# LCCWG 2023-01-30 meeting *Meeting started at 15:21 UTC.* ## 0. Attendance ### Present * Eugene - PH * Maggie - US * Joost - BE * Anisa - IT * Adam - UK - joined 41' * Naveen - IN - joined 45' ### Not Present * Geoffrey - UG * Arnalie - HOT * Charles - ZM * Besfort - XK * Jonathan - BE * Patrick - CH * Rob - UK * Naveen - IN * Jorge - PT ## 1. Administrative * back to a real chairperson? Eugene accepts! * Minutes of previous meeting: [november meeting](https://hackmd.io/AY5MTz7ATQ6VOKA3rOl5Jg?view). * Approved. * old minutes on the wiki? Or just put up a HackMD link for now? * Eugene volunteers to transform to the wiki ## 2. Main agenda * microgrants: idea to ask the Board if and how LCCWG can take the lead on this. * Limit to things related to community building * Last time most work was done by Committee run from the Board * General model: like the Subcommittee of the LCCWG * Approved by the meeting * Joost to send a proposal to the board * Proposal: create an osm.org landing page that is oriented to new people interested in OSM. See welcome.osm.org or [how all the local chapters do it](https://gitlab.com/osmfoundation/lccwg/-/issues/1). * Joost to write a simple start of proposal * regional events: state of the map us, state of the map asia, wikimania, sotm europe, osmit, * trails engagement * Next step - everyone think on best way to coordinate/collaborate ### 2.1. Support the development of Microcosms [GL#7] No news that the present people know of. ### 2.2. LCC Congress 2022 #### Follow-up - [ ] report on the event (blog + stats about attendance) [Maggie+Joost] (start document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kORAv2J2SqplC--hRaA7UKSt0qrbrcJVV3FoCD0s8k4/edit ) - [ ] send thank you e-mail once the links are up (maggie) & include ask to get more involved with lccwg - [ ] [link to videos](https://youtu.be/uNQrm79Svok) but they are wonky might want to redo ### 2.3. Update the OSM website to highlight Local Chapters ([GL#14](https://gitlab.com/osmfoundation/lccwg/-/issues/14)) * We had an article about the new feature. ## 3. Any other business? * How to guide to become a local chapter: * https://hackmd.io/4NfuVm7tSKi3HIB3FKFrNQ *Meeting ended 16:07 UTC.*