# Git-it
### Checking whether you have Git installed
git --version
Should result with an output like below
## Introducing to Git
First check if Git knows you already
git config --list
Setting your Email and Username
git config --global user.name "<Your Name>"
git config --global user.email "<youremail@yourdomain.com>"
## Setting Default Text Editor
git config --global core.editor notepad
## Creating a Repository
git init <folder_name>
This creates a repository inside the *<folder_name>* that you've set.
* To work on the project/repo, you work inside the *<folder_name>*
* Open the folder in a Code Editor
* In your terminal, change the directory to the folder
cd <folder_name>
## Checking Repo Status
git status
Depending upon whether or not you are in a folder that is alreadytracked, you might get an error message as shown below as well.
## Staging Files/Folders
# To add all files and folders
git add *
# To add specific file
git add <file>
# To add specific folder
git add <folder>
# To add one by one
git add -p
### Exercise 1
* Create a folder for repository
## Committing the staged changes
# Commit Message should be meaningful
git commit -m "<Commit Message>"
## Working with Branches
## Working with Remote Repositories
## Interactive Practice
# :100: :muscle: :tada:
### Wrap up
- Introducing yourself to Git
- Creating a Repo
- Staging
- Committing
- Working with Branches
- Working with Remote Repositories
### Thank you!