title: Intro talk
tags: Reprohack, ORDS
description: View the slide with "Slide Mode".
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## Welcome to our 1st ORDS ReproHack
<img src="https://github.com/ORDS-Rostock/1st-ords-reprohack/blob/main/reprohack-rostock.png?raw=true" alt="drawing" width="150"/>
Please sign in on the Hackpad: https://tinyurl.com/ORDS-ReproHack
It contains all event information and links to materials.
**Welcome** from the whole ReproHack team: Frank, Anja, Max and Manu and TKFDM: Jessica, Kevin and Roman
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<img src="https://github.com/ORDS-Rostock/1st-ords-reprohack/blob/main/Hackmd-screenshot.png?raw=true" alt="drawing" width=100%/>
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## Who we are
- *ORDS-team in the **Rostock-science-region***
- **Frank Krüger** (Uni Rostock, Institute of Communications Engineering)
- **Anja Eggert** (Institute for Farm Animal Biology)
- **Max Schröder** (Uni Rostock, Institute of Communications Engineering)
- **Manuela Reichelt** (Institute for Farm Animal Biology)
- ***Thuringian** Competence Network for Research Data Management*
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## How we start today
**9:30 - Opening and virtual come together**
* Introduction ORDS
* Icebreaker
* Introduction TKFDM
* Our ORDS-ReproHack variety
* The today's scientific article
* Selection of teams
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## Who is ORDS?
- :boom: We are a scientific network at the Graduate Academy of the University of Rostock.
- :boom: We want to bundle regional expertise in the fields of data analysis and statistics with open and reproducible science in the Rostock-science-region.
- :boom: We focus on the exchange of expertise between doctoral candidates and postdocs and all other interested scientists.
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## Icebreaker
<img src="https://github.com/ORDS-Rostock/1st-ords-reprohack/blob/main/ice-breaker-featured-image.jpg?raw=true" alt="drawing" width=60%/>
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## Icebreaker - Your turn
### Break-out rooms (7 mins)
- [ ] Who are you?
- [ ] Why are you here?
- [ ] What is your level of repro-experience?
- [ ] What is your favorite (new) hobby after a year of on/off Corona lock down?
**As a group: name your room!**
- [ ] What do you have in common?
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## Who is TKFDM?
<img src="https://github.com/ORDS-Rostock/1st-ords-reprohack/blob/main/tkfdm_logo_transparent_v1.png?raw=true" alt="drawing" width=60%/>
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## ReproHack objectives
1. Practical Experience in Reproducibility
2. Feedback to Authors
3. Networking and promoting open and reproducible data science
*Event governed by ReproHack Code of Conduct bit.ly/reprohack-coc*
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## Today's *ORDS*-ReproHack
- We chose only **one** scientific article by Luis M. Vilches-Blázquez & Daniela Ballari.
- You can either join the teams *Beginners*, *Advanced*, or *Experts* (or work individually)
<img src="https://github.com/ORDS-Rostock/1st-ords-reprohack/blob/main/ReproHack-paper_Vilches-Ballari.png?raw=true" alt="drawing" width=100%/>