--- title: 'Qualitative Coding' disqus: hackmd --- Qulitative Coding === [TOC] --- :::info ### Important Points to Remember * Sophie will be main point of contact if you are having problems * Attending all Zoom meetings are compulsory * 2 excused absences (tell both Sophie and Manika) * Please agree to work on this project only if you can commit time * We expect you to spend atleast **4 to 6 hr** per week in performing the coding task. Type in time spent by you on your assigned task daily/weekly in the **[Time Log Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I0x1J3hpfjRfIVT2_0f3mwernA_9GVEAN8X0VxOg61c/edit?usp=sharing)** for your NAME subsheet * Be **active** on Slack and respond to all communications on Slack or via mails. Unresponsiveness is not taken lightly. * 2 warnings for unresponsive team members before you will be removed * **Soft deadline** for sentence coding completion is **August 31st**. * **Hard deadline** for sentence coding completion is **September 15th** * **Hard deadline** to finish consensus app work is **October 15th**, and then we will have a final meeting on winding up this project and next steps > You need to complete tagging of all the sentences assigned to you and attend all Zoom meetings to be eligible to be co-author on the dataset paper ::: :::info ### Important Links * **Time Log Sheet** --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I0x1J3hpfjRfIVT2_0f3mwernA_9GVEAN8X0VxOg61c/edit?usp=sharing * **App Link** -- https://thanking-world.streamlit.app/ (*Individual Id & Password sent to you on Slack*) * **Slack**-- https://join.slack.com/t/thankingworld/shared_invite/zt-2k67ckg8i-VDKSYVuCyYw0_0W7M5gFvw ::: --- ## Project Team - [Dr. Manika Lamba](https://ischool.illinois.edu/people/manika-lamba), manika@ou.edu, lambamanika07@gmail.com - [Hendrik Erz](https://www.hendrik-erz.de/), hendrik.erz@liu.se - Sophie Nikolov, nikolov3@illinois.edu - You Peng, youpeng2@illinois.edu ## Qualitative Coding Team > *Each sentence/ETD is coded by 2 coders to get the intercoder reliability performance (Cohn Kappa)* **Team A** - Sophie Nikolov (nikolov3@illinois.edu) - Ziyang Xu (Ziyang.Xu-1@ou.edu) **Team B** - Nikhil Arora (na32@illinois.edu) - Jigyashu Saravta (saravta2@illinois.edu) **Team C** - Manali Teke (mkteke@ncsu.edu) - Satyam Shah (satyam2@illinois.edu) **Team D** - Amreentaj (czkamreentaj@gmail.com) - Haley Shepherd (haleyes4@illinois.edu) **Team E** - Nicholas Yeung (yinokny2@illinois.edu) - ?? **Team F** - Tina Ding (landing2@illinois.edu) - Shariq Wajid (swajid2@illinois.edu) ## Task - Complete assigned number of ETDs to tag - We will meet bi-weekly on Zoom to discuss the sentences that were tagged differently and come to an consensus - 6 breakout rooms for the 6 teams - Manika will be there if any team having difficulty coming to an consensus --- # Meetings ## Meeting 7 (11 Seotember, 4 PM CST) ## Meeting 6 (14 August, 1 PM CST) ``` Present: Manali, Satyam, Haley, Nikhil, Amreentaj Regrets: Shariq (E), Nicholas (E), Tina (U), Jigyashu (U) ``` - Teams Check-in - Team B: Nikhil around 1510, aiming for 2000 soon - Team C: both support and sentiment completed, Manali around ~4000 completed sentences - Team D: support done, still individual work to be done - Team E - Team F - Biggest challenges? - Manali: schedule not fixed yet, classes next week - Satyam: traveling - Any new Glitches in the app/improvements suggested - Survey for new academic year in Slack - Team Breakout (1 hr 45 min) and then we meet back in the main room before we end the meeting - if you are unable to finish all the sentences in the `consensus app` in 1.75 hr, please have seperate meeting(s) with your team member to finish the task before the next bi-weekly meeting - **NOTE:** remember to keep on tagging the sentences in the `coding app` too! ## Meeting 5 (31 July, 1 PM CST) ``` Present: Sophie, Nikhil, Haley, Shariq, Manali, Regrets: Satyam, Nicholas, Jigyashu, Tina, Amreentaj, Atharv ``` - Teams Check-in - Team B - Team C - Team D - Team E - Team F - Potential coworking zoom sessions: TBD time/day - Any new Glitches in the app/improvements suggested - Haley: when there are a lot of sentences in one chunk, it can glitch out (buffers and then the big red warning message comes up. goes away after a few seconds but you have to re-log in). - Suggestion: back button doesn't save --> keep previous answers to review - Team Breakout (1 hr 45 min) and then we meet back in the main room before we end the meeting - if you are unable to finish all the sentences in the `consensus app` in 1.75 hr, please have seperate meeting(s) with your team member