# Component JSON
## Booleans
Booleans (`bool`) are serialized as JSON booleans.
- false ↔ `false`
- true ↔ `true`
## Integers
Integers (`u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64`, `s8`, `s16`, `s32`, `s64`) may be serialized as either JSON numbers or JSON strings (base-10).
> For the best language interoperability, numbers greater than (2^53^ – 1) or less than -(2^53^ - 1) should be serialized as base-10 strings.
- 12345 ↔ `12345`
- -9007199254740993 ↔ `"-9007199254740993"`
## Floats
Floats (`float32`, `float64`) are serialized as JSON numbers, except for infinities and NaN which are serialized as strings (see below).
- 3.1415 ↔ `3.1415`
- -11000 ↔ `-1.1e4`
- NaN ↔ `"NaN"`
- +∞ ↔ `"Infinity"`
- -∞ ↔ `"-Infinity"`
## Characters
A character (`char`) is serialized as a JSON string containing a single [Unicode Scalar Value](https://unicode.org/glossary/#unicode_scalar_value).
- 0x78 ↔ `"x"`
- 0x4E00 ↔ `"\u4e00"`
- 0xFE0E ↔ `"☃︎"`
## Strings
A string (`string`) is serialized as a JSON string representing a sequence of [Unicode Scalar Values](https://unicode.org/glossary/#unicode_scalar_value).
- hello ↔ `"hello"`
- x×y ↔ `"x\u00d7y"`
## Records
Records (`record`) are serialized as JSON objects, with field names as object keys. A field of type `option` may be omitted if its value is `none`.
- WIT:
record r {
field-1: u8,
opt: option<u8>,
{"field-1": 123}
## Tuples
Tuples (`tuple<...>`) are serialized as JSON arrays:
- WIT: `tuple<string, u8>`
- JSON: `["str", 123]`
## Flags
Flags (`flags`) are serialized as JSON arrays of strings, where the strings are the flag names:
- WIT:
flags permissions {
- JSON: `["read", "write"]`
## Lists
Lists (`list<T>`) are serialized as JSON arrays.
- WIT: `list<u8>`
- JSON: `[1, 2, 3]`
## Variants
Variants (`variant`) are serialized as JSON objects with a single entry. The key of the entry is the variant case name. The value of the entry is the case payload or `null` if the case has no payload.
- WIT:
variant filter {
- `{"all": null}`
- `{"some": ["a"]}`
## Enums
Enums (`enum`) are serialized as JSON strings with the case name.
- WIT:
enum directions {
- JSON: `"south"`
## Options
An option's (`option<T>`) serialization depends on its contained type `T`:
- The "none" case is always serialized as JSON `null`.
- The "some" case is serialized in one of two ways:
- If `T` is itself an `option<...>`, it is serialized as a JSON object `{"value": T}`
- Otherwise, it is serialized as just `T`
> This complexity permits a ideomatic encoding of `option`s in most cases while supporting the (presumably) uncommon `option<option<...>>` pattern.
- WIT: `option<option<u8>>`
- Outer `option` is "none": `null`
- Inner `option` is "none": `{"value": null}`
- Both `option`s are "some": `{"value": 123}`
## Results
Results (`result<T, E>`) are serialized as JSON objects.
- The "ok" case is serialized as `{"result": T}`
- The "err" case is serialized as `{"error": E}`
If the `T` or `E` type is omitted, the corresponding value will be `null`.
- WIT: `result<u8>`
- `{"result": 123}`
- `{"error": null}`
## Resources
Resource handle (`resource` ID, `borrow<T>`) serialization is implementation-defined and may generally use any JSON value.
> Generic implementations should treat serialized resource handles as opaque data.