Kubernetes Security
Policy Enforcement
a kubernetes videobírója
- Junius - Papp Lajos
- mar az ovodaban in balna volt a jelem (1998)
- Cofounder of SequenceIQ (docker + bigdata + felho)
- long time dev (java/golang)
- trainer/consultant (hire me!)
- docker meetup bp organizer
- k8s meetup frequent speaker
- Cloud Native Security Overview: 4 layers
- Pick a couple
- Policy Enforcement
Cloud Native ???
mit adtak nekunk a romaiak ( Docker )?
solving: "it was running on my machine" ™
packaging format (tar.gz of layers)
containerd + runc
microservices 12factor.net
k8s: run containers on a lot of servers
Cloud Native Security - 4C

Cloud Layer (1) - Infrastructure
- API Server network access
- Node network access
- Access to etcd (relational DB)
- etcd encryption
Cluster Layer (2)
- Authentication (integration: OIDC,LDAP, SAML,Kerberos)
- RBAC Authorization, use toos: audit-2-rbac -
- more RBAC: http://rbac.dev/
- App Secret management
- Pod Security Policy
- Network policies
- TLS for ingress
Container Layer (3)
- Container Vulnerability Scanning - during build
- Image signing
- Unprivileged users - avoid root
- Alternative Runtimes - cncf landscape
Container Layer - Runtimes
Docker = dockerd + containerd + runc
k8s = CRI (containerd/crio) + runc/kata/firecracker/gvisor/wasm …
- Firecracker - Amazon microVM (lambda/fargate)
- gVisor - Linux system calls implemented (go) in userspace - opensourced by Google (cloudRun/cloudFn/appe)
- KataContainers - lightweight VM
Policy Enforcement - best practices
There are industry wide best practices:
- dont use ":latest" images
- restrict image registries
- use probes (readiness/liveness)
- readonly root FS
- drop all capabilities
- require labels (owner,appname)
- disallow NodePort
Policies - how to enforce them
- email word doc to all devs
- "please sign it on paper"
- Instead: use a policy/rule engine
Policies - CNCF landscape
Policy Enforcement - Kyverno
Admission Controller
- Builtin: DefaultIng, DefaultStorageCl, LimitRanger, NamespaceLifeCyc, ResourceQuota, ServiceAcc, …

Policies - Kyverno
- require Limits and Requests
- add network policy (deny all ing/egr)
- add quota to each NS
- add labels (mesh)
- replace image registry: docker.io -> registry.mycorp.com
- require probes (readiness/liveness)
- readonly root FS
- disallow default NS
Kubernetes Security Policy Enforcement a kubernetes videobírója Junius - Papp Lajos
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