# Meeting Notes 2024-07-09 ## Attendees 👉 Add your names here - @omri - @davidbrossard - Alex Olivier - Jeff Broberg - Phillip Messerschmidt - Atul Tulshibagwale - Jahan Moreh ## Agenda 1. Boxcarring update 2. Interop scenario & Demo update 3. RAR update 4. Next interop dates 4.1. Possible workshop at Authenticate (October 2024). David to follow up with Megan S. and Gail Hodges 4.2. IIW? ## Notes ### Boxcarring update - New spec at https://openid.github.io/authzen/authorization-api-1_1.html#name-access-evaluations-api - new key: evaluations - evaluations is a map of AuthZEN requests - evaluations can also contain a default set of values (See 7.1.1) that is reused across all requests - If an AuthZEN request already contains attributes for a category in the default section, then those attributes override the default attributes. - Please file comments or issues using Github issues: https://github.com/openid/authzen/issues - Gerry will take the lead on OIDF processes for 1.0 - suggests we submit the boxcarring proposal and not submit 1.0 at all to save time. - Let's aim for - Boxcarring interop demo in October - Submit 1.1 after October interop ### Interop scenario & Demo update - https://hackmd.io/rOm3BA4qSGmX477UXRNUuw?view ## Actions - Gerry to submit the 1.0 draft to become an implementer's draft at OIDF -