tags: Annual Meeting
# Agenda for Annual meeting 2023: https://hackmd.io/@nordic-rse/annual_meeting_2023
# Annual meeting 2022
**General info**
- **Video connection details:**
- Zoom ID: 759 869 4537
- Zoom invite link: https://gu-se.zoom.us/my/mattomasini
- **Contact:**
- **Date and time**: Thursday 20th October 2022 at 14 CEST (15 EEST)
- **This page:** https://hackmd.io/@nordic-rse/annual_meeting_2022
- **If you cannot edit this document**: Add your HackMD username below and we will add you
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## Participants
- Luca Ferranti
- Matteo Tomasini
- Johan Hellsvik
- Shashank S. Harivyasi
- Patric Holmvall
- Florido Paganelli
- Samantha Wittke
- Richard Darst
- Jarno Rantaharju
- Waldir Leoncio
- Radovan Bast
- Maria G. Barrios Sazo
- Rohit Goswami
## Summary schedule
1. opening the meeting
2. choosing a chair, secretary, two auditors of the minutes and when necessary two vote counters
5. determining quorum and legality of the meeting
4. approving the agenda for the meeting
6. the associations financial statements, annual report and the statements of the auditors are presented
7. deciding on approving the financial statements and the discharging of the board and other accountable persons
8. establishing the action plan, the revenue and expenditure estimate and the amount of the membership and membership fees
9. choosing the chair of the board and other board members
10. choosing one or two auditors and deputy auditors (auditor = toiminnantarkastaja or tilintarkastaja depending on the size of the budget)
11. discussing other issues mentioned in the invitation to the meeting
## Opening the meeting
### Choosing chair
- Volunteer: Matteo
- Note taker: Radovan
### Choosing 2 auditors of meeting minutes
- Need volunteers, easy job: Read and sign the meeting minutes after the meeting. Either print, sign and scan, or sign electronically.
- Shashank S. Harivyasi
- Florido Paganelli
## Determining legality and quorum
- Invitation was sent no less than 7 days before the meeting by email. The meeting is in accordance to the statutes and has quorum.
- unanimous agreement
## Accepting the agenda
- This meeting follows the agenda for the annual meeting presented in the statutes.
- unanimous agreement
## the associations financial statements, annual report and the statements of the auditors are presented
- Annual report presented by Luca
- Management:
- Association registered
- Found a cheap solution for banking with Wise.com. Will be free for our needs for a while.
- Since the largest expense in the budged did not materialize, the board decided to not strongly advertise paying the membership fee. The board did not remove any members who have not paid.
- [Events](https://nordic-rse.org/events/):
- [Seminar series](https://nordic-rse.org/events/seminar-series/)
- talks interesting for RSEs, resuming next month
- Advent of Code event
- getting together weekly and chatting about advent of code challenges
- Unconference
- held 18. -- 19. 10, talks and discussions about RSE themes
- Weekly coffee break
- weekly moment to relax and chat
- Biweekly community meeting
- biweekly meeting open to anyone to propose ideas, activities etc.
- Other activities:
- JUFO class 1 recommendation for JOSS
- JUFO is Finnish ranking system of publication forums. JOSS currently not recognized (JUFO 0), lobbying to get it recognized
- Preparing an [RSE collaboration grant application for NeIC](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PjWaA2KLdwPaoQpqmPb5g0seZdczLQNuqRAXvhW1PZ8/edit)
- started from the observation that supporting projects outside of local university is difficult and having a common budget across universities/institutes might help
- Participated in creating the [International RSE Survey 2021/2022](https://softwaresaved.github.io/international-survey-2022/)
- still few issues in terms of identifiability being ironed out but will be disseminated soon
- Collaboration with affiliated organizations
- CodeRefinery (nordic-rse got seed funding from NeIC via CodeRefinery, and many initial members came from there).
- Budget and Financial statement:
- Since we did not strongly recommend the membership fee, we also did not create opportunities to use the income.
