# Common Voice Meetup 會後信 會後資訊 Further info about Common Voice migrated from https://moztw.hackpad.tw/Common-Voice-Meetup-after-info ###### tags: `Common Voice` --- Hi, 感謝你參與 7/19 的 Common Voice 聚會。 Thanks for participating in Common Voice meetup on July 19. 1. 討論頻道 Community Channels 我們開設了兩個 IM 群組,歡迎加入一起討論。 We had created two IM channels for further discussion. - Line: http://line.me/ti/g/GXvGlgG0As - Telegram: https://t.me/moztwCV 2. 投影片 Slide 當天的投影片與錄影在此。 The slide and video of the event。 - Slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15GAmVfL_W8-yVoN6XKedRULVGd5n6bmY4pGy8-m8wiQ/edit?ts=5b4d9337 - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gjzYO6En_Q 3. 照片 Photo 當天的共享相簿在這,歡迎大家也上傳你的照片。 This is our shared album, you’re welcome to upload your photos too. https://photos.app.goo.gl/o9YYtyFURMrkeT2D7 4. 報導 News 我們收集了一些 Common Voice 的繁中報導與文章,歡迎協助收集;如果你有相關紀錄,也請與我們分享。 We had collected some zh-TW news and blogs about Common Voice, if you have also written something about the event, please share with us. https://moztw.hackpad.tw/common-voice-zhtw-news 5. 協助句庫收集 Help collect sentences 如果你也想要幫忙一起建置這個自由語音資料庫,現在就捐出你的個人創作(小說、劇本、Blog、對話紀錄)或協助整理現有素材(政府新聞稿⋯⋯等)吧! If you want to help building sentences database, donate your creative (novel, script, blog, chatlog…) or assisting collect public materials (gov. press release…etc) now! 請按照以下步驟進行: 1. 原始材料必須是公眾領域或 CC0 授權(任何其他授權皆不可用),或者你願意公開為公眾領域的資料(放棄送出內容的一切權利) 2. 將你準備好的原始材料,貼到文字編輯器 3. 將內容的句點全部更換成換行,一行一句,長度約為 5~10 秒 4. 保留「日常對話」風格的語句,把所有其他不適合(不是對話,不適合讓人錄音⋯⋯)的句子刪除 5. 記得把個人資訊去掉 6. 將檔案儲存為 txt 檔,並且 1. 發送給 Irvin ( t.me/Irvin or irvin@moztw.org ) 或 2. PR 到此 https://github.com/irvin/voice-web/tree/master/server/data/zh-TW 有任何問題歡迎在 IM 群組討論。 Please follow the steps: 1. The original materials need to be in the public domain or CC0 license, or you would like to release it (without reserve any rights). 2. Paste all your materials into a text editor 3. Break sentences into lines, one sentence per line, the length should be around 5-10 seconds. 4. Preserve “daily dialogue” sentences and remove all unsuitable. (Non-dialog, not recordable… etc.) 5. Remove any personal information 6. Save the file into the .txt file and 1) send to Irvin (t.me/Irvin or irvin@moztw.org ) or 2) create PR here https://github.com/irvin/voice-web/tree/master/server/data/zh-TW Welcome to raise your questions on IM groups. MozTW / Mozilla / 台灣人工智慧社團