## A Docker az ellen is ved
developer experience is the king
> clickbait hirado: ... nem derul ki
# lalyos
- mar az ovodaban in balna volt a jelem (1998)
- Cofounder of SequenceIQ (docker + bigdata + felho)
- long time dev (java/golang)
- trainer/consultant
- docker meetup bp organizer
# Kell-e nekem kontenerizalnom?
> Soiler alert: IGEN
# Mandatory Dilbert

# Mit adtak nekunk a romaiak?
- small image (~100mb)
- startup time (<100ms)
- ellastic resource usage (cpu/mem)
> Ameddig a fold kerek mindig lesznek dockerek!
# Milyen problemat akarunk megoldani?
- "It was runing on my machine" (tm)
- dev/prod parity
- Complexity has a high price

# Mandatory xkcd

## Context switch
If you have to wait for 2 min
- you will go for a coffe
- read social media
- reply some emails
# Shoud I automate/rewrite/change process?
- Anecdote: app runs off memory every day

# WTF is Docker?
- company?
- container runtime (Containerd / runC)
- image format (OCI)
- api (Docker api/Docker daemon)
- developer expreinece:
- docker run
- docker compose up
# Docker Developer experience
- docker run is simple
- onboarding: (install docker ... done)
Other projects try to copy the DX
- nerdctrl run
- ignite run
# Fidesz / Momentum / Jobbik ?
> It depends (tm)
- Windows / Linux(distro?) / OlominiumOS
- Vm / containers
- swarm / aws ecs / k8s (distro?)
- monolith / microservices
> azt a problemat oldd meg ami a legjobban faj (SequenceIQ/BanzaiCloud)
# A szamitogep azert van hogy segitsen
... a fejlesztoknek is
Use case:
- A fejlesztoi gep (8GB) elfustol
## Megdobbento: kiderult van mas is mint docker?
- Container that looks like VMs
- VM / microVM based containers
- No containers
# Footloose
Container Machines - Containers that look like Virtual Machines
# Igazi VM-et akarsz?
- firecracker / ignite
- Firecracker: OS microVM by Amazon (lambda/fargate)
- kvm based alternative to QEMU
- VM : <125 ms startup, and < 5 MiB footprint

## Packaging without containers
Nix ugribugri: reproducible, declarative
- dev-ex: nix-shell (docker run -it)
- NixOS based on Nix packages (multiarch)
- https://search.nixos.org/
- can build minimal docker images
# Konkluzio ?
- Szelektiv csomagolas
- cloud / onPrem?
- how big is your cluster
## References
- http://bit.ly/docker-kerdoiv
- http://hwsw.lalyo.sh/
- https://hackmd.io/@lalyos/hwswmeetup