可以開始吃鳳梨消滅飛蚊症了嗎?
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/FvYH4FV.png'/>
由 Nick Young 代替大家露出的滿臉問號。
### 幾個閱讀文章時懷疑的點
1. **沒有交代受試者背景**
2. **研究缺乏對照組**
3. **統計方法的錯用**
在這邊使用了變異數分析(analysis of variance, ANOVA),但看看這份資料試驗的設計與作者所要達到的宣稱,應該不會使用 ANOVA 分析。
4. **措辭誇張異常**
從文章第一句「 This survey is the first one in world……」,到文章討論也可見「the first report in the world」,似乎作者興奮得想向全世界展示這份研究成果,文中也可見其他似乎不必要的溢美詞句;搭配結果讀來,似乎少了一些期刊的嚴謹性。
如果這篇真的是確確實實的世界 number 1,大可以投到頂尖期刊如《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》(NEJM, IF=79.258)、《刺胳針》(The Lancet, IF=53.254),或者眼科界的頂尖期刊《British Journal of Ophthalmology》(IF=3.384)啊!為何會投在一篇比較少人聽聞的期刊呢?
5. **許多令人感到不可思議的錯誤**
隨便看看,就可以發現不少錯字與格式不一致。文章一開頭的作者服務單位,中山醫學大學附設醫院被打成了「Chunmg Shan Medical Hospital」,多了一個 m。
表格中的 1st 和 2rd(應該是 2nd),前者有上標,後者沒有,那到底是要不要上標?表格中的「3rd」竟然寫成「3th」,原本應該屬於 3 的 rd 還誤植到 2 那邊!文章摘要中寫到「…… ny trades since 1700.」,應該是 by 而不是 ny 啊!這是國小高年級的英文課內容吧,這種錯誤太不應該。
93 頁尾,Müller and his ci-workers also found……,應該是想寫 co-workers 吧!
6. **期刊編審素質堪憂**
<img src='https://i.imgur.com/8xiuf3a.jpg'/>
### 這到底是哪家期刊?掠奪性期刊!
The Journal of American Science 這家期刊自 2005 年創立,到今年也活到了第 15 年。
再來很功利地看看所謂的期刊影響因子(impact factor, IF),這家期刊在 [Journal Citation Reports](https://jcr.clarivate.com/)(JCR,感謝網友提供)中沒有紀錄、也沒有 IF 資料,可能是被引用數或刊載量未達標準。
在查詢過程中發現一件很有趣的事。關於這個期刊的資訊並不多,但另外查到一個名字很像的期刊《American Journal of Science》,成立於 1818 年,是地球科學界的老牌頂尖期刊了,2017 年的 IF 值高達 3.893。看到這邊,是不是要懷疑一下這個《The Journal of American Science》,有沒有可能屬於之前引起廣泛討論的「掠奪型期刊」(predatory journals)?
掠奪性期刊,猶如學界老鼠屎,會打著開放取用(open access)、審稿快速的名號,吸引投稿者,再收取高昂的審稿費用。另外也有打著給錢就可以把文章刊出的名目,獲取龐大金額維持營運。這類期刊通常缺乏同儕審閱(peer-review)與嚴謹的編審系統,只要有收到投稿者的錢就好,彷彿出版界的詐騙集團。
學界近年來開始正視這個議題,也有許多掠奪性期刊的名單提供投稿者參考。我們查詢了比較常用的兩個名單〈HBI list for Predatory Journals〉與〈Beall’s List of Predatory Journals and Publishers〉,赫然發現這個期刊和他的出版商 Marsland Press 都是板上有名,就此確定《The Journal of American Science》就是個掠奪性期刊。
這個期刊的網頁上沒有 editorial column,那編審標準是甚麼?
