# Why I care about product thinking > PM = product manager, or product management depending on the context. > > Also, I promise I'll find real-world hands-on examples soon, at the moment I can't think of one. - I want to influence you to think that "product thinking" is a great thing for us engineers. - I care about "product thinking" because I have seen in the past that it helped me give purpose. - With purpose, I can build something to solve a problem that I agree with. - Chisara Nwabara, a PM at Engineering Better, talks about "product thinking" as opposed to "product management", since "product thinking" is a set of skills that will exist throughout teams regardless of your role. - The blog posts are [What is a Product Thinking Mindset?](https://www.engineerbetter.com/blog/product-thinking/) and [Why is Product Thinking important?](https://www.engineerbetter.com/blog/product-why/) - "Product thinking" has 4 areas, but these four areas are based on data-based influencing: the goal is to influence and convince by presenting data, instead of forcing decisions by means of hierarchy. - The 4 areas are: - problem validation where we focus on the problem before the solution, - ruthless prioritization where we strategically give priority to the "most impactful item" by backing off the prioritization with the data we gathered (if the data is missing, gather it!), - defining what success means using more data, and - sharing customer empathy, where we share ownership of empathy for users in the team, increasing engineers engagement and giving more purpose. - What should we remember from what I said? - We can start having a "product thinking" right now, even without a PM; - And adopting a "product thinking" mindset will make it easier to welcome PMs since we will understand their concerns, and we will be able to be proactive in the product process; - "product thinking" is not about top-down, it is all about influence through data! Books I recommend to learn more about product thinking: - [Escaping The Build Trap](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Escaping-Build-Trap-Melissa-Perri/dp/149197379X) (Melissa Perri) - [The Lean Startup](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lean-Startup-Innovation-Successful-Businesses/dp/0670921602) (Eric Ries)