# Widening participation project [TOC] :::success Useful links - [meeting agendas](https://thealanturininstitute-my.sharepoint.com/personal/agallimore_turing_ac_uk/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={f0da33c0-68d3-4eb2-aeaf-dbe7e8b8e9bf}&action=view&wd=target%28Internal.one%7C6ab928a7-13e8-4dbd-b60f-db3233e30cdb%2FSkills%2013%5C%2F02%5C%2F2023%7Ccd57dd05-c355-4a24-8253-1b6725a1ef79%2F%29&wdorigin=NavigationUrl) - [curriculum planning](https://thealanturininstitute.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/DefenceandSecurityDataScienceCareers/Eazh2nH7bNBEl0N-m6oAnbsBS5pxk849KSFmlhVlU-VyiQ?e=J0S2YP) - [slidedeck](https://thealanturininstitute.sharepoint.com/:p:/r/sites/SkillsTeam/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B62101782-8A56-4420-B830-420156C36264%7D&file=Guide%20and%20template%20for%20speakers.pptx&action=edit&mobileredirect=true) - [DSG challenge repo](https://thealanturininstitute.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/datastudygroupX/EXh35c6N0SlDuTCYWw5-KPgBM_f5DAyTRJhmidk5kTQ7vg?e=zFMjxi&clickparams=eyJBcHBOYW1lIjoiVGVhbXMtRGVza3RvcCIsIkFwcFZlcnNpb24iOiIyOC8yMzAzMDUwMTExMCIsIkhhc0ZlZGVyYXRlZFVzZXIiOmZhbHNlfQ%3D%3D) - [DSG discussion point at AIUK](https://github.com/richplant/aiuk) - [Summer school challenge framework]() - [new timetable](https://thealanturininstitute-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/jsexton_turing_ac_uk/EQHAo9m6V5RHjHwdzn0dKGMBNnnJOHmLAHtgMAPUA8xktA?e=ett09a) ::: ### Meeting 16th Jan 2023 - AG, MN, AM Duration 2 years Jan 23 - Jan 25 Three outputs: - summer school for after GCSE (year 12) - TBC runs all - 90 places each year (3x30 students for 5 days, staggered) - careers roadshow / talks for undergrads - networks that represent minority groups (talks) - two separate streams: UK universities and online only - internship programme for undergrad (on hold until summer 24) - paid, 8 weeks, D&S projects - host them at UPs (up for discussion) and @ Cyberspace - 35 interns, 10 online Focus on government & security Budget 1.2 mil Tertiary partner is The Brilliant Club (TBC) Skills officer buy out: 19 days from now to Mar 2023, 28 days FY 2023-24, 10 days FY 2024-25 - **ACTIONS:** - [X] MN to advise what is feasible for buyout for the remainder of this FY? (required ASAP) - [X] AG action: add MN and AM to monthly meeting and create fortnightly meeting - [x] Skills action: content for presentation for careers roadshow 1hour/90 minute (data skills in government and research) **ready by end of Feb** - [X] 30-minute meeting every 2 weeks to debrief on roadshow content --- ### Meeting 17th Jan 2023 - Turing and TBC, Summer School planning workshop Potential timetable: ![](https://i.imgur.com/LrWM2zt.png) TBC notes: Padlet 1: https://padlet.com/lucyholehan/7mxhoknmyllw95l6 Padlet 2: https://padlet.com/lucyholehan/e82v7yv3vqpzh2lm ### Meeting 24th Jan 2023 - Monthly meeting: main discussion on careers roadshow content ![](https://i.imgur.com/hhGvOk4.png) - Length of each talk to be around 1 hour inc. questions - 24 to 40 sessions, each delivered to one university - No standardised format - 2 x presenters for each session: 1 x presenter is the 'core' presenter and 1 x presenter is the researcher - Series of informative slides from the 'core' presenter and a testimony from the researcher, followed by a wrap-up from the 'core' presenter - Sessions should include some interactivity to encourage self-reflection - Possibly panel format, though this needs some thinking and wouldn't be feasible for every university ![](https://i.imgur.com/ignHLTx.png) **Key Content:** (similar to that delivered by The Brilliant Club) 1. Give context: - What is data science? Mythbusting - Background inc. around representation in general, using case studies to acknowledge the issues but also to highlight the positives too (e.g. work/life balance) - Skills and knowledge needed in this sector 2. Researcher in the spotlight (can be pre-recorded) 3. Job roles - Is there a brief from the partners on exactly _which_ roles to showcase? DS careers in government and research (inc. Turing roles), mostly from defense and security roles but not solely limited to. May include NHS/ONS roles etc. - Some roles and work on this already exists within [TPS - open research infrastructure roles](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/collaboration/research-infrastructure-roles.html) and can be reused - Give a flavour of the wide variety of roles out there 3. Impact and applications - Support around good applications and how to do these (potentially a separate workshop) 4. Final 'find out more info here' page/website inc. short blog posts/profiles of key speakers/role models in the DS sector 5. Data collection with QR code to collect data, inc. diversity data [Amy's notes from meeting](https://thealanturininstitute.