Nalin Bhardwaj


Joined on Sep 9, 2021

  • ~lsankar, nibnalin, phated In dark forest, players don’t know other player locations unless they’ve mined them. The amount of work to mine an entire map is fixed and finite. There’s always some amount of finite capital that could allow a player to mine the entire map in a small amount of time. Everyone knows this. In afterimage, the past behaves in a similar way, but the future is un-mineable. The commitment associated with a game action commits to the latest block hash (a pseudorandom number in a giant field) alongside the player's state. It’s impossible to guess block hashes from the future, thus it’s impossible to mine the future, with any amount of capital. What follows is a romanticized exploration of this game mechanic, and of decentralised multiplayer games in general. Alternative title, timeless.
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