Magic: The Gathering (MTG) proxies are unofficial replicas of MTG cards created by players or third-party manufacturers. These proxies are made to resemble original cards in terms of artwork, card text, and overall appearance. Players use proxies for various reasons, including testing new decks, playing with expensive or hard-to-find cards, or participating in casual playgroups that allow them. The purpose of [MTG proxies](**https://**) is to provide an affordable alternative for players who may not have the financial means to acquire rare and valuable cards. Proxies allow players to experience the gameplay of powerful or sought-after cards without the burden of high costs. They can be particularly useful for playtesting new strategies or experimenting with different deck compositions before investing in genuine cards. However, the use of MTG proxies has been a topic of controversy within the MTG community. Some players argue that proxies undermine the integrity of the game by devaluing the investment made in acquiring genuine cards. They believe that the rarity and value of cards contribute to the economic ecosystem of the game and that proxies disrupt that balance.