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/DefenceandSecurityDataScienceCareers/EXfXfKamN7tFgl2BFgrgqC0BOa8ACwzraNvWESKltH7LEA?e=JpkHqk) **Useful websites:** [DS Degree Apprenticeships](https://www.civilservicejobs.service.gov.uk/csr/index.cgi?SID=cGFnZWNsYXNzPUpvYnMmc2VhcmNocGFnZT0yJnNlYXJjaHNvcnQ9Y2xvc2luZyZvd25lcnR5cGU9ZmFpciZqb2JsaXN0X3ZpZXdfdmFjPTE4Mjk5MDImdXNlcnNlYXJjaGNvbnRleHQ9MjMwMTQ2MzImcGFnZWFjdGlvbj12aWV3dmFjYnlqb2JsaXN0Jm93bmVyPTUwNzAwMDAmcmVxc2lnPTE2NzQ1NTU2MjUtN2NmM2E2MjdiZTYyMTBmZDMyZGI4MGMzYmQ0NWFhZmM0Mjk1YTYzNg==) [Research Infrastructure Roles](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/collaboration/research-infrastructure-roles.html) **Actions** - [ ] AG - ask partners for brief on what they expect from these workshops - [ ] AM/MN - make slidedeck by end of Feb (doesn't need to be branded) / have draft ready by 23 Feb to show partners **Internship Programme:** Update: - Small number of internships hosted at universities - Work up a small blurb - Make soft approaches - Potentially host 15 at partner universities (2 or 3 sites) - Southampton, Glasgow, Birmingham and Liverpool have good D&S links ### Meeting 30th Jan - fortnightly catch-up (discussion of roadshow) - Discussed deadlines (see above) - Shared [KPIs](https://thealanturininstitute.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/DefenceandSecurityDataScienceCareers/Shared%20Documents/Proposal/Impact%20and%20Evaluation%20Mapping.docx?d=w7fb9f42755164d74bb2315bf2a744d76&csf=1&web=1&e=5kM8LW) from partners - Standalone websites not considered for this year (for multiple reasons: maintenence, cost, how it looks when not maintained) but find ways to host content on our website instead - add speaker persona notes: think about two different types of talk e.g. Skills 'roadshow' talks and Anneca's 'researcher in the spotlight' talks (researchers in the spotlight could be individual or panels) - TBC have sent new timeline **Actions** - [ ] AG to send through TBC's new timetable for summer school via email: MN/AM to provide feedback - [ ] AM/MN to start working on [slidedeck](https://thealanturininstitute.sharepoint.com/:p:/r/sites/SkillsTeam/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B62101782-8A56-4420-B830-420156C36264%7D&file=Guide%20and%20template%20for%20speakers.pptx&action=edit&mobileredirect=true) ready for next meeting ## Skills roadshow talks - intro to DS / mythbusting - look into [AIDEF ideas](https://thealanturininstitute.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/SkillsTeam/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B03B7AB98-844E-4454-91F5-3C72069318A9%7D&file=1934_ACO_AI%20Awareness_Script_v1.0%20AD%2BSN%20comments.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true) - negatives (eg underrepresentaiton) and positives (eg secure job in the future) - skills and knowledge - capitalise on generic / transferrable skills - flavour of different roles within DS & AI, with an emphasis Defence & Security 1. generic roles found everywhere 2. snapshot of research infrastructure roles 3. focus on a D&S role like cybersecurity data scientists - entry requirements for different roles - commons tasks and responsibilities within each role - benefits of a DS career - real examples of career trajectories - researcher in spotlight (Anneca) - draw a personal story from each speaker (TBC) ### Format - powerpoint pp with detailed speaker notes - consider interactive elements with the audience (eg spot the myth/True or False etc) - include illustrations, graphics etc *(eg from Scriberia)* ### Meeting 13 Feb **Discussion on Summer Schools** _Monday_ - Skills team lead on demistifying DS and AI session (content and delivery): for 1 hour - Skills Team to support with TPS/REG practical session on GitHub _Tuesday_ - Skills Team support with problem solving scenario/work with D&S team (content) but researchers to deliver _Wednesday_ - Day trip (no action needed) _Thursday_ - Career pathways day: Skills team and D&S to support with content and TBC to deliver - Ethics panel: TPS to lead and Skills to support - Group challenge could be run like a mini DSG, with support from a Turing PI _Overall_ It's about learning about the topics, not necessarily understanding or producing the code. It's taster sessions, not coding bootcamp. **Actions** - [ ] Session plans ready for feedback from TBC by beginning of May - [ ] Check with legal team that it's ok for under-18s to sign up to the OLP - [ ] MN/AM/AG/JS to add names to new tab on spreadsheet and make a note as to who is responsible for reaching out to that person - [ ] consult D&S folks on the roadshow presentation ### Meeting 13 March **University Career