# The Minnie Suit It was just something I read in the Internet, an Urban Legend, about how people became the characters at Disney parks. Something about special suits, that transformed people... I didn't believed, but found an auction for a Minnie and Mickey Mouse pair of suit. The vendor didn't gave more details on how he obtained them, but he assured they were genuine article. He said also that the suit was accursed: anyone that used it for too long became Mickey or Minnie Mouse, no matter what. The money he asked was really big, and there was also lots of Disney fans and urban legends researchers on it. But I did it: on a last bid, I had the winning bid: 20 grands for the suits. We agreed with the shipping, to avoid being tracked by Disney (Disney didn't loved their stuff going outside their control, the vendor said), and I paid with cryptocoins to avoid being tracked back. The box with the suits arrived on a PO Box, and I took it back home. Opening it, I could see the guy was right: if not the genuine Disney stuff, it was really impressive replicas. The only thing that could say the suit are not genuine is the height: both suits were made for people as big as 6 foot, and the Disney park suits, as far people knew, where for people at most 5 feet 1. However, if the legends were right, that would be not a problem. I put both the suits over the beds on my bedroom: they where complete ones, a big mascot like costume unitard, head, and suits. For Mickey came the iconic formals from the park, with white waistcoat, red bowtie and the iconic red pants with the white spots. For Minnie, came the iconic red polka-dotted dress, with a big sash and enormous bloomers. There was also two pair of yellow shoes, with small block heels and a red ribbon on Minnie's, and two pair of four-fingered gloves. I was excited: that was so cool. It was when I saw the paper inside the box: > "Hello! > > You maybe think this is a ruse... But it is not. > > Those Disney Magic Suit are built to give the wearer the experience of becoming fully a Disney Character. > > However, for a more fulfilling experience, give some attention for the following instructions. > > 1. Never, EVER, stay dressed for more than an hour, ***unless*** you have the conscious idea of becoming permanently a Disney character. To stay dressed so long is to agree with some physical and mind changes to better reflect your new status as a Disney character. > 2. To a better experience, we suggest you to dress the special underwear package that is inside your suit. This underwear was put to allow a better experience on being the Disney character. > 3. Start to dress by the underwear, then character suit, then costume, then gloves, then head. The 1-hour limit starts to count after the head is placed. > 4. The head is made of a headpiece and a mask: first, put the headpiece and then the mask. We recomment to put the headpiece while dressing the costume, leaving the mask as the very last piece. > 5. There's included some special phones and a flashdrive with special music that provides an extra experience for you while you are in the suit. Start to play it as soon you finish the mask. > 6. When dressing, to improve the experience, you should dress it after a shower, being clean and dry. If possible, shave your body, except head and pubic hair. > > Following those instructions will make your Disney Character experience as fulfilling as possible, I assure. > > Your Humble servant > > ***Yen Sid.*** I laughed after the name signing the paper: Yen Sid? The magician from *Fantasia* Magician from *Sorcerer's Apprentice*? Balderdash! However, looks like the tips were sensible. For some reason, I wanted to go for Minnie suit: in for a penny, in for a pound, and maybe test a cursed suit could be better if you go all-in. As a man, putting a dress would be something very interesting, at least for a time. I opened the Minnie suit to take the underwear there: looked like a very frilly pair of white panties, somewhat similar with the one on the Minnie suit, a bra and a big, white, pantyhose. There was some instructions on the little bag on how to dress those for people that never used them. For some reason... There was a pair of breast forms to be used with the bra. I ran to the market and bought a shaving cream and blades for shaving my body, and, back home, took a good shower, shaving myself following the instructions. Then, after drying myself very good with a towel, I dressed the underwear as it was suggested. Then, after dressing the underwear: the weirdest part was to place the breast forms and the bra, but for some reason, I felt... good... Then, took my camera and put it somewhere, dressing the suit. It was weird on how it gave me a very cute and feminine completion, but I felt, even without the rest of the suit, that I was becoming Minnie. It was a weird, but good feeling. I shook my head and started to record: *"Well, I bought this Disney suits, and I want to see if they really works. I'll record everything for the next hour and half or so. Before I start, I'll say that the vendor recommended to not go on for more than an hour, or, he says, that would became permanent. For the sake of information, I'll go for more than an hour, assuming the risk. Well, I'm now with the basic suit, and I'll put the headpiece. It's said that it has a special earphone that has a special flashdrive for the experience and that I should only turn it on after putting the mask. I'll follow this."*, I finish, while closing the headpiece: the earphones just get into my ears perfectly. *"First, I can hear everything outside as I could without the headpiece, I believe thanks the earphones, that maybe are connected to mics on the ears. Anyway... Let me go Minnie Mouse."* I put the bloomers and the ankle socks: *"For some reason, looks like I'm dressing a **real real** pair of panties and ankle socks. Now, for the dress."* I say, taking the dress, that gets over myself as a glove. *"Adjusting the back sash for myself... And is weird that I feel the costume being adjusted over the suit. Ah, and my headpiece alread had the iconic ribbon."* I say, adjusting the sash *"Alright, nice and sassy."* *"Now, I'll put the gloves, and then the headmask. I'll then get into my bed for some rest before getting away: put this thing is really exhaustive."