--- tags: tauri-docs-2 --- # Tab Groups in Markdown [Tauri Documentation Ecosystem Evolution meta issue on GitHub](https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri-docs/issues/1040) This will render the content in a tab on the frontend but will otherwise appear fine anywhere else. - Use `<!--- begin-tab-group --->` and `<!--- end-tab-group --->` to denote the start and finish of items you’d like to group in a single tab - Use `<!--- tab-title=string --->` to denote what the title of that tab should be. Use square brackets if you require spacing or special characters in the title - Example: `<!--- tab-title=[I'm unique] --->` - The content immediately following a `tab-title` marker until either the next `tab-title` or `end-tab-group` will be included in that tab. ## Code Block Tab Example ~~~markdown <!--- begin-tab-group ---> <!--- tab-title=npm ---> ```shell npm install --save-dev @tauri-apps/cli ``` <!--- tab-title=yarn ---> ```shell yarn add -D @tauri-apps/cli ``` <!--- tab-title=pnpm ---> ```shell pnpm add -D @tauri-apps/cli ``` <!--- tab-title=Cargo ---> ```shell cargo install tauri-cli ``` <!--- end-tab-group ---> ~~~ Renders to look roughly like this: ![](https://i.imgur.com/0MGIZSA.png) ## OS Screenshot Tab Example ~~~markdown <!--- begin-tab-group ---> <!--- tab-title=macOS ---> ![macOS Screenshot](image_url) <!--- tab-title=Windows ---> ![Windows Screenshot](image_url) <!--- tab-title=Linux ---> ![Linux Screenshot](image_url) <!--- end-tab-group ---> ~~~