<img src='https://forbetterscience.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/predatory-publisher.png' width="75%"/>
圖片取自[Is Frontiers a potential predatory publisher?](https://forbetterscience.com/2015/10/28/is-frontiers-a-potential-predatory-publisher/)
### 對於媒體報導後的擔心
鳳梨雖然含有豐富的維他命 C 與纖維,但也含有比較高的糖份,如果長期、大量食用,可能讓體重悄悄上升。
<img src='https://img.heho.com.tw/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/1610955174.2237.jpg' width="75%" />
鳳梨屬於中等 GI 值水果,請酌量食用。圖片取自 [heho](https://heho.com.tw/archives/158531)。
### 結語
### 參考資料
1. 期刊原始文獻連結(已被該期刊下架)
2. [期刊原始文獻連結 2](http://www.jofamericanscience.org/journals/am-sci/jas150419/03_34649jas150419_17_30.pdf)
3. [林慶順教授的質疑](https://professorlin.com/2019/05/27/%E9%A3%9B%E8%9A%8A%E7%97%87%EF%BC%8C%E9%B3%B3%E6%A2%A8%E5%8F%AF%E6%BA%B6%E8%A7%A3%EF%BC%9F/comment-page-1/#comment-2370)
4. [林慶順教授的質疑-續](https://professorlin.com/2019/05/30/%E9%A3%9B%E8%9A%8A%E7%97%87%E5%90%83%E9%B3%B3%E6%A2%A8%EF%BC%8C%E5%85%A9%E5%80%8B%E7%89%88%E6%9C%AC/)
5. [林佑彥中醫師-從中醫眼科角度來看飛蚊症與鳳梨這件事](https://www.yylin.tw/2019/05/MythBusters-pineapple-and-floaters-from-TCMOPH.html)
6. [中央研究院撰寫不可不慎的掠奪性出版](https://newsletter.sinica.edu.tw/15389/)
7. 之前寫的文章:[吃鳳梨為甚麼會咬舌頭的猜測](https://hackmd.io/nJuV4VugR5SH2axqqMRrPw)
1. It is true that t²(ν) = F(1, ν), but it is false that t²(ν) = F(anything other than 1, ν). And it is usual to have a numerator degrees of freedom of anything other than 1 in the F variable in ANOVA.
2. The fact that t²(ν) = F(1, ν) is not empirical, but mathematical. In other words, it’s JUST FACT. No need to be empirical. Mathematics is not empirical.
3. The assumption of ANOVA is not that the error terms have equal variance. It is that the error terms is normally distributed WITH zero mean AND constant variance AND being uncorrelated. In other words, the error terms have to be spherical, instead of just to have equal variance, to use ANOVA.
4. Nonparametric tests are suitable whenever the spherical assumptions are not met. Since it is nearly impossible to test whether the spherical assumptions are met or not in a small-sample-size environment, it is reasonable (and usual) to use nonparametric test, such as the Kruskal-Wallis test, to replace the usual ANOVA when the sample size is small. But it does NOT imply that it is unsuitable to use nonparametric tests when the sample size is not small.
One may say that the spherical assumption would be reasonably met when the sample size is not too small according to the Central Limit Theorem. But this is simply a guess if there is no mathematical proof behinds such a claim, and actually there is none indeed for now. Currently, there is still no proof of how large the size of the sample should be in order to have a “reasonable" approximation of the normal distribution as well as the constant mean and variance and uncorrelatedness due to the CLT. This is a very, very usual misunderstanding of the CLT actually. Hence, there is still no definite answer to the question of whether the loss of statistical power (i.e. the probability of not committing the type II error) due to using nonparametric tests instead of the usual t test or ANOVA is large enough to justify one to stick on the usual t test or ANOVA in a not-too-small-sample size environment. It is just unfair to say that nonparametric tests are and should be seldomly used in biometric analysis.
5. It is indeed not suitable to use ANOVA in the subject article. But the reason is not about whether the equal variance assumption is met or not, nor it is about the type of data. It is that ANOVA cannot satisfy the purpose of what the authors want to achieve. The author wants to show that eating more pineapple can make the number of 玻璃體懸浮物 DECLINES. The ANOVA test can only test whether the means of the number of 玻璃體懸浮物 among various groups are NOT ALL EQUAL. It cannot test whether they are DECLINING with regards to eating more pineapples. This is the true reason why the authors should not use ANOVA. It is a common mistake to treat statistical analysis as just some tools to “fit" the suitable types of data.
<font color="#999">※ 本文已蒙 Pansci 泛科學收用,若有報導或出版等商業轉載需要,煩洽泛科學。</font>