20180704 會議記錄 ====== ## Dev update ### Release tonight! #### Version - API, site supporting 送出理由 - landing page i18n See [staging](http://) for preview #### Current status - latest API, site production image already pulled on server - Pending review: https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-db/pull/27 #### Migration process 1. Apply reindex & schema upgrade on port 62223 2. `docker-compose up -d site api` 3. Check if production is working. If not, `docker-compose restart nginx` 4. restart DB with no port open ### 送出理由 LINE bot part > GGM ### Bugfix: order of the replies on LINE bot > https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-line-bot/issues/78 ### New enhancement Reduce deprecation warning caused by API server > https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-api/issues/92 ### URL preview > Johnson Finish in this 2 weeks ## 大松 ### 找人翻譯例子 See: https://hackmd.io/s/r1bmhgbGm#%E5%A4%A7%E6%9D%BE 1. 需要開個 hackmd 方便協作。 2. 修改投影片,增加徵求訊息。 ### New report: Trend chart of given article IDs Displays number of events for a given time span. - Fixed Filter: event category = "Article" and event action "Selected" - Filter control: event label (article ID) ### New reports: latest article-reply connection authors How? Through API? https://developers.google.com/datastudio/connector/get-started ### 大松成果報告:雙月謠言觀察 從最多查詢的列表挑出文章,將相似的分類在一起,然後排序,挑個 5 則(5組)左右的訊息來報告。 顯示 trend chart for these article IDs ### 感謝本日與兩月內的編輯 > Ref: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cofacts/permalink/2169491099949374/ > 希望有ㄧ~兩週內有參與的編輯 & 篇數的圖表 可以鼓勵到編輯 ## Comm Updates - 壹電視 - email sent from GGM - Taipei times - No more follow-up questions - Add answerer? - 誰來晚餐 - 同意會把音樂版權 notice 放進去 - 收到原始檔了 - 網路人氣票選活動:2018年7月10日至7月31日24:00止。 - 貼圖完稿 - Bil, GGM: 圖沒有問題唷。 - 貼圖上架:GGM 研究是否可行ing - 需要請 Hazel 回信