### HackOdense #3 - recon!
![](https://secure.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/8/7/e/f/highres_481534799.jpeg =600x)
- **Who:** HackOdense and friends
- **Location:** Room X0.03
- **Date:** June 6th 2019, 17.00
### Agenda
1. Hello and welcome - [name=moozer], [name=Jeppe], [name=silverbaq]
3. Introducing network recon :watch: `17:15` - [name=moozer]
5. Hands-on - guided stuff :watch: `17:45` -[name=moozer]
5. Pizza :watch: `18:30`
7. Hands-on - free form w. suggestions :watch: `19:00` - [name=moozer]
8. The end
### Welcome
| Silverbaq | Jeppe | Moozer |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| @silverbaq | @ern_st | @moozer |
| ![](https://i.imgur.com/owPGVfN.jpg =150x)| ![](https://i.imgur.com/UeynOOu.png =150x) | ![](https://i.imgur.com/wNbgCEu.png =150x) |
and the rest of the crew
### Introducing recon
Recon is many things...
Network recon today
### What is a network?
* Geek basics: routers, switches, ip adresses, ports and services
* For users: URL => Webservers, DNS servers, Mail and so on
### indispensibles!!!
or `tshark`or `tcpdump`
(but we are not using it today)
### Status
1. find subdomains and their IPs
2. find services
### Simple domain lookup
| Simple | MX |
| -------- | -------- |
| ![](https://imgur.com/IOEPmRql.png) | ![](https://imgur.com/Alkb8Erl.png) |
`apt-get install dnsutils`, dnsenum is cool too
DNS is complex with lots of details
### Alternatives to `dig *.eal.dk` :smile:
![](https://imgur.com/AFo3rkll.png =400x)
Look into `sublist3r`, `dnsrecon`
### and their ips/CNAMES :+1:
![](https://imgur.com/SK2mB50l.png =300x)
`dig -f eal.dk.subdomains +short`
(check the man page)
### BTW, Who owns it?
| domain | IP |
| -------- | -------- |
|![](https://imgur.com/UUxyh90l.png =350x) | ![](https://imgur.com/2vhAsW7l.png =300x)|
`dig eal.dk` gave me the IP
notice: RIPE vs. dkhostmaster
### How to get there?
use `traceroute`
### Status
1. find subdomains and their IPs :white_check_mark:
3. find services (NB: :sound:)
### web is easy
1. `nmap -iL eal.dk.subdomains --top-ports 5 -oX /root/eal_dk_ports.xml`
1. `eyewitness -x /root/eal_dk_ports.xml
anything interesting?
### nmap
know your nmap
### web server and openssl versions?
![](https://imgur.com/YOHYhiSl.png =300x)
any known vulnerabilities on [apache](https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-45/Apache.html) [openssl?](https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-217/product_id-383/Openssl-Openssl.html)
### shodanhq
`net:` from `whois eal.dk`
bonus if we have time
### ssl certificates
e.g. `sslscan mail.eal.dk`, `sslscan selvbetjening.eal.dk`
### Pizza!
![](https://imgur.com/ARZKZA4.png =450x)
### your turn
1. select a domain
2. find subdomains
anything odd?
4. find services
anything odd?
6. finde versions
anything odd?
### Links
* DNS and subdomains: https://geekflare.com/find-subdomains/
* fun with RIPE and whois: https://apps.db.ripe.net/db-web-ui/#/query?bflag=true&dflag=false&rflag=true&searchtext=DK-SDE-IPV4&source=GRS#resultsSection
* ssl online tests: https://geekflare.com/ssl-test-certificate/
### The End
* Andre events, tak til, mm [name=moozer] [name=Jeppe]
# Evaluation!
<span style="background: black; font-size: 40px !important;">
Please use 5 minutes to tell us what you liked and/or didn't today :) </br>
We want volunteers for the NOC team
# Next thursday!
**13/6 17:00 @ PROSA Odense**
Alexander Færøy - tor project core developer will be talking about the tor project
The grill will be 🔥 and 🌭 will be served
We'll bust out some board games if people want to stick around 🎲
**sign up at prosa.dk**
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