--- tags: g0v.london title: "g0v.london: Dolphin Tank" image: https://i.imgur.com/lvnxq1j.png description: Dolphin Tank (aka “Project Lab”) is a sporadically-hosted breakout group with the main goal of helping attendees workshop ideas for potential projects. --- :::info :tada: Hello! If you're reading this, please feel welcome to contribute & improve this resource! ::: # g0v.london Dolphin Tank: About :red_circle: You are here: https://link.g0v.london/dolphin-tank _Dolphin Tank_ (aka "Project Lab") is a sporadically-hosted breakout group with the main goal of helping attendees **workshop ideas for potential breakout groups**. (like projects, learning groups, etc.) The **intended audience** includes both (1) people *with* potential breakout group ideas, and (2) people *looking for* upcoming breakouts or just eager to help others think things through. We communicate in [`#london-dolphin-tank`](https://app.slack.com/client/T02G2SXKM/C0484MXUN5D) on the g0v Slack team! [Please join!](https://join.g0v.tw) ## Past Meetings - [2022-10-26](https://hackmd.io/@patcon/HyMxuZDVi): workers rights in jewelry trade and more generally, UK MP connections to Chinese Communist Party. - [YYYY-MM-DD](https://hackmd.io/H9LXDVpnQ_i9jCOdwMiifw?edit): Template (optional) [:new:](https://hackmd.io/new) <sup>Also available: records of [past Dolpin Tank sessions](https://link.civictech.ca/dolphin-tank) run by our sister community in Toronto.</sup> ## Notes on Hosting <img style="float: left; margin-right: 25px; width: 50%" src="https://i.imgur.com/lvnxq1j.png"> **Who should host?** Co-organizers or any community member with enough experience to feel comfortable doing so **When best to host?** Whenever it feels like there is perhaps a shortage of projects for people to join. **Past Hosts:** @gabe, @mhellstern, @patcon, @mickm, you? ## Resources - from Civic Tech Toronto - [Project Lab: Facilitators' Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DJX-tfW1io3rv-JJvIKAYBK1n448AvOgkTwlMbARxvU/edit#heading=h.aqfpdtpxdfr6) (Feb 2018) - [GDrive folder: Project Support](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B5mbukaYfzU_bmVDYTJ3NTBRYlE?) (More archives) - [Project / Breakout Group / Idea Archive](https://trello.com/b/EVvNEGK5/hacknight-breakout-groups) #### Attribution <sup>Concept inspired by [Mary Kuhn's session of the same name at Chi Hack Night](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H-zebHibDbYFIO37f-fl5kT83wtK0-xiQrB_qjPZnUk/edit). Documentation and templates copied from [Civic Tech Toronto dolphin tank format](http://link.civictech.ca/dolphin-tank).</sup>