## BH19 lightning talk
# Gitlab, md, pandoc
# and latex
(because @kramse does one on lateX also)
# History
* lots of MS word
* who has the latest version?
* who changed what?
* did we remember to upload stuff to proper places?
# Solution
* version control
* automatic pdf builds
* gitlab static pages with the latest versoin
* **link** (!) to gitlab in the corret places.
# Example
From https://eal-itt.gitlab.io/19s-itt2-project/
## Markdown
## PDF
| TOC | in the doc |
| --- | --- |
| ![i](https://imgur.com/JpsrHJCl.png) | ![img2](https://imgur.com/9pZZfrIl.png) |
## mechanics
1. clone repo
2. update `.gitlab-ci.yml`
## .gitlab-ci.yml
Looking for a lateX guy to make a class for me...
(or to give pointers)
| Moozer |
| -------- |
| @moozer |
| ![](https://i.imgur.com/wNbgCEu.png =150x) |
* gitlab repo: https://gitlab.com/moozer/document_templates
* example:
{"metaMigratedAt":"2023-06-14T23:21:16.605Z","metaMigratedFrom":"YAML","title":"BH19 gitlab+md+latex=>pdf","breaks":true,"description":"Lightning talk about our pdf model","contributors":"[{\"id\":\"a4c4685a-8d89-456d-a7cf-3028e668d713\",\"add\":1214,\"del\":2424}]"}