# Meeting - 25 December 2023 - CANCELLED [toc] ## Meeting Info This is the UK Carpentry Community space for the UK Carpentry instructors, helpers and workshop coordinators (or anyone involved in training tech to researchers in general and outside of the UK) to get to know each other better, update the commmunity about developments, discuss issues and ideas, and encourage collaboration. During these meetings, we will be conforming to [The Carpentries Code of Conduct](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/code-of-conduct.html). **Meeting schedule: meetings happen on 4th Monday each month, 16:00-17:00 UK time, BST (UTC+1) or GMT (UTC+0) depending on the time of the year** **Meeting details are shared via [local-uk mailing list](https://carpentries.topicbox.com/groups/local-uk) and [The Carpentries community calendar](https://carpentries.org/community/#community-events).** - [Community's HackMD workspace](https://hackmd.io/team/local-uk?nav=overview) - [Previous & upcoming meetings](https://hackmd.io/V3ReKkEESzqyCNxWJdulOw#Meeting-Notes) - [Meeting notes template](https://hackmd.io/hgl1tYhOTTqDsIDwjArE5w) - [Chairing rota](https://hackmd.io/@local-uk/rkPK1Si7F) - [Guest speaker sign-up](https://hackmd.io/@local-uk/rkkzBTLOd) **Zoom URL:** https://zoom.us/j/95360073649 ## Meeting Minutes This meeting is CANCELLED due to holiday season.