* I say, while opening the package with the big, four fingered gloves. I put my ringer and pinky fingers together on the pinky finger on the glove. *"Now, for the grand finale: I'll put the Minnie mask and then activate the flashdrive. This will be the last time you'll see me as I am for a while."* I said, while taking the mask and putting it. *"It's weird because the mask closes like it is a whole piece with the headpiece. I can see not too much things: the mask is a little restrictive, and I can imagine my voice is a little muffled, as the mask is closed in the mouth. I'll now put the shoes."* I put the shows and go for the mirror: *"Woah! I'm Minnie Mouse!"* I say *"Now, the 1-hour time limit already started. I'll go for my bed to take some rest. This thing is exhaustive."* I say, giving a little tap over my head. This started a special flashdrive to play some soothing music on my ears. *"The flashdrive has some kind of soothed music, like those new age things."* I say. I get down the bed, putting the Mickey Suit on the other bed. *"The first thing: Minnie's snout is somewhat open. I can breath normally and feel the smells of everywhere else, including the one of the shower I took before putting the suit. The costume is very fresh: normal costumes like those one makes you sweat even as I am. This one, however, makes me feel fresh, and feel the AC air flux. It's very nice and cozy for some reason."* ## 5 minutes later *"For some reason, I started to notice a small compression on the suit, like my body being pressed by the suit. At the same time, I could hear something in the music on the head... It's nice and cozy, like a calm voice."* ## 10 minutes later *"The suit is getting tightly over my body, I almost can feel the costume fabrics over the suit. And I started to feel myself a little dizzy... \*teehee teehee\* Did I just giggled?"* ## 15 minutes later *"\*teehee teehee\* The voice is talking with me... And... Need to say that it looks old and wise and masculine, saying me to see the truth that I'm Minnie Mouse! Balderdash... But... Well... I think those clothes looks cool on me. And... To think on Mickey..."* ## 20 minutes later *"I'm starting to feel arousing, to think on Mickey... Sorry, everyone, but I'm starting to feel a glow on my below parts. In the mean time, I started to feel like the mask snout started to get nearby my mouth... Or it is my mouth that is growing to form a snout and fusing with the mask? Whatever... I'm feeling so aroused on thinking on Mickey!"* I say, while I remove the gloves and notice my hands are now four fingered. *"I need to... Sorry, but this video will go NC17 now!"* I say, while going and taking down the bloomers, and pushing the dress skirt over. I can feel I'm wet there, and running my hands through my pelvis I can feel there was a very female slit. I touch there and give an yelp, then I start to masturbate my new pussy. *"Oh... For some reason I can... I can feel... Oh Mickey this is so swell!"* I squeak, with a very feminine voice. ## 30 minutes later *"Oh... Oh... OOOOHHHH!!!"* I squeaked loudly *"I just..."* I say, weak *"I just had an orgasm... A feminine orgasm... I don't know why but, thinking on Mickey Mouse fills me with good feelings... I'm his girlfriend after all... What?"* I complemented *"Looks like that flashdrive is some kind of hypnotic sound that put us into a trance. I feel somewhat Minnie Mouse growing on me... Maybe I should stop... But... Whatever, in for a penny, in for a pound. And, otherwise... I feel I'll be very happy with Mickey, and Pluto, and Daisy and Figaro, and Cuckoo-Loca, and all my friends..."* I say ## 45 minutes later *"Need to say everyone: I feel more and more like Minnie Mouse. I just want to wink and be very feminine for some reason. Maybe is the mask, or the flashdrive, but I feel more and more like Minnie Mouse! I just want everyone to know that I'll be fine if I don't get back after the 1 hour limit. For some reason... And if someone wants, there's still the Mickey Mouse here, maybe someone could be my boyfriend. *teehee teehee*"* ## 1 hour later *"*teehee teehee* Oh, dear! I can feel now my mouth and eyes moving like it should. I'm* sooo happy *with what happened with me. It is very swell! To be so feminine, and all the clothes I'll have as soon I get back home! I just need to wait for my ride: I know someone is just coming for me, to say me I'll find my Mickey. Polkadots! I'm late for job! Daisy will go so crazy! See ya everyone. Hope you liked it! Bye Bye!"* I say, winking a very feminine wink, batting my eyelashes and blowing a kiss to the camera, before shutting it off. ## Epilogue When I shut the camera off, a big man shows himself behind me. *"So, I can believe you did this on purpose, to go over the 1-hour time limit. Looks like you was ready to forfeit your old life. I can't make you forget it, but if you really wanted to be Minnie Mouse, the only thing I can do now is to send you to a place where you can be happy with your friends."* said the man, dressed on a blue robe and a big sorcerer hat over his hat, when the guy, now Minnie Mouse, turned to him *"Oh, that would be so good!"* I replied *"My life was boring before found that suit. I don't know why I searched that much for it, but I loved to find it."* I squeaked *"Yes, Minnie."* said the man, a small smirk of smile on his bearded, severe face, while he made a gesture, opening what looks like a portal between the dimensions. On the other side... *"Hot Dog Hills' park! And Happy Helpers' building! Oh, my, Yen Sid, this was so swell! I was so late to work, maybe Daisy is going crazy! And Cuckoo-Loca! Well, need to go! Bye bye!"* says Minnie, crossing the portal and daintly running to the building, when she found Daisy *"Minnie! You're late! What happened?"* she said, sassy on his over the top fashion. *"Bought your favorite: moccaccino, only a coffee hint. Chip and Dale assured you'll love."* *"Oh, thanks, Daisy, with all this crazyness didn't had time to take a breakfast."* I say, taking the cup and sipping a sip with the straw *"Oh, that really hitted the spot. But let us go, there's lots to do today, and maybe I'll say you what happened after."* I say, giggling, leaving the common world. Yen Sid closed the portal, and opened the notebook. Logged on a specific account on eBay and put a new auction for a "Cursed" Mickey Mouse suit. *"I think Minnie will need a boyfriend soon."* said Yen Sid. FINIS