--- tags: Witcher 3 --- # AMM: Disable Roach Features </br> *by munchyfly* ( [Nexus](https://www.nexusmods.com/users/5320603) | [Carrd](https://munchyfly.carrd.co/) ) </br> :::danger - This tutorial was made on version 1.32. Not sure if it will work on Next Gen. ::: </br> --- If you want to use other mods that alter Roach but are conflicting with AMM or you don't want to use the Roach part of AMM at all, follow these steps: </br> :::info This worked for me. If it doesn't work for you or you have any trouble with it, let me know and I'll try to help you. ::: </br> Download [AMM](https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/780) </br> --- </br> In `modAMM\content\`: - Delete `blob0.bundle` and `metadata.store`. </br> In `modAMM\content\scripts\game\`: - Delete the `vehicles` folder. </br> In `modAMM\content\scripts\local\AMM.ws`: </br></br> At line `373`: Replace ```javascript InitAMMRoach(); ``` with ```javascript //InitAMMRoach(); ``` </br></br> At lines `381`, `387`, `393`, `406`, `411`, `416`, `419`: Replace ```javascript RefreshRoach(); ``` with ```javascript //RefreshRoach(); ```