# 更新Samsung NVMe的FW nvme update FW === nvme cli tool to update by below two steps: (1) sudo nvme fw-download /dev/nvme0n1 --fw=NewFW.bin (2) sudo nvme fw-commit /dev/nvme0n1 --slot=1 --action=3 === ~FW更新步驟如下: 1. #yum install nvme-cli Install nvme-cli. Please have your system connect internet. ![](https://i.imgur.com/bIAuPBE.png) 2. #nvme list You can check the device by this command. For example /dev/nvme0n1 here. ![](https://i.imgur.com/rRqMics.png) 3. #nvme fw-download -f EDA5300Q_NF.bin /dev/nvme0n1 Put EDA5300Q _NF.bin under your current folder. Also use /dev/nvme0n1 from step2. ![](https://i.imgur.com/uTi0DEn.png) 4. #nvme fw-log /dev/nvme0n1 Should find (EDA5300Q) at frs2. ![](https://i.imgur.com/oEvcjwG.png) 5. #nvme fw-activate /dev/nvme0 -s 2 -a 1 The "2" after -s means frs2(slot 2). ![](https://i.imgur.com/7P2FncI.png) 6. #nvme reset /dev/nvme0 ![](https://i.imgur.com/2lLMIS8.png) PS: 圖中的FW版本為之前舊版, 參考用 謝謝 === rw=read ioengine=libaio iodepth=32 numjobs=1 blocksize=128k size=100%   SAMSUNG 1pcs bw=3588MiB/s (3763MB/s) 2pcs bw=7173MiB/s (7521MB/s) 3pcs bw=10.5GiB/s (11.3GB/s) 4pcs bw=14.0GiB/s (15.1GB/s) 5pcs bw=17.0GiB/s (18.3GB/s), 6pcs bw=17.5GiB/s (18.8GB/s) 10pcs bw=15.6GiB/s (16.7GB/s)