# NEAR Certified Instructor Leadership and qualities of a leadership are important. ## Links - [NEAR 101](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jNpzqRAm44HGefgrlOpXV-qwJQQ1X8JOBSpxhkUNchI/edit?usp=sharing) - An introductory workshop for web developers. - [NEAR 201 - Intro to NEAR for Senior Developers](https://hackmd.io/@nearly-learning/near-201) - NEAR Certified Developer I: https://hackmd.io/@nearly-learning/ncd-1-1d - [Presentation](https://bit.ly/ncd-1-1d-slides) - [Hello AssemblyScript](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Sz823KGP_dI2bNUoTlQtphI3Sz2Jej5bmYl-oYhp5HM) - Using AssemblyScript to build contracts on NEAR Protocol - [NEAR Certified Developer L1 in Spanish](https://cristian-zambrano.gitbook.io/near-hispano/pre-work/dia-0-antes-de-iniciar) - [NEAR Certified Developer - NEAR Hispano](https://www.notion.so/NEAR-Certified-Developer-1410229ef3b14156bdae25e03372babb) - NEAR Certified Developer II: https://hackmd.io/@nearly-learning/ncd-2-1d - [Exploring](https://hackmd.io/@nearly-learning/ncd-2-1d--exploring) - [Presentation](https://bit.ly/ncd-2-1d-slides) - [FrontEnd implementation](https://github.com/near/near-api-js) - NCI resources: https://bit.ly/nci-resources - NCI course: https://hackmd.io/@nearly-learning/nci - [NCD Demo submission](https://airtable.com/shrPNZwDh2o646eJd) - Near Protocol Notes: https://git-leon.github.io/near-protocol-notes/ - [NEAR Growth Mentorships](https://proyecto26.notion.site/proyecto26/277197f654b24ff2a9e25a2f4e46d600?v=021928c3e82b4bd18997ff4d7be0d070) - find a mentor or be the mentor you wish you had 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 ### Videos - NEAR Hispano: - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGJRj-rzdgow2nIAZ_pTkbQ/playlists - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLixWO0N_iFTPr5LSe6s1RZfEw6yXPWV7p - Build and deployment of a contract - https://github.com/Learn-NEAR/starter--near-sdk-as#videos ### Dev Projects - [🎓 Lottery dapp](https://github.com/Learn-NEAR/NCD.L2.sample--lottery) - NEAR clock is used with a virtual machine to generate random numbers - [The Meme Museum](https://github.com/hiba-machfej/near-meme-museum-ui) - [Meme museum](https://github.com/Learn-NEAR/NCD.L2.sample--meme-museum) - [Narwallets](https://narwallets.com/) - The NEAR Chrome extension wallet - [NEAR PIN](https://github.com/eadsoy/NEAR-L2-Near-Pin) - [Tanda Dapp](https://github.com/NEAR-Hispano/Tanda-Dapp) - Dapp usando el modelo de ahorros conocido como Tanda. - [BuyMeNear](https://github.com/proyecto26/BuyMeNear) - A revolutionary, meaningful way to fund your creative work. ### NEAR Resources - [NEAR CLI](https://docs.near.org/docs/tools/near-cli#setup) - A CLI to connect to and interact with the NEAR blockchain. - [Awesome NEAR](https://awesomenear.com/) - Curated list of all projects building on NEAR ecosystem. - [Learn NEAR](https://github.com/learn-near) - A collection of learning materials for NEAR Protocol. - [NEAR Education Fellowship Programs](https://www.near.university/earn/fellowship) - [Hiring Devs/Teachers](https://near.org/blog/near-education-1000-teachers-program/) - Create an Ecosystem of Teachers by [NEAR Education](https://near.org/education/) - [Become a Teacher](https://www.near.university/teach) - [NEAR in Minutes](https://near-in-minutes.com/) - Learn NEAR in a Community-based initiative - [Refactoring a simple example](https://youtu.be/QP7aveSqRPo) - A NEAR smart contract written in AssemblyScript - [NEAR Protocol Workshop](http://bit.ly/near-sdk-as) - Exploring AssemblyScript Contracts - [Building a CRUD dApp](https://docs.near.org/docs/tutorials/apps/todos-crud-app) - [NEAR Protocol Specification](https://nomicon.io/) - [NEAR App Examples](https://github.com/near-apps) - [Cross-contract calls](https://github.com/near-examples/cross-contract-calls) - [NEAR Utilities for accounts](https://github.com/Learn-NEAR/near-account-utils) #### Discussions - [Frontier Tools Update](https://github.com/near/community/discussions/137) - **near-api-js**, the