# Basel ## Local stack Note: I'm creating multiple directories, but stacks could be in one single directory. Use the `-f` option of `docker-compose` to specify the file to use in this case. **Required tools:** - `docker` - `docker-compose` - `jq` - a text editor - a shell - a web browser Only tested on a Linux machine. ### Stardog Make sure you have a valid Stardog license (you can get one at: https://www.stardog.com/get-started/). Clone the `stardog-docker` repository somewhere on your machine and go in the directory: ```sh git clone git@github.com:Staatsarchiv-Basel-Stadt/stardog-docker.git \ && cd stardog-docker ``` Put your license file at `./volumes/stardog/stardog-license-key.bin`. Start the stack using: ```sh docker-compose up --build ``` ### PostgreSQL #### Run the stack Since Oracle is not open and I don't want to buy a license, I'm using Postgres instead. Create a directory `postgresql-stack` with the following `docker-compose.yaml` file: ```yaml version: "3" services: db: image: docker.io/library/postgres:latest environment: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=example ports: - 5432:5432 adminer: image: docker.io/library/adminer:latest ports: - 8080:8080 ``` Run the stack by running the following command: ```sh docker-compose up ``` #### Create database and user Open your browser at http://localhost:8080/?pgsql=db&username=postgres ; it's the Adminer interface that allows you to query the PostgreSQL easily. And use the following informations: - System: `PostgreSQL` - Server: `db` - User: `postgres` - Password: `example` You should now be able to connect. Click on the `SQL request` link, and run the following request: ```sql CREATE DATABASE test; CREATE USER test WITH PASSWORD 'test'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "test" to test; ``` This will create a `test` user with `test` as password, and create a `test` database where the `test` user will have full access. #### Create some tables In the Adminer interface to run SQL queries, make sure you select the `test` database. Then run the following queries to create all required tables: ```sql DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MVK_OGD_VRZNG_ENHT_1; CREATE TABLE MVK_OGD_VRZNG_ENHT_1 ( TITEL text, SIGNATUR text, STUFE text, ENTSTEHUNGSZEITRAUM text, DARIN text, ARCHIVALIENART text, ENTHAELT text, ZUGANGS_UND_BENUTZUNGSBEDINGUN text, RECHTSSTATUS text, ZUGANGSBESTIMMUNGEN text, SPRACHE text, FORM_UND_INHALT text, ID_NR int, PARENT_ID_NR int, HIERARCHIE_PFAD text, SCHUTZFRISTENDE text, ZUGAENGLICHKEIT_NM text, ARCHIVGESCHICHTE text, UMFANG_GESCHAETZT text, LAUFMETER text, DATENVOLUMEN_MB text, ORGANISATIONSZUGEHOERIGKEIT text, GESCHICHTE text, ORT text, FUNKTION_UND_AKTIVITAET text, ALLGEMEINER_KONTEXT text, ANZEIGEFORMULAR_ID int, ANZAHL_DATEIEN int, AKTENBILDNER_PROVENIENZ_TEXT text, FRUEHERE_STABS_SIGNATUR text, ALTE_SIGNATUREN text, FRUEHERE_SIGNATUR text, VERWALTUNGSGESCHICHTE_BIOGRAFI text, ANZAHL text, PHYSISCHE_BESCHAFFENHEIT text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MVK_OGD_VE_ABLFR_BZHNG_1; CREATE TABLE MVK_OGD_VE_ABLFR_BZHNG_1 ( ID_NR_VRZNG_ENHT int, ID_NR_ABLFR int ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MVK_OGD_VE_PRTNR_BZHNG_1; CREATE TABLE MVK_OGD_VE_PRTNR_BZHNG_1 ( ID_NR_PRTNR int, ID_NR_VRZNG_ENHT int ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MVK_OGD_VE_DSKRP_BZHNG_1; CREATE TABLE MVK_OGD_VE_DSKRP_BZHNG_1 ( ID_NR_DSKRP int, ID_NR_VRZNG_ENHT int ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MVK_OGD_DSKRP_1; CREATE TABLE MVK_OGD_DSKRP_1 ( ID_NR int, "THESAURUS" text, BEZEICHNUNG text, BESCHREIBUNG text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MVK_OGD_ABLFR_1; CREATE TABLE MVK_OGD_ABLFR_1 ( ID_NR int, JAHR_LAUF_NR int, TYP text, SUBTYP text, AKTENBILDENDE_STELLE text, ZEITRAUM_PERIODE text ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MVK_OGD_PRTNR_1; CREATE TABLE MVK_OGD_PRTNR_1 ( ID_NR int, ID_NAME text ); ``` This was taking a lot of time to deduct this structure from the mapping file. #### Get the networking IP address If you are on a Linux machine and created the stack in the directory I mentionned, you should have a docker network called `postgresql-stack_default`. Get the gateway address using the following command: ```sh docker network inspect postgresql-stack_default \ | jq -r '.[0].IPAM.Config[0].Gateway' ``` For this example, it will be `` for me. Update the name of the network according the name of the directory you created. This step is required, because we will run a docker stack with Stardog, and Stardog should be able to query the PostgreSQL database using a specific address which is not `localhost`. ### Mapping Clone the `staatsarchiv-ld-pipeline` and the `StABS-scope2RDF` repos somewhere, and go in the `staatsarchiv-ld-pipeline` directory: ```sh git clone git@gitlab.zazuko.tools:stabs/staatsarchiv-ld-pipeline.git \ && git clone https://github.com/Staatsarchiv-Basel-Stadt/StABS-scope2RDF \ && sed -i 's/AND WHERE/AND/g' StABS-scope2RDF/src-gen/mapping-stabs.r2rml.ttl \ && cd staatsarchiv-ld-pipeline ``` The `sed` command is for tweaking one query from the mapping so that it can work with PostgreSQL. Install all required dependencies using: ```sh npm ci ``` Create the following file `./credentials/scope-virtual.properties` with the following content: ```properties jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql:// jdbc.driver=org.postgresql.Driver jdbc.username=test jdbc.password=test ``` Note: the `jdbc.url` contains the gateway IP address we got in a previous step, update it if needed. Run the mapping update using the following commands: ```sh export FORCE_UPDATE=true export GIT_REPO=../StABS-scope2RDF npm run mappingUpdate ``` ### Check that it worked Go to Stardog Studio: https://stardog.studio/ Connect to the local Stardog instance: - username: `admin` - password: `admin` - endpoint: `http://localhost:5820` Go to the virtual graph tab, and you should see the `scope-virtual` graph that we created. ## Production Conclusion: the script is working as expected. To fix the one in production, you can try to look the following points: - Check that the `jdbc.driver` is set to `oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver` and that credentials are correct. - Test by changing the JDBC driver version, … in the `stardog-docker` repo ; I will not handle this since I cannot test anything. - Check that all environments variables are OK - Check proxies and all that complexity ; I don't want to take care of this (and can't) I will not be able to provide more help on this, since the script is working fine.