title: The Zen of Very Good Science
- Natalie Thurlby
- Robert Arbon
date: 16.10.2019
version: 1.0.0
tags: VGS
# The Zen of Very Good Science
## The Zen:
**Very Good Science is kind,**
**And Very Good Science is for everyone.**
**Very Good Science values technical rigour.**
Very Good Scientists take care not to fool themselves
As they know they’re the easiest person to fool.
Very Good Science does not need a hypothesis,
But where it does, the hypothesis should be registered,
And sample size and statistical power should be considered and reported.
P-hacking has no place in Very Good Science.
Very Good Science also knows that technical rigour isn’t enough.
**Very good science values communication,**
To both the public and other scientists.
Very Good Science is open where possible;
Its outputs are FAIR: findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.
Very Good Scientific software is well-documented.
All science has limitations and assumptions,
But Very Good Science is aware of them,
and communicates them clearly.
Very Good Science stores inputs and outputs carefully,
And carefully and accurately records it’s process.
Very Good Science does not care what the result is,
it makes all results available.
Very Good Science writes down it’s plan,
But doesn’t always go to plan.
**Very good science is not about results.**
Very Good Science is not measured in citations, impact factor, or h-index.
Or in p-value, power, or effect size.
Metrics and statistics can be informative, but Very Good Science is a process.
Very Good Science doesn’t care how many browser tabs you have open.
Because Very Good Science is not about style.
Practicality is only one part of Very Good Science.
Very Good Science is about making sure that everyone can contribute
And that everyone can benefit from science.
Very Good Science should be reproducible, reliable and equitable.
**Very Good Science cares about quality not quantity.**
Stress, all-nighters, and feature creep are enemies of Very Good Science.
Very good Scientists are encouraged to set limits and say no,
And to work only the hours they are paid.
**Very Good Science is inclusive and collaborative.**
Very Good Science comes in many different flavours.
Including qualitative, exploratory, theoretical and experimental.
And it knows that it is not the only Very Good research.
Very Good Science is kind,
And incorporates different lifestyles including the family.
A Very Good scientific project has an actionable code of conduct.
Very Good Science gives credit freely to all those that contributed,
Including citing software, data, and research.
**Very Good Science is ethical,**
And considers ethics beyond the legal bare minimum,
For research professionals and research subjects,
As well as those who could be impacted by the research.
**Very Good Science is not all-or-nothing.**
Very Good Scientists try their best,
They are always learning,
And are not embarrassed by asking for help.
It’s a privilege to be able to carry out Very Good Science.
Very Good Scientists will critique to improve, but not criticise.
They lift others up, not put them down.
Very Good Science takes care not to be puritanical.
The guidelines of Very Good Science are a work in progress.
We are all still learning to do Very Good Science.
Very Good Science knows that perfect science doesn’t exist.
**Very Good Science tries to get the word out!
**Very Good Science is for you.**
Welcome! :heart: