Velotracker map of Köniz --- Here is the result: ![]( How was it made? First, for about 100 Swiss Francs, I bought a rugged, battery+solar powered TTN Velotracker from Luond Electronics, some nice people on the Zürisee. Of course, I could attach my own contraption, but it would never survive the hilly roads and weather conditions through which I bike. ![]( Get your own at - and connect it to The Things Network. Note that your bike will only be tracked if it's within range of an open gateway. Here's the current view on Bern in - clearly there are will be many gaps in reception: ![]( For better coverage, Velotracker gives you the option of connecting to Swisscom's LoRaWAN network for a monthly fee. ![]( After you've biked around a bit (I collected 8 months of data for the image above), export a CSV file from the PWA app. This should look like this: ![]( Then import it into a QGIS delimited text layer. The import dialog helps you to make sure the "lan" and "lot" columns are properly attributed. ![]( Then create a grid (hexagons are the bestagons!) and adjust the spacing until you're happy. ![]( Use the handy Count Points in Polygon tool with your Grid and point-layer: ![]( Finally add a dynamic opacity on the NUMPOINTS attribute that the tool has generated: ![]( You probably need to multiply it by a factor of 20 or so: ![]( Tweak the result, then hang it on your wall and be proud of your proof of spatial awareness! ![]( Thanks to the TTN Bern community for all the gateways that make this tracking possible `<3`