--- title: 1學生 tags: Meet遠距教學說明 --- # 學生操作方式 # Student manual guide ![](https://i.imgur.com/UOVMQno.png) ## Step1 進入單簽平台 ## Step 1. Entering the NCUT Student e-Portal platform 1.1 進入[單簽平台](https://eip.ncut.edu.tw),若遇到以下警告視窗,請點選進階 > 1.1 Entering the NCUT Student e-Portal platform, please click advance options to continue if you see the warning window. ![](https://i.imgur.com/Z8ZUdg7.png) 1.2 再按繼續前往 eip.ncut.edu.tw 網站 > 1.2 continue visit to eip.ncut.edu.tw. ![](https://i.imgur.com/dK6TO7S.png) 1.3 單簽帳密預設為學號/身份證後6碼 > 1.3 e-Portal username and password are student ID and your last 6 numbers of your ARC. ![](https://i.imgur.com/eVygNXk.png) ## Step2 進入數位學習平台 ## Step 2. Entering the NCUT e-Learning platform 點選應用系統中的數位學習平台 > Click the NCUT e-Learning Platform in the Applications list. ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZdKwYXI.png) ### Step2.1 選擇課程 ### Step 2.1 Select the course you take 選擇自己修習的課程,假設是 Scripting 程式語言 > Select the course you need to study, EX: Scripting Programming language. ![](https://i.imgur.com/lqV1XF6.jpg) ### Step2.2 查看課程公告 ### Step 2.2 Checking the course announcements 進入學習互動區/課程公告,並點擊公告標題,觀看課程資訊 > Enter the learning interactive area/course announcement, and click on the announcement title to watch the course information. ![](https://i.imgur.com/VuBuIVB.jpg) ### Step2.3 進入線上課程會議室 ### Step 2.3 Entering your online course meeting room 點擊連結進入線上課程 > Click and entering the online course. ![](https://i.imgur.com/pP9qf6l.png) --- ## Step3 加入線上課程會議室 ## Step 3. Joining the online course meeting room 於老師開始上課之時間,點擊「立即加入」,進入線上課程會議室 > Click request join to join the course meeting room. ![](https://i.imgur.com/Br1EAF1.png) <br> 若出現「要求加入」,點擊後,需稍待片刻,待老師核准後就能進入線上課程會議室 > If it appears “Request for joining” please wait till your professor to allow your joining in. ![](https://i.imgur.com/vs16uFp.png)