CodePath Slack Guide for Students == ## Channels Users are grouped into channels to organize discussions. The channels you belong to will be displayed on the left panel. These are the types of channels available to students: | Course | General channels | Cohort channel | Help channel | | ------------------------- | ------- | ------- | --- | | University iOS | Yes | Yes | Yes | | University Android | Yes | Yes | Yes | | University Cybersecurity | Yes | Yes | Yes | | 6-weeks course. | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Interview Prep | Yes | Yes | Yes | 1. **GENERAL CODEPATH-WIDE CHANNELS**: Includes all CodePath staff, alumni, TAs, and current students. Since these are public channels, you can search and join them anytime. * `#announcements`: CodePath announcements * `#opportunities`: Job openings in other companies * `#random`: Non-work banter and water cooler conversation 2. **COHORT CHANNELS**: You can find all the students of your cohort regardless of campus. * **Interview Prep** (June 2021) * `#se101-jun21` (Beginner) * `#se102-jun21` (Intermediate) * `#se103-jun21` (Advanced) * **Interview Prep Observer** (June 2021) * `#se101-observer-jun21` (Beginner) * `#se102-observer-jun21` (Intermediate) * `#se103-observer-jun21` (Advanced) * **University Courses** (Fall 2021) * `#android-announcement-fall21` * `#ios-announcement-fall21` * `#security-announcement-fall21` * **6-week Joint Remote Android** (Spring 2021) * `#android-remote-spring21` * **6-week Joint Remote iOS** (Spring 2021) * `#ios-remote-spring21` * **6-week Joint Remote Cybersecurity** (Spring 2021) * `#security-remote-spring21` 3. **HELP CHANNELS**: This is a place where you can post questions and get help from our mentors and support team. * **Interview Prep** (June 2021) * `#se101-help-jun21` (Beginner) * `#se102-help-jun21` (Intermediate) * `#se103-help-jun21` (Advanced) * **Interview Prep Observer** (June 2021) * Not applicable, email for any questions. * **University Android** (Fall 2021) * `#android-unit01-fall2021` * `#android-unit02-fall2021` * `#android-unit03-fall2021` * `#android-unit04-fall2021` * `#android-unit05-fall2021` * `#android-unit06-fall2021` * `#android-gm-fall2021` * **University iOS** (Fall 2021) * `#ios-unit01-fall2021` * `#ios-unit02-fall2021` * `#ios-unit03-fall2021` * `#ios-unit04-fall2021` * `#ios-unit05-fall2021` * `#ios-unit06-fall2021` * `#ios-gm-fall2021` * **University Cybersecurity** (Spring 2021) * `#security-unit01-fall21` * `#security-unit02-fall21` * `#security-unit03-fall21` * `#security-unit04-fall21` * `#security-unit05-fall21` * `#security-unit06-fall21` * `#security-unit07_08-fall21` * `#security-unit09-fall21` * `#security-unit10_11-fall21` * `#security-unit12_13-fall21` * **6-week Joint Remote Android** (Spring 2021) * `#android-help-spring21` * **6-week Joint Remote iOS** (Spring 2021) * `#ios-help-spring21` * **6-week Joint Remote Cybersecurity** (Spring 2021) * `#security-help-spring21` ## Posting Questions :::danger If you are a part of an observer group, email your questions to ::: * Post it on the corresponding Slack help channels channels (specified above). ## Important channel sections * **Channel Bookmarks**: Important details relevant to your cohort. It is usually: * Link to the course policies, where you can check out the attendance and coursework submission policies and get to know how many absences or submission extensions you are allowed to have, or * Zoom link / schedule (for the joint remote courses) ![]( * **Pinned posts**: You can find important messages pinned here for easy access. This is found on the details panel shown on the right side in any channel or direct message, including group messages. (Read more about pinned posts [here]( ![]( * **Search tool**: Slack allows you to search through past messages and threads. This can be done in any channel and any direct message. (Read more about the search tool [here]( ![]( ## Direct messages (DMs) DMs are one-to-one conversations between you and another workspace member. Group direct messages (group DMs) are smaller discussions outside of channels between you and up to eight other members. You can start one anytime by using [this guide]( ## Muting channels You have the option to change the notification preferences or mute channels that you don't want to receive notifications for. For university cohorts, this could come in handy after finishing some units. You can read more about this [here]( ![](