Roadshow talks:** TBC host the sessions with a guest speaker. Researcher in the spotlight will be a pre-recorded webinar. Speak to partners to find out: - skills - trajectory - roles - responsibilities - real case studies - where to go next? what can students do post-workshop? Tim Watson, George, Tracy (Programme Manager), Alex, Anna Knack - Reach out to Tracy first, potentially involve wider people after - Make Miro board Funders are really broad. Are aware we're doing the university roadshow and are waiting for slides to be shared. They will help with researcher spotlight. **Actions** - [x] AM/MN to Design Miro planning board (above) - [x] JS/MN reach out to Tracy (JS make initial reach out) - [ ] JS to reach out to Anna Knack to ask about planning in-depth university/roadshow talks - [ ] JS to look into creating a webpage: will report back - [ ] AM/MN to create a student feedback space to work out what students new/didn't know to support with the mythbusting section of the presentation - [x] AM/MN to reflect on curriculum sessions and which ones we want to attend - [x] Look at challenges: set up a framework **New timetable for summer schools** ![](https://i.imgur.com/wFAv9b8.png) ### Meeting 27 March - Careers roadshow talk to be more broad - don't just focus on D&S. - Broad academia and government roles, inc D&S roles: DATA SCIENCE AND AI in government and academia (planner - send out via SLack for opinions) - [ ] Reach out to IG - [ ] Create careers Miro board (send to ONS?) - [x] Draft a list of questions to D&S etc - [x] Work on broad structure for challenges ### Meeting 31 March & 17 April Agenda - change in the curriculum - how to collaborate on files together - agree next steps and deadlines - speaking with D&S scientists Curriculum - Monday - welcome - demystifying (James G) - **intro to challenge** (skills introduction / facilitation, 30 mins) - ethics (Kirstie / TPS) - Tuesday - careers & skills (Brilliant Club) - **how to approach a problem from different angles** (30 min presentation form skills and 30 min activity assigning roles) - security systems: Arduino boards - guest speaker: real problems (1/2 hour) - Thursday - **panel on career pathways** (touch on a day in the life of (skills the first week and Juliette the next 2 weeks); 3 panelists min - get good with GitHub (Sophia) - group challenge x2 (consider getting group mentors) - Friday - **presentation & report writing skills** (skills to use Kirstie's slides from DSG, 30 min) - group challenge & wrap up the presentation slides (1h30min) - challenge: panel & peer feedback (facilitator to introduce the peer feedback idea) - final mingle (next steps, website resources) ## Intro to challenges (session 1) **Title**: Introduction to the data challenges **Length**: 30 mins from Skills + 30 mins from project leads / challenge owners on Thursday (live or short video recordings, 5 mins each) **Description**: introduce the students to the data challenges from the week, offer them some primer questions to reflect on during the other sessions **Interactive elements**: exercise aimed at splitting into teams according to different roles - eg scribe, facilitator, researcher etc. **Equipment required**: projector ## Problem solving (session 2) **Title**: Skills, roles and ways to approach research questions **Length**: **Description**: **Interactive elements**: introduce different roles & exercise to identify which role you fit best **Equipment required**: ## Panel on careers (session 3) **Title**: **Length**: **Description**: **Interactive elements**: **Equipment required**: ## Presentation & report writing (session 4) **Title**: **Length**: **Description**: **Interactive elements**: **Equipment required**: ## Miro board questions ``` frame the questions on DS & AI with a subset of questions to be asked specfically from D&S ``` - what are some of the benefits within D&S jobs? - what are some of the challenges within D&S jobs, and how to overcome them? - traditional vs non-traditional routes in D&S jobs - real case studies - some inspiring examples - useful skills: both tranferrable and subject specific - examples of D&S roles + short description + responsibilities - if you're happy to be a real life case study, please fill in the following questions and leave your contact details for any clarifications or follow up questions ![](https://i.imgur.com/fKO3Pxr.png) ### Meeting 26 April Agenda - clarify sign-off process for the slide deck - JS, Brilliant club - test on some YPs - the monthly catch-up members to approve - clarify if the presentations are in person or online, and what interactive tools we can use eg SliDo or Miro - in person - can make use of SliDo - agree key dates & milestones until September 2023 (and accountability matrix RACI)