# Metaversing: Avatar Interop Meeting #2 ###### tags: `m3` `avatar` ## Mozzilla Hubs Notes 02/15/2022 Introduction Jin: - Discussing Presentation - Will world hop to showcase the friction and lack of interop - Wearables can have a bigger audience if they can exist outside of individual platforms - cryptovoxels- convinced to add customizeable avatar wearables - NFTs allow for provenance, but if its just wearable visuals (like VR chat) that provenance is lost - Becomes just an avatar mesh so the NFT information is lost on certaint platforms - combining NFT wearables and non NFT wearables - how to make it work? - Webaverse - allows import of cryptovoxels wearables - A "pokedex" vision that allows the metadata to be viewable - this can be a way for cross compatibility to work - M3- Conten and