# Provision of services agreement
A provision of services agreement is a contract between two parties that defines that one party will perform a service for another, in exchange for a financial compensation.
## Introduction
- **providerAddress** *address* What is the Ethereum address of the services provider?
- **clientAddress** *address* What is the Ethereum address of the client?
- **startingDate** *date* When is the effective date of the agreement?
- **endDateExists** *option* Is there an end date for the agreement?
- Yes
- No
- **endDate** *date* (endDateExists==1) What is the date the agreement will end?
## Contracted services
- **servicesExists** Do you want to describe the services being provided in the agreement?
1. Yes
2. No
- **servicesList** **longText** (servicesExist==!) Describe the services being provided under this contract.
## Compensation
- **compensationType** *option* How will the services provider be paid?
!help: Independent contractors can be paid either periodically, or at the end or completion of the work specified in the agreement.
1. A fixed wage
2. A set fee
3. After completing certain milestiones
4. Other
- **fixedWageRate** *number* (compensationType==1) What is the services provider rate?
- **fixedWageCurrency** *tokenlist* (compensationType==1) What is the crypto currency used to pay the services provider?
- **fixedWageRateFrequency** *option* (compensationType==1) What will be the frequency of the fixed wage rate?
1. Per hour
2. Per week
3. Per month
4. Per year
- **setFee** *number* (compensationType==2) Enter the amount, in U.S. dollars.
- **completedCertainMilestones** *text* (compensationType==3) Describe the milestones.
- **otherCompensation** *text* (compensationType==4) Enter the terms of payment.
## Payment Schedule
- **paymentSchedule** *option* When will the payments be made?
1. Every week
2. Every month
3. After services provider sends an invoice
- **weeklyPaymentSchedule** *text* (paymentSchedule==1) On which day of the week will the payments be made?
- **monthlyPaymentSchedule** *text* (paymentSchedule==2) On which day of the month will the payments be made?
- **invoicePaymentSchedule** *number* (paymentSchedule==3) Within how many days after receiving an invoice must payments be made?
- **invoiceFrecuency** *option* (paymentSchedule==3) How often will the services provider send invoices?
1. At the end of every week
2. On certain day of the month
3. After completing the services
- **invoicesClaimPeriod** *option* (invoiceFrecuency==2) On which period of the month will the invoices be submitted?
1. 1st-10th
2. 11th-20th
3. 21th-31st
- **completedServices** *number* (invoiceFrequency==3) Within how many days after completing the services will the invoices be submitted?
## Expenses and Reimbursement
- **reimbursmentExists** *option* Will the client reimburse the services provider for reasonable and necessary costs and expenses?
1. Yes
2. No
## Termination of Agreement
- **servicesEndType** *option* When will this agreement end?
1. After all of the services are completed
2. After a fixed period of time
3. On a specific date
4. At will
- **fixedPeriod** *days* (serviceEndType==2) Period of time after which agreement will end:
- **specificEndDate** *date* (serviceEndType==3) What date will the agreement terminate?
- **endingAtWill* *option* (serviceEndType==4) Is the provider required to give notice before termination?
1. Yes
2. No
- **terminationNotice** *days* (endingAtWill==1) How many days' notice must the services provider give before termination?
## Confidentiality
- **confidentialInformation** *option* Will any confidential information of the client be disclosed to the services provider?
1. Yes
2. No
## Insurance
- **insuranceExists** *option* Is the services provider required to maintain his or her own insurance for injuries or damages?
1. Yes
2. No
## Disputes
- **collateralExists** *option* Is there a collateral that can be disputed in this contract?
1. Yes
2. No
- **initialCollateral** *number* (collateralExists==1) How much collateral will the client place at the signature of the contract?
- **collateralToken** *tokenList* (collateralExists==1) What is the currency or currencies that will be used to pay this collateral?
- **disputeCollateral** *number* How much collateral must the provider place to raise a dispute of the contract?
- **disputeCollateralToken** *tokenList* What is the currency or currencies that will be used to pay this collateral?
- **extraInfo** *option* In the event a dispute arises, is there something else the Celeste keepers should take into account?
1. Yes
2. No
- **extraInfoDesc** *longtext* (extraInfo==1) What extra information should the keepers take into account?
# Services Provider Agreement
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, services provider hereby agrees to render the services to Client, beginning on {{**startingDate**}}, and Client agrees to pay services provider the fees required for the services.
Client and services provider may each be referred to in this Agreement as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties."
## Provider Obligations
Provider shall provide the following services to Client ("the services"): {{servicesList}}. In addition, Provider shall perform such other duties and tasks, or changes to the services, as may be agreed upon by the Parties.
## Compensation
{{#eq compensationType 1}}
In consideration for services provider's performance, client shall pay {{fixedWageRate}}, as a fixed wage {{fixedWageRateFrequency}}.
{{#eq compensationType 2}}
In consideration for services provider's performance, client shall pay {{setFee}}, as a set fee.
{{#eq compensationType 3}}
In consideration for services provider's performance, client shall pay the following ways: {{completedCertainMilestones}}
{{#eq compensationType 4}}
In consideration for services provider's performance, client shall pay the following ways: {{otherCompensation}}
## Payment Schedule
{{#eq paymentSchedule 1}}
Services provider will be paid {{weeklyPaymentSchedule}}.
{{#eq paymentSchedule 2}}
Services provider will be paid {{monthlyPaymentSchedule}}.
{{#eq paymentSchedule 3}}
**invoicePaymentSchedule** Services provider will be paid within {{invoicePaymentSchedule}} days after receiving independent contractor invoice. Services provider will submit invoices for payment {{invoiceFrecuency}}.
## Expenses and Reimbursement
{{#eq reimbursmentExists 1}}
The client will reimburse the services provider for reasonable and necessary costs and expenses.
## Insurance
{{#eq insuranceExists 1}}
The services provider must maintain its own insurance for injury or damage.
## Termination of Agreement
{{#eq servicesEndType 1}}
The relationship between provider and client shall be considered at-will. This Agreement shall be valid and in full effect as of the following date: {{**startingDate**}}("Starting Date") until all of services are completed.
{{#eq servicesEndType 2}}
The relationship between provider and client shall be considered at-will. This Agreement shall be valid and in full effect as of the following date: {{**startingDate**}}("Starting Date") until all of services are completed.
{{#eq servicesEndType 3}}
The relationship between provider and client shall be considered at-will. This Agreement shall be valid and in full effect as of the following date: {{**startingDate**}}("Starting Date") to after fixed period of time.
{{#eq servicesEndType 4}}
The relationship between provider and client shall be considered at-will. This Agreement shall be valid and in full effect as of the following date: {{**startingDate**}}("Starting Date") until the parties decide to terminate it.
{{#eq endingAtWill 1}}
The provider must give notice before termination, as follows: {{**terminationNotice**}}
## Disputes
In case of dispute, Celeste will be used as an Arbitrator.
{{#eq extraInfo 1}}
Celeste keepers should be aware that:
{{#eq collateralExist 1}}
There is an initial collateral that can be disputed in this contract of {{**initialCollateral**}} {{**collateralToken**}}
To raise a dispute on Celeste, the provider must place {{**disputeCollateral**}} {{**disputeCollateralToken**}}.
## Confidentiality
Unbreakable vows provides enryption as a basic layer Confidentiality as long as any of the parts reveals the content of the contract, either raising to celeste or sharing the private keys.