![logo-etherscan](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1mGeuXnT.svg) Etherscan.io is a website that provides various tools and services for exploring the Ethereum blockchain, the decentralized platform that runs smart contracts. Users can use Etherscan.io to view transactions, blocks, accounts, tokens, contracts, and other data on the Ethereum network. Etherscan.io also offers APIs, analytics, alerts, and other features to help users interact with the Ethereum ecosystem. In this article, we will explain properties found in a particular block. [Reviewed block](https://etherscan.io/block/19261063) ![Image of 19261063 Block](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SyvEwom3a.png) - **Block Height:** The block height represents the sequential order of a block within the Ethereum blockchain, with the genesis block(first block) beginning at zero. It can also be called **block number** it increases by one after the addition of a new block. Example: <kbd>**19261063 block is the 19,261,063rd block mined since the genesis block.**</kbd> - **Status:** The status indicates whether the block is valid and accepted by the network. If the status is ==Finalized== it means the block has been successfully added to the blockchain. Otherwise, it might be ==Pending== or ==Rejected== - **Timestamp:** The timestamp is the exact date and time when this block was mined. It provides a reference point for when the block’s transactions were processed. Example: <kbd>**15 mins ago (Feb-19-2024 10:03:11 AM +UTC)** </kbd> - **Proposed On:** This typically refers to the date and time when a particular Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) or other changes to the Ethereum network were proposed. Ethereum Improvement Proposals are proposals for changes or additions to the Ethereum protocol, which can include technical specifications, guidelines, and best practices. it usually indicates the initiation date of a proposed change or improvement to the Ethereum network. - **Transactions:** The number of transactions included in this block. Each transaction represents an action on the Ethereum network, such as transferring Ether (ETH) or interacting with smart contracts. - **Withdrawals:** Withdrawals simply refers to funds being moved out of a smart contract or other accounts. To the particular block - **Fee Recipent:** The address that receives transaction fees paid by users for including their transactions in the block. This is most likely the Miners addresses. - **Block Reward:** The reward given to the miner who successfully mined this block. It consists of newly minted Ether and transaction fee. It can be seen as providing economic incentives for network participants while contributing to the security and stability of the Ethereum network. - **Total Difficulty:** The cumulative difficulty of mining all previous blocks up to this one. It reflects the computational effort required to find a valid block hash. - **Size:** The size of the block in bytes. Larger blocks contain more transactions and require more computational resources to validate. Example: <kbd>343,371 bytes</kbd> - **Gas Used:** The total amount of gas consumed by executing all transactions within this block. Gas measures computational work on the Ethereum network. - **Gas Limit:** The maximum amount of gas allowed for transactions within this block. It prevents excessive resources usage. - **Base Fee Per Gas:** The base fee per gas is the minimum fee required for each unit of gas in a transaction to be included in a block. Introduce with Ethereum's London Hard Fork. Example: <kbd>0.000000028910788394 ETH (28.910788394 Gwei)</kbd> - **Burnt Fees:** The portion of transaction fees that is burned(destroyed) rather than distributed to miners as block reward. This mechanism helps regulate the total supply of Ether, introducing deflationary pressure, enhance scarcity and serves as incentive for users to transact responsibly on the network. - **Extra Data:** Arbitrary data that can be included in a block. It’s often used for additional context or notes. It is usually introduced by the block provider as a kind of provider identity. Example: <kbd>**rsync-builder.xyz (Hex:0x7273796e632d6275696c6465722e78797a)**</kbd> - **Hash:** This is a specific Hash value that serves as a unique identifier for a particular block. The hash function is a cryptographic function that takes an input and produces the hash value usually in hexadecimal format. The value is typically a one-way function, meaning it's easy to compute the hash value given an input, but it's extremely difficult (if not practically impossible) to reverse-engineer the original input given the hash value. This property is crucial for ensuring the security and integrity of blockchain data. Example: <kbd>**0x9d948b440407bada73527c576ef6517657df7d845a5647a09d727f07923ef945**</kbd> - **Parent Hash:** The hash of the previous block in the blockchain. it establishes the chronological order of blocks. also known as ==parent block==. Example: <kbd>**[0x4de64c491624d9d6c58891e34f2a9dea78cdd5c4c109b7047cde924f994600f8](https://etherscan.io/block/0x4de64c491624d9d6c58891e34f2a9dea78cdd5c4c109b7047cde924f994600f8)**</kbd> - **State Root:** A Merkle tree root representing the state of the Ethereum world after processing all transactions in this block. - **Withdrawals Root:** Similar to the state root, it represents the state of withdrawals (such as from smart contracts) after processing. - **Nonce:** A random number used during mining to find a valid block hash. It ensures that miners explore different possibilities. # Contact: - follow on **X** [@NueloDev](https://x.com/NueloDev)