# Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) China Special Interest Group (SIG) Charter
## 1. Introduction
The Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) China Special Interest Group (SIG) is established to promote, advance, and support the development and adoption of decentralized identity technologies and standards within the context of China. The SIG operates within the framework of the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF), an industry consortium aimed at creating an open ecosystem for decentralized identity.
## 2. Purpose
The purpose of the DIF China SIG is to:
1. Foster collaboration among Chinese organizations, institutions, and individuals interested in decentralized identity technologies.
2. Promote awareness, understanding, and education about decentralized identity within the Chinese community.
3. Identify and address specific issues, use cases, and opportunities related to decentralized identity in the Chinese market.
4. Contribute to the development of decentralized identity specifications and standards with a focus on China's unique requirements and use cases.
5. Encourage the adoption of decentralized identity solutions among Chinese enterprises, government agencies, and individuals.
## 3. Scope
The DIF China SIG operates within the following scope:
1. **Regional Focus**: The SIG primarily focuses on the adoption and implementation of decentralized identity technologies within China.
2. **Technical Collaboration**: Collaborate with other DIF working groups and SIGs to develop and promote standards for decentralized identity technologies.
3. **Outreach and Education**: Organize events, webinars, and initiatives to increase awareness and understanding of decentralized identity within the Chinese community.
4. **Use Case Exploration**: Explore specific decentralized identity use cases and challenges relevant to the Chinese market and regulatory environment.
5. **Advocacy**: Advocate for the adoption of decentralized identity technologies in China by engaging with government bodies, industry associations, and enterprises.
6. **Interoperability**: Work towards interoperability of decentralized identity solutions with a focus on compatibility within the Chinese ecosystem.
### 3.1. Copyright Licensing
This special interest group is an open group, which does not have any intellectual property rights associated with any collateral or material developed within this group. Work created in this group is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
### 3.2. Patent Licensing
No Patent License. No patent licenses are granted for material developed by DIF Special Interest Groups.
## 4. Membership
Membership in the DIF China SIG is open to any organization, institution, or individual with an interest in furthering the mission and objectives of the SIG. DIF membership is not a prerequisite for participation in the SIG, but DIF members may receive certain benefits. The SIG encourages broad participation from Chinese entities and experts.
## 5. Leadership
The SIG shall be led by a Chair or Co-Chairs appointed by the SIG members. The Chair(s) will be responsible for coordinating the SIG's activities, representing the SIG within DIF, and ensuring that the SIG's work aligns with its charter.
Voting, Governance, and Responsibilities are in accordance with the Decentralized Identity Foundation Chair’s Guide.
## 6. Meetings and Communications
Meetings and communications within the DIF China SIG will be conducted primarily through teleconferences, email lists, and online collaboration tools. The SIG will hold regular meetings to discuss progress, share updates, and address relevant topics.
All DIF SIGs must adhere to the [DIF Code of Conduct](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/decentralized-identity.github.io/blob/master/assets/code-of-conduct--ratified-document-june20-2020.pdf).
## 7. Funding
The DIF China SIG operates under the umbrella of the Decentralized Identity Foundation. Funding, if required for specific initiatives or events, will be sourced and managed in accordance with DIF's financial guidelines.
## 8. Amendments
This charter may be amended by a majority vote of the SIG members. Proposed amendments should be shared and discussed within the SIG before any vote takes place.
## 9. Termination
The DIF China SIG may be terminated if a majority of the SIG members vote to do so. In the event of termination, the SIG will conclude its activities and report to the Decentralized Identity Foundation accordingly.
**Approved by the DIF China Special Interest Group Members:**
* China Academy of Information and Communications Technology
* Alliance for Blockchain Industry, Z-PARK
**Chair of the DIF China SIG:**
* Xie Jiagui (CAICT)
Approved by DIF SC 15 March 2024