# Local Services and Sustainability
Meaningful Connectivity Definition
Community-oriented perspective
Framing Local Services needs
## Meaningful Connectivity Definition (ITU)
1. infrastructure
2. affordability
3. device
4. skills
5. security and safety
## Community-oriented perspective
Going beyond internet connectivity: community dialogues and assessments around community values, needs, in order to determine ‘meaning’
> People and communities shape, use, and benefit from community-centred connectivity, local services and digital technologies to meet information and communication needs and strengthen local economies and culture.
## Framing Local Services needs
* Health and community care
* Territorial and environment protection
* Agriculture and local production
* Education and capacity building
* Local and circular economies
* Language diversity and preservation
* Communication facilities
* Access to public services
## Challenges
Readiness factors
* foster user-experience (UX) on local service platforms since early tests
* trials with different groups, such as older persons, youth, women, and other intersectional aspects
* system administration or technical personnel for the maintenance of local content upkeep
* content moderation
## Challenges
Digital moderation, digital security and mitigating risks
* harmfull content fast response
* data protection (sensitive information, cultural heritage)
Raising and keeping interest and engagement
* competicion is not with other local services platforms, as community memebers don't know them, it is with major platforms like Meta and Google
* creating the tech is only one piece of the puzzle
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