developer dashboard, and a Javascript SDK for smart contract development. ### General resources - [Solidity Path](https://cryptozombies.io/en/course) - Beginner to Intermediate Smart Contracts - [HackMD](https://hackmd.io/) - Get everyone on the same page with Markdown - [Slido](https://www.sli.do/product) - Empower your audience to ask questions, vote in polls and be a part of the discussion by using a simple Q&A and polling tool. - [Awesome WebAssembly Languages](https://github.com/appcypher/awesome-wasm-langs) - A curated list of languages that compile directly to or have their VMs in WebAssembly. ### Teacher resources - [Telling Tension](https://www.sellingpower.com/2010/02/02/8771/what-is-telling-tension-and-how-do-you-manage-it) - What Is “Telling Tension” and How Do You Manage It? - [Ask Questions here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/nearprotocol) - [Course Feedback](https://bit.ly/nc-nps) - [Gas Concept](https://docs.near.org/docs/concepts/gas) - [Architecture Papers](https://docs.near.org/docs/concepts/architecture/papers) - [nearup](https://github.com/near/nearup) - Launch NEAR betanet and testnet nodes. - [Fellowship Programs](https://www.near.university/earn/fellowship) - [Ambassador Program](https://www.near.university/earn/ambassador-program) - [NEAR University Marketing](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19LAZsrfvFt2GpHPhVjCMzUekqOwjw1PekBx6jMuK5LY/edit?usp=sharing) - [nearclientios](https://github.com/near/near-api-swift) - Interact with NEAR blockchain from iOS and OS X apps using Swift - [near-api-js Starter Kit](https://github.com/Learn-NEAR/starter--near-api-js) - get oriented to frontend development - [near-sdk-as Starter Kit](https://github.com/Learn-NEAR/starter--near-sdk-as) - starting point for your AssemblyScript project - [NEAR weekly updates](https://gov.near.org/tag/weekly-updates) - [Engineering Weekly Update](https://gov.near.org/t/engineering-weekly-update-2021-12-13/10904) - [Explore the NEAR Blockchain](https://explorer.near.org/) - [NEAR Staking](https://near-staking.com/) - Participate in the network - [Hardware Requirements](https://wiki.near.org/network/validators/hardware) - [NEAR REST API SERVER](https://github.com/zavodil/near-api-server) - [DAO for NEAR](https://astrodao.com/) - [Mint, Sell & Develop on your own smart contract](https://www.mintbase.io/) - [Contracts for NEAR Academy](https://github.com/Learn-NEAR/NCD.L1.sample--meme-museum/blob/main/src/museum/assembly/index.ts#L63) ### Commands - `npm i -g near-cli` - `near state sherif.testnet` - Account info - `near keys sherif.testnet` - Cryptographic keys associated to the account - FunctionCalls are used for limited access (write, etc) - FullAccess allows you to remove the account, etc --- # Project Ideas ## Easy Onboarding ("normyboarding") - NFT - DAO - DeFi each topic above would have the same treatment, answering the questions grouped in 3 parts … per topic, so all three question groups for NFT, all three groups for DAO, etc 1. in 500-1000 words: `why` does this matter? why now? how am i supposed to think about it? how should i pay attention to / keep up with it? 2. in 500-1000 words: `what` can i do to try it? where do i use it? when do i use it? what should i even do with it? what are other people doing with it? 3. in 500-1000 words: `how` is it made exactly? how can i make it myself? where i can learn about how it’s made and how to make it? who makes it? *part 1 would be some text and diagrams, maybe a brief 1-2 min explainer video as alternative media to the text* *part 2 would be a list of links to dApps to use, maybe a 30-60 second screen recorded walkthrough of buying an NFT on Paras or farming rewards on ref.finance* *part 3 would be a list of links to sample code, courses that people could take, self-paced courses and facilitated courses, certifications, student testimonials, feedback, etc* this has been a burning priority for a few months now so any help we can get on shipping this would be great