title: 🙂 Yup
tags: build
description: Yup
image: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/3540691454/1535710532/1500x500
<h1 style="text-align: center;">🙂 Yup</h1>
<p style="text-align: center;
font-style: italic"><a href="https://yup.io" target="_blank">yup.io</a></p>
# About
- App: [app.yup.io](https://app.yup.io)
- Social media aggregator
- Read and cross post across platforms
# Features
- View feeds
- Post across multiple platforms
- Most features are available on mobile first: [Mobile beta waitlist](https://yupio.typeform.com/to/lXQyUc5e)
- Platforms: Twitter, Bluesky, Farcaster, and Lenster
# Community and support
- Twitter: [@yup_io](https://twitter.com/yup_io)
- Discord: [discord.gg/XuZYwmBT6p](https://t.co/DSp48D5FFK)
- Blog: [yup.mirror.xyz](https://yup.mirror.xyz)
- Documentation: [docs.yup.io](https://docs.yup.io)
# Opportunities
## Public audit
- Publish a third party security audit of how Yup manages the user's social media read and write credentials.
- E.g. ConsenSys Diligence, OpenZeppelin, Quantstamp, Sigma Prime, Trail of Bits, etc.
## Web app
- Easy sign in using the mobile app
- Scan the web app QR code with the phone, E.g. Farcaster web app sign in
- Sign-in with Ethereum (SIWE)
## Android app
#### Following feed
- Show all connected sources in *Following* feed
- E.g. Twitter, Lenster, Blueskey, etc. not showing in the feed: v0.0.17 *2023-07-25*
- [Video 2023-08-22](https://drive.proton.me/urls/4SN36NZ66M#UnOzfbqWC7b2)
#### Complete tags
- Keyboard not showing for the last item
- [Video 2023-08-22](https://drive.proton.me/urls/4QPF2WCAJR#pxM1esVQI1Zv)
- Search and show platform usernames in Create Post, Complete tags view
- This saves the user from having to open each platform to search for the usernames.
- Show a list of username results for each platform as the user types.
- Allow the user to select the username.
## Messaging
- Aggregate messaging protocols
- E.g. XMTP, Push Chat, etc.
## Business models
- Freemium
- E.g. Ad supported and ad-free paid platforms
- E.g. Offer unlimited read-access and limited posts per month, similar to Buffer
- Free trial
- E.g. Offer all features for a month
<p style="text-align: center; font-style: italic">This is not technical advice. Always read the official documentation and do your own research.</p>