# IMCO: Processing Color # How a camera works ## Human Eye vs a Camera ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZcLJrBY.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/80uyhIo.jpg) - Shutter: how long the camera is opened to let in light ## The imaging flow ![](https://i.imgur.com/IXzuXmc.png) :::warning The camera pipeline for creating nice photos is a **secret recipe** ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/h1ZXocb.jpg) ## The color Imaging Flow ![](https://i.imgur.com/CoQ1rAh.png) > [Source](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Other possible steps: - ISO Gain - Noise Reduction - Etc. ## Sensor - Temporal Mutliplexing - Scan 3 times + use 1 sensor - 3 real values per pixel - Only for static scenes - Slow - Scan 1 time + Use 3 sensors - 3 real values per pixel - Costly - Space - Spatial Multiplexing - Scan 1 times + Use 1 sensor - Well-mastered technology - 1 real value per pixel (interpolation) - Loss of light ## Camera spectral sensitivity ![](https://i.imgur.com/YmBzcCr.png) > [Source](http://www.gujinwei.org/research/camspec/) ## Sensor (from 110 years ago!) Using temporal multiplexing # Preprocessing ![](https://i.imgur.com/J5n438J.png) - Dark Current Compensation - Signal present even when the length is close, which adds noise *How to compensate ?* > Capture a dark image for the given exposure time $$ C_i(x,y)=R_i(x,y) - D_i(x,y) $$ - Vignetting/Lens Shading/Flat Field correction - Image tends to darken on the corners/Non-uniform Illumination *How to compensate ?* > You tell me ! ![](https://i.imgur.com/r3r3fdQ.png) > Compute average RGB value of 15 White Patches ||Statistic|Red|Green|Blue| |-|-|-|-|-| | Before correction| Mean| 157.3|159.1|157.5| |After correction|Mean|249.5|\ | \ | :::success If you are taking RAW images there is a chance your image software already does it ::: # Color Constancy :::info Property of the Human Visual Sytem that allows adapting to different scene illuminations ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/k9BTUxE.png) ## White Balance to the rescue :::info The eye cares more about the intrinsic color of the object, not the color of the light leaving the object ::: - Easy for our eyes to judge what is white under different illuminants, but not so straightforward to camera # White Balance :::info The idea is to make white points the same between scenes ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/GXmaCh7.png) White point is the $xyY$ (or $XYZ$) value of an ideal "white reference" ![](https://i.imgur.com/VpVbm9v.png) :::success Hence, the camera is able to do the *Chromatic Adaptation* ::: ## Chromatic Adaptation: How ? - $\color{yellow}{\text{Source}}$ color - $(X_s, Y_s, Z_s)$ with white reference $(X_{WS}, Y_{WS}, Z_{WS})$ - $\color{blue}{Target}$ color - $(X_T,Y_T,Z_T)$ with white reference $(X_{WT}, Y_{WT}, Z_{WT})$ Computing $[M]$ 1. Transform $XYZ$ to cone response domain 2. Scale using source/target white references 3. Transform back form cone domain $XYZ$ $$ [M] = [MA]^{-1}\begin{bmatrix} \frac{\rho_T}{\rho_S}&0&0\\ 0&\frac{\gamma_T}{\gamma_S}&0\\ 0&0&\frac{\beta_t}{\beta_s} \end{bmatrix} [MA] $$ Where $\rho, \gamma,\beta$ are the cone responses for the given source and target colors ### Example ![](https://i.imgur.com/puiMaEP.png) ## White balance: automatic *What if we don't help the camera ?* > The camera doesn't know the illuminant The camera will try to "guess" the white point in the image, and then balance the color automatically. :::warning Unlike White Balance, the illuminant is very hard to estimate ::: ### How ? - Gray world assumption - The average of all colors in the image is gray - Green channel is taken as "gray" reference - White-balanced image is: $k_{r}R,G,k_bB$ - $k_r=\frac{G_{mean}}{R_{mean}}$ - $k_b = \frac{G_{mean}}{B_{mean}}$ - White patch algorithm - Assumes that highlights = specular reflections of illuminant - Maximum $R,G,B$ values are good estimation of white point - White balanced image is: $k_{r}R,G,k_bB$ - $k_r=\frac{G_{max}}{R_{max}}$ - $k_b = \frac{G_{max}}{B_{max}}$ - *How does GIMP does it ?