- Note on registration fee expenses: these are still liabilities and will be paid out when the person who made the payments requests it.
- [Budget and Financial statement](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14cgmSqn7wFO6HYsCBu1Ab5QQm2x0FqToQRsXGJzE-tU/edit )
- suggestion: export to PDF to make the statement more accessible and more "frozen" in time and link it from website
- Statement of the auditor Shashank S. Harivyasi
- happy with the activities of the organization
- congratulations for leading the organization through its first year
- written statement will be communicated later today on the board chat channel
## deciding on approving the financial statements and the discharging of the board and other accountable persons
- The current members of the board and other accountable persons are discharged from duty. This releases them from accountability.
- Either by unanimous agreement or by majority vote.
- unanimous agreement that the board is discharged
## establishing the action plan, the revenue and expenditure estimate and the amount of the membership and membership fees
- Suggested membership fee: 10 eur
- options discussed:
- "You can choose the amount (and it can be 0) but we recommend 10 eur"
- different types of members
- We have a fixed amount
- We have a fixed amount but if somebody has difficulties paying, they can join as concessionary member
- we have discussed what we would use the money for:
- reimburse JR for expenses made
- promotion/dissemination material (stickers, rollups, booth, tshirt)
- free snacks/food at RSE events/ conferences
- organization of conferences: 1 or 2 annual meetings
- honorarium for speakers
- travel awards to attend a meetings/conference
- reducing registration fee to conference
- [Budget](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14cgmSqn7wFO6HYsCBu1Ab5QQm2x0FqToQRsXGJzE-tU/edit )
### Fee options
- fixed fee: 10€, you need to pay the fee to be a member and vote, concessionary membership can be granted upon request and to be considered on a per-case basis (voters: RD, RG, LF, MT, SW, RB, FP, PH, SSH, JH, JR, MB)
- 12 votes for out of 13 present voting members
- 1 abstention
- majority has voted for this fee option
- 10€ fee recommended, 0€ OK (implies that on our side they are all equal) (voters: )
- concern: association could get "flooded" with members who do not pay and acquire the majority and do not act and decide in the interest of the association
- this option has been rejected
## Electing the chair and vice chair and members of the board
- Need
- secretary
- chair and vice chair
- 1-5 more members
- possibly alternate members for each full member
- Registering a non-Finnish chair may incur a cost, but this needs to be paid only once.
- Call for volunteers
- Suggestions / Volunteers:
- Chair: Jarno Rantaharju (FI)
- RSE at Aalto University
- Vice chair: Matteo Tomasini (SE)
- RSE at the Centre for Digital Humanities, University of Gothenburg
- Treasurer: Luca Ferranti (FI)
- PhD student, University of Vaasa, Finland; software engineer
- Secretary: Rohit Goswami (IS)
- PhD student, University of Iceland; Software Engineer, Quansight Labs
- Samantha Wittke (FI)
- CSC, Aalto University
- Johan Hellsvik (SE)
- PDC/KTH Stockholm
- Maria G. Barrios Sazo (NO)
- RSE, Institute Theoretical Astro University of Oslo
- Stephan Smuts (DK)
- Aarhus University
- Volunteers for deputy board member:
- Radovan Bast (NO)
- RSE, University of Tromso
- Patric Holmvall (SE)
- Postdoc/RSE, Uppsala University
- conclusion: new board is assigned by unanimous vote to elect all the volunteers above
## Electing auditors
- choosing one or two auditors and deputy auditors
- Volunteers:
- Shashank S. Harivyasi (DE)
- RSE, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Florido Paganelli (LU/SE)
- Research Engineer, Lund University
- result of the vote: confirmed unanimously
## discussing other issues mentioned in the invitation to the meeting
- No issues mentioned.
## Closing the meeting
- closed 15:25 CEST
## Signatures
---------------- ----------------
<Matteo Tomasini> <Radovan Bast>
<Jarno Rantaharju>