to finish the task before the next bi-weekly meeting - **NOTE:** remember to keep on tagging the sentences in the `coding app` too! ## Meeting 4 (17 July, 1 PM CST) ``` Present: Satyam, Sophie, Nikhil, Haley, Peng, Nicholas, Tina, Shariq, Amreentaj, Atharv Regrets: Manali, Jigyashu ``` - Welcome new members - Team D (Amreentaj) - Team E (Atharv) - Any new Glitches in the app/improvements suggested - Satyam noticed that multiple labels if coded by both coders were picked up and were in the consensus - For sentiments too, he noticed if both coders chose NaN, it still shows up in consensus app - New updates in the app **(by Peng)** - Team Breakout (1.5 hr) and then we meet back in the main room before we end the meeting - if you are unable to finish all the sentences in the `consensus app` in 1.5 hr, please have seperate meeting(s) with your team member to finish the task before the next bi-weekly meeting - **NOTE:** remember to keep on tagging the sentences in the `coding app` too! ## Meeting 3 (3 July, 1 PM CST) ``` Present: Satyam, Sophie, Nikhil, Haley, Peng, Nicholas, Jigyashu, Manali, Tina, Regrets: Shariq, Pengfei ``` - Updates regarding the `NEW/Modified` tags - **Manika** updated the following tags: - `Religious Support` will also include anything related to spirituality, faith - `Student Organizations/Clubs/Research Groups/Their Department` will include lab teams/departments too - `Academic Support` will include statements related to getting lab experience too - `Access to Data` will include taking notes/conducting interviews too. - New `Notes Section` is added - Please write in keywords if you come across **different researcher's distinct experiences** such as - ***international students*** -- mention different country; support from parents for studying abroad - ***pandemic*** ? - **rememberance/dedication**`Finally, I would like to recognize the late Dr. Jeronymo Pereira who took his life this spring` - Any new Glitches in the app/improvements suggested - Peng is added `back` button and will work on including the `dashboard` feature to the main app to track everyone progress. ([Prototype is ready!](https://thankingworldappreal-t2q23zbepfmh639r386yf3.streamlit.app/)) - We are also planning to add `Not Sure` tag in the consensus app - New updates in the app **(by Peng)** - Any Doubts regarding the [consensus app](https://consensusapp.streamlit.app/) - Suggestion by Team B - have buttons for sentiments instead of drop-down - Any other Business of Discussion - Team Breakout (1.5 hr) and then we meet back in the main room before we end the meeting - if you are unable to finish all the sentences in the `consensus app` in 1.5 hr, please have seperate meeting(s) with your team member to finish the task before the next bi-weekly meeting - **NOTE:** remember to keep on tagging the sentences in the `coding app` too! ## Meeting 2 (19 June, 1 PM CST) ``` Present: Satyam, Pengfei, Sophie, Shariq, Nikhil, Haley, Peng, Nicholas, Jigyashu Regrets: Kumuda, Tina Excused: Manali ``` - Welcome new members - Team C (Satyam) - Team D (Haley) - Team E (Kumuda) - Team F (Tina) - Updates regarding the `NEW/Modified` tags (Sophie and the teams) - [ ] Sophie added `government` tag to the Google Doc. We discussed to use both `government` and `financial` tags together if we come across sentences mentioning financial help and government support - [ ] Nikhil & Jigyashu updated the definition of `No Subject Found`, `Incomplete Sentence`, `Descriptive Sentence`, `Government`, `Theses Advisor/Committee Members` while working on the consensus app (marked with purple font) - Any new Glitches in the app/improvements suggested (everyone) - [ ] Nikhil suggested to have the 'save' button on the main page on the right end - [ ] add avg per hr and all into app? (Nikhil) - [ ] Pengfei suggested to have 'back' button in the app - [ ] Nicholas suggested to have 'history'? - New updates in the app (by Peng) - Share the progress of each team (by Peng) - Short demo of the [`consensus` app ](https://consensusapp.streamlit.app/)(by Peng) - Team Breakout - Team B will work in the `consensus` app - Other teams will carry-on coding with their partners. Please help your new team-member to get the hang of coding in the app! - Manika will be in the main zoom room -- reach out to her if any of the teams have any doubts/problems ## Meeting 1 (27 May, 2:30 PM CST) ``` Present: Sophie, Manika, Nikhil, Jigyashu, Aarushi, Tanvi, Shariq, Manali, Deeksha, Samridhi ``` - Introduction -- Presentation - Intro to Platforms - Meeting Notes (HackMd) - Google Doc -- Custom Tag - Streamlit App - Expectations