* 1. Discards pixels colors at the extremes of $R,G,B$ histograms - Thresholds of $0.05\%$ of total pixel count 2. Do Histogram Stretching of remaining pixel colors, for each channel 3. Plus some smart post-processing - Smart Color Balance method 1. Discards "black" and "white" pixels 2. Stretch the histogram of the remaining pixels 3. Plus some smart post-processing :::warning Those are very basic algorithms. ::: Modern cameras use sophisticated white-balance, based on data-driven solutions - One Way - Compute features from image - Find similar images in databases of images with good white balance - Use white balance from image # Demosaic - Each pixel has a different color filter - Bayer Pattern is the most used Color Filter Array (CFA) - Why More Green ? - Frequency of the G color band is close to the peak of the human luminance frequency response $\to$ better sharpness ## Linear interpolation ![](https://i.imgur.com/kTz8wFd.png) - Average of neighors - Smoother kernels (bicubic) can also be used ## Typical error Taking a picture of striped pattern $\to$ color artifact :::success To overcome these problems, most demosaicing methods convert the image to the YCbCr ::: ## Solution - Each pixel has a different color filter - Bayer Pattern is the moste used Color Filter Array (CFA) - Interpolation methods are patented or proprietary - And of course deep learning to the rescue ![](https://i.imgur.com/loSktkw.png) # Color Transform $RGB_c\to RGB_u$ ## Color Correction - Cameras are meant to produce pleasing scenes rather than colorimetrically accurate scenes - Spectral Sensitivities of the camera are not identical to human color matching functions - To obtain colorimetric accuracy, we need to transform the image from the sensor's color space to the colorimetrics $(XYZ)$ space - By default Factory-computed Color Space Transforms (CST) are used - When precision is needed, Color Charts are used to obtain a specific transform for the camera and scene :::success We can use ICC color profile ::: ## Color Correction Charts *ColorChecker Digital SG* (SG=Semi-gloss) ![](https://i.imgur.com/PkFsrVV.png) - 140 patches (96 uniques colors) *Artist Paint Target* ![](https://i.imgur.com/GqZACDz.png) *ColorBuild 300 Patch Target* ![](https://i.imgur.com/TPCJYyg.png) ## Color Correction Methods - $30+$ years of continous research on how to transform form RGB to XYZ spaces - A lot of ways to do it ! - Most of them solve the following equation: $$ X=MP $$ - $X$: Reference $XYZ$ values $[3\times m]$ - $P$: Camera $RGB$ values $[N\times m]$ - $M$: Correction matrix $[3\times N]$ - $m$: nb of data points - $N$: nb of dimensions ||ColorChecker Classic|ColorChecker Digital SG| |-|-|-| |m|24|140| ### Linear Linear Mapping from $RGB$ to $XYZ$ - $N=3$ - Not affected by exposure change ### Polynomial Color Correction Linear Mapping From $RGB$ to $XYZ$ + add polynomial components to reduce errors - $N=9$, if $2^{nd}$ order polynomial - Affected by exposure changes - High polynomial degree tends to do overfitting ### Root Polynomial Color Correction Linear Mapping from $RGB$ to $XYZ$ + add root polynomial components - $N=6$, if $2^{nd}$ Order Polynomial - Not affected by exposure change # Measuring with RGB Cameras: Recap - Cameras ar *not* light measurement devices - From the moment an image is captured by the sensor, there are a lot of steps which could impact the final color rendition. This processing is proprietary # Future trends ? ## White balance: Mixed illumination :::warning The white balance fails if 2 illuminants are in the same image ::: ## Denoising Best current solutions use Deep Learning - Predict the noise instead of denoising the image ## HDR Imaging - HDR Imaging is quite mature - Some challenges when acquiring moving scenes or shooting a video - HDR from a single image using Deep Learning ? ## Multispectral Imaging - Used mostly for quality inspection and classification of materials - In principle, it could be used for measuring Reflectance ## Spectra from RGB - When measuring color with an RGB camera, we measure the ligth response in 3 wavelengths ## Color Science Toolbox