# [Breathe!](https://now.makezurich.ch/project/69)
# :relaxed:
Dejan, Emmanuel, Juerg, Lorenz, Maryna, Oleg & more!
_Problem to solve:_
We collect real-time air quality data with mobile devices.
_Goals:_ We want to make this data easier to collect, and easier to use.
_Means:_ Develop UX/UI, make sensor use TTN, have a better device
# Development tracks
## 1: Dashboards
We will need a dashboard that displays the data. Lorenz, Dejan, Oleg and Emmanuel discussed visual and technical options for mocking this up in an interactive way as a future direction for the project.
[![Pyxley+ TTN demo](https://i.imgur.com/HCK2jNd.png)](http://morpho1.datalets.ch:5050/)
## 2: Visualisations
Lorenz came through with a perfect way to display citizen-sourced data: Droplets!
![](https://i.imgur.com/ODmO8kw.jpg )
![](https://i.imgur.com/mb87dey.jpg )
![](https://i.imgur.com/5jwLD6T.jpg )
## 3: Current state of air quality
Dejan managed to make air quality be felt
![](https://i.imgur.com/qVC3QqW.jpg )
Maryna worked on an interactive prototype
![](https://i.imgur.com/B6Tjtkr.png )
## 4: LoRaWAN upstream
How to send data through TTN? Atomic design and Daisy-chaining FTW.
The data protocol is still WIP, but fake packets seem to go through.
![](https://i.imgur.com/ZKReM19.jpg =300x)|![](https://i.imgur.com/dNdagJe.png =x200)
## 5: Casing prototype
Juerg designed a 3D printable casing for the device, and shared the 3D files to do so. Emmanuel began a print in Geneva
![](https://i.imgur.com/bCu9pkp.png =300x)|![](https://i.imgur.com/MLE1Eca.jpg =200x)|![](https://i.imgur.com/GQlj7BW.jpg =300x)
## Feel free to contact us
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