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101.0 Firefox Release
May 31, 2022
Version 101.0, first offered to Release channel users on May 31, 2022
We’d like to extend a special thank you to all of the new Mozillians who contributed to this release of Firefox!

### New
* Reading is now easier with the `prefers-contrast` media query, which allows sites to detect if the user has requested that web content is presented with a higher (or lower) contrast.
* 藉由 `prefers-contrast` media query 讓閱讀更輕鬆。網站現在可以得知「使用者要求以更高(或更低)的對比顯示網頁內容」。
* It’s your choice! All non-configured MIME types can now be assigned a custom action upon download completion.
* 在檔案下載完成後,可針對未設定的 MIME types 指定自定行為,都聽你的!
> [name=pan93412] 「都聽你的!」有點突兀。
> [name=irvin] 算是我們文案的特色之一啦
* Firefox now allows users to use as many microphones as you want, at the same time, during video conferencing. The most exciting benefit is that you can easily switch your microphones at any time (if your conferencing service provider enables this flexibility).
* Firefox 現在支援使用者在視訊會議時同時使用多個麥克風。最大的好處是(如果會議服務有支援時)你可以隨時切換來源麥克風。

### Fixed
* Various [security]( fixes.
* 修補多個[安全弱點](。

### Changed
* Removed "subject common name" fallback support from certificate validation. This fallback mode was previously enabled only for manually installed certificates. The CA Browser Forum Baseline Requirements have required the presence of the "subjectAltName" extension since 2012, and use of the subject common name was deprecated in RFC 2818.
* 憑證驗證移除「subject common name」回退支援。過去這個 fallback 模式只對人工安裝的憑證啟動。CA Browser Forum Baseline Requirements 自 2012 年起即要求必須使用「subjectAltName」擴充,「subject common name」已在 RFC 2818 標記為棄用(deprecated)。

### Enterprise
* Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. You can find more information in the [Firefox for Enterprise 101 Release Notes](
* 在最新的 Firefox 中修復多個 Bug 與加入新政策,您可在 [Firefox 101 企業版版本資訊]( 找到更多資訊。

### Developer
* [Developer Information](
* [Firefox 101 開發者資訊](
* **Inspector panel:** When adding/removing a class name to/from an existing HTML element (using .cls button in Rules View), an autocomplete drop down automatically offers all existing class names on the page. In Firefox 101 the selected class name in the autocomplete drop-down list is auto-applied immediately as the user changes the selection of the autocomplete list (using up/down arrow keys). This is especially useful for quick testing of various styles.
* **檢測器面板:** 在現有的 HTML 元件(透過「規則」檢視的 .cls 按鈕)加入/移除 class 名稱時,自動補完下拉選單會提供頁面上的所有 class 名稱列表。在 Firefox 101 中,當使用者用上下鈕變更選擇的 class 會即時套用。這在快速測試多個樣式時特別有用。
* **Inspector panel:** This new option can be used to disable “drag to update” features in the Rule View (values of some CSS properties e.g., sizes can be modified by dragging the mouse horizontally).
* **檢測器面板:** 新增選項以停用「規則」視圖中的「拖曳變更」功能(諸如 size 等 CSS 屬性可以透過滑鼠水平拖曳來變更)

* **WebDriver BiDi:** This [protocol]( is enabled on the release channel to support external tools such as Selenium, which plan to start using WebDriver BiDi for Firefox. WebDriver-BiDi aims to provide a cross-browser protocol for browser automation that meets the requirements of modern web application testing tools. This allows both the client and the server to send & receive requests and responses.
* **WebDriver BiDi:** 在正式版本頻道中啟用這個 [協定]( 以支援 Selenium 等計畫透過 WebDriver BiDi 支援 Firefox 的外部工具。WebDriver-BiDi 的目標是透過跨瀏覽器的通訊協定來達到瀏覽器自動化,以滿足當代網頁應用程式自動測試工具的需求。這同時允許伺服器及服務端發送與接收需求及回應。

### Web Platform
* Firefox new has added support for [large, small, dynamic viewport units]( and logical ones ([\*vi]( and [\*vb]( This gives users the flexibility to choose whether page elements are sized to the “smallest” viewport size (dynamic toolbar visible), “largest” viewport size (dynamic toolbar hidden), or “dynamic” viewport size (based on current status of dynamic toolbar).
* Firefox 新增 [large, small, dynamic viewport units]( 及 ([\*vi]( 與 [\*vb]( 等邏輯變數的支援。這提供使用者選擇讓網頁元素縮放到「最小」(動態工具列可視時)、「最大」(動態工具列隱藏時)或「變動」的 viewport 尺寸(根據動態工具列的現有狀態而定)。
* Firefox 101 features added web conferencing support for enumerating (reducing errors caused by transposing or mistyping numbers) and selecting multiple audio input devices (giving you the ability to record or process multiple separate audio sources together, synchronously, at once) through navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().
* Firefox 101 在網路視訊會議時支援透過 navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() 支援多重聲音輸入裝置的列舉 (以減少轉換或輸錯代碼的相關錯誤)及選取(同時同步的錄製與處理多重音源)。

### Community Contributions 社群貢獻者
* With the release of Firefox 101, we are pleased to welcome all the developers who contributed their first code change to Firefox in this release. Please join us in thanking each of these diligent and enthusiastic individuals, and take a look at their contributions:
* 隨著 Firefox 101 的釋出,我們非常開心的歡迎以下首次貢獻程式到 Firefox 的貢獻者。與我們一起感謝這些勤奮與熱情的個人貢獻者,並看看他們的貢獻:
* av: [Bug 1762483]( and [Bug 1763262](
* irwp: [Bug 1762785]( and [Bug 1762909](
* johann.koenig: [Bug 1759324](
* karnikk1406120: [Bug 1762683]( and [Bug 1763000](
* Manisha.singh2019: [Bug 1739139](, [Bug 1763865](, and [Bug 1765459](
* michel: [Bug 1661450](
* Samuraix221: [Bug 1708511]( and [Bug 1762459](
* aline\_g: [Bug 1765639](
* Dmitrij Feller: [Bug 1757751]( and [Bug 1766409](
* Jakub Šebek: [Bug 1764118](
* Janvi Bajoria: [Bug 1763717](
* Max: [Bug 1762316]( and [Bug 1762499](
* Michel Le Bihan: [Bug 1706354]( and [Bug 1764541](
* Roy Christo: [Bug 1762749](
* Simon McVittie: [Bug 1494436](
* sayuree: [Bug 1624984](, [Bug 1666456](, [Bug 1702491](, and [Bug 1762259](