Neurobagel deployment === - nginx and config - SSL certificates - docker compose management - differences from the public docker compose recipe - plausible Resources: - ## Auto-configured NGINX - - automatically creates new reverse proxy routes for docker containers or docker compose stacks - you only need to provide the proxied URL name as a `ENV` variable - e.g. `--env` to create a route for `` - see also: [detailed docs]( - - is a companion project for `nginx-proxy` - it automatically requests SSL certificates from letsencrypt for new docker containers or compose stacks - you need to only provide another `ENV` variable - e.g. `--env ""` to get an SSL certificate for `` - see also: [detailed docs]( Custom configuration of NGINX for each domain can be done following these instructions: - - Configuration directories/files should be created locally and then mounted into the NGINX container in the docker-compose.yml - e.g. To increase timeout, following lines added to a `conf.d/my_proxy.conf` file: ```bash proxy_read_timeout 900; proxy_connect_timeout 900; proxy_send_timeout 900; ``` **HOWTO**: 1. Create a `docker-compose.yml` file that contains both `nginx-proxy` AND `acme-companion`. - e.g. here: - be sure to expose the docker socket as a volume! 2. Launch the nginx+acme docker compose stack. Take note of the network name that gets created 3. Launch your production docker containers/compose stacks and - add the NGINX+ACME environment variables for the services that need to be publicly reachable: - `VIRTUAL_HOST` - `LETSENCRYPT_HOST` (should be same as `VIRTUAL_HOST`) - `VIRTUAL_PORT` -> this is the internal port used **inside** the container, not the one exposed to the host! - add the publicly reachable services to the NGINX+ACME network. E.g. like so: - If using `docker run`, can specify `--net` 4. Look at the nginx+acme logs to ensure that the routes and SSL certificates are created correctly 5. Ensure that the subdomain has been correctly configured in Cloudflare