title: "Maintainers Meeting, 15th November 2023"
tags: maintainers, oakestra
datetime: 2023-11-02T16:00UTC
location: Online, Discord, the `#voice-meeting` voice channel
- maintainers
- Alexander (AM)
- Giovanni (GB)
- Nitinder (NM)
- Teodor (TM)
- Simon (SZ)
## 📋 Agenda
ToDos from last meeting
- [ ] NM: Discussion about GPU plugin
- [x] NM & GB: Add to the logging level discussion in open issue
- [x] TM & GB: Setup frontend CI/CD and `develop` workflow
- [x] GB: Open Frontend issue regarding grafana dahsboard in oakestra dashboard
- [x] GB: Update log issue, developer mode flag for metrics reporting. It can be logs but runtime info as well.
- [ ] MS: Discuss introduction of API gateway
- [ ] All: how to engage the community further? Demo videos? Blogs?
- [ ] All: Looking for feedback on wiki gateway documentation: https://hackmd.io/j2iE7P6zR2q7cmIZXXZ8XQ
- [ ] SZ, PS: Create issue about Unikernel IPv6 Support - wait for v0.4.203
- [x] GB: Merge to `main v0.4.204` in week 46 (Nov 15).
- [x] DM: FE documentation
- [x] NM: Support forum discussion
## 📢 Discussions
Updates on version release v0.4.204 discussions
NM: The logging issue might be interesting tor you TM, the intiial idea was to use the issue for initial contirbution. But this can be extended and you can think about this while exploring your thesis direction.
NM: Issue open here: https://github.com/oakestra/oakestra/issues/223
TM: Prometheus and Grafana. Where can I find it?
GB: Will add new documentation to make it clear. Most of the documentation is still valid from what Mehdi did.
GB: Regarding grafana dashboard, opened an issue with mockup of where the button goes (https://github.com/oakestra/dashboard/issues/44). Open problem on how to share the credentials.
GB: Might be relevant to TM.
TM: CI/CD pipeline now has a PR: https://github.com/oakestra/dashboard/pull/43
AM: Take this as a template. Its an industry standard -> https://github.com/oakestra/oakestra/pull/240
TM: How can we enforce that a workflow runs before.
GB: This will run every time. We need to enforce to work on `release` and only on `develop` branch.
TM: Are there any tests in Frontend repo
GB: No we do not have tests for FE
NM: Might be a good time to discuss with DM and handle this with priority.
TM: Should we rename `create-build` to something more descriptive?
GB: Yes, please feel free.
> New release published! https://github.com/oakestra/oakestra/releases/tag/v0.4.204
## 🛠️ TODOs
- [ ] NN, GB, TM: Logging level discussion
- [ ] GB, TM: Wiki doc for Grafana and Prometheus: https://hackmd.io/@oakestra/HJqj-OfVT/edit
- [ ] MS: Discuss introduction of API gateway
- [ ] NM: Discussion about GPU plugin
- [ ] All: how to engage the community further? Demo videos? Blogs?
- [ ] All: Looking for feedback on wiki gateway documentation: https://hackmd.io/j2iE7P6zR2q7cmIZXXZ8XQ
- [ ] SZ, PS: Create issue about Unikernel IPv6 Support
- [ ] GB, PS: Merge unikernel support to develop
- [ ] NM: Discussion about GPU plugin
- [ ] All: Looking for feedback on wiki gateway documentation: https://hackmd.io/j2iE7P6zR2q7cmIZXXZ8XQ
- [ ] MS: Discuss introduction of API gateway