# Gitlab CI/CD 入門 ## 簡介 + 什麼是 CI/CD CI (Continuous Integration)、CD (Continuous Delivery/Deployment) 目的是從測試、建置到部署自動化,取代原來人工需要做的事情。 + CI (Continuous Integration): 專注在持續整合,透過程式碼的自動化測試和建置,將穩定品質的程式碼合併,越早頻繁整合,整合難度的就越低且能確保最新版本是可運行的 + CD (Continuous Delivery/Deployment): 專注在持續部屬和交付,依照需要的環境進行建置和部屬 ![](https://i.imgur.com/pLTIQfj.png) + Gitlab CI/CD 架構 + Gitlab Server + Watcher: 監聽新 commit,Gitlab CI/CD 已於背後實作 + CI/CD configuration file: 定義執行腳本,預設為 .gitlab-ci.yml + Gitlab Runner: 負責執行腳本的的 instance (VM, docker...) + Gitlab API or 3rd party integration (optional) ![](https://i.imgur.com/2lmYh8Y.png) ## 動手做 + Runner 設定,將自己的電腦化為 runner + [Windows Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/windows.html),下載 exe 檔後 rename 為 gitlab-runner.exe 置於 C:\GitLab-Runner 資料夾下 + Runner 註冊 ```shell= cd C:\GitLab-Runner .\gitlab-runner.exe install .\gitlab-runner.exe start .\gitlab-runner.exe register ``` + Runner Register Configuration ![](https://i.imgur.com/kb9Mllb.png) + Enter the GitLab instance URL (如圖) + Enter the registration token (如圖) + Enter a description for the runner: runner 名稱 + Enter tags for the runner: runner tag,可以影響腳本要用哪個 runner 跑 + Enter optional maintenance note for the runner: 詳細描述,可留空 + Enter an executor: shell + ==更正 config.toml: 將 pwsh 改成 powershell== + 至 gitlab 頁面確認 runner 狀態 ```shell= cd C:\GitLab-Runner .\gitlab-runner.exe status .\gitlab-runner.exe verify ``` + 腳本撰寫 + fork veena repository,並新增 .gitlab-ci.yml (deafult file name) + 牛刀小試:Hello World + yaml 語法 + 可在與 runner 類似的環境測試語法,確保 runner 看得懂語法 + 腳本執行結果的 exit code 必須為 0 該 stage 才會成功 + 不可以有與使用者互動的語法,不然會執行失敗 + 利用 tags 匹配挑選 runner ```yaml= stages: - hello hello: stage: hello tags: - kyo-cicd script: - cd C:\ - echo "hello world" > hello.txt ``` + stages 及 pipeline: multiple stage + 有順序性 + 可平行執行 stage + 失敗即不再往前執行 + 可設定該 stage 自動執行、手動執行或特定條件執行 + 每個 stage 皆為獨立,如需要保留結果到下個 stage,需暫存至某地(如 artifacts, docker hub 等等) ![](https://i.imgur.com/KoHbQ1f.png) ```yaml= stages: - test - build-dev - deploy-dev test: stage: test tags: - kyo-cicd script: - npm install - echo "test completed" build: stage: build-dev tags: - kyo-cicd script: - echo "build code" > build-dev.txt artifacts: paths: - build-dev.txt expire_in: 10 day deploy: stage: deploy-dev tags: - kyo-cicd script: - Copy-Item build-dev.txt C:\deploy-dev.txt ``` + 環境變數 + 設定於 Gitlab GUI ![](https://i.imgur.com/y708IhJ.png) + 設定於 Gitlab yaml + [Gitlab 預設有的環境變數](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/) ```yaml= variables: AUTHOR: Kyo ... - echo $PASSWORD$CI_JOB_ID > build-dev.txt ... - Copy-Item build-dev.txt C:\$AUTHOR.txt ``` + template ```yaml= ... .deploy-template: tags: - kyo-cicd script: - Copy-Item build-dev.txt C:\$AUTHOR-$ENV.txt ... deploy: stage: deploy variables: ENV: dev extends: - .deploy-template ... ``` + 動手做到此為止,==請至 gitlab 頁面移除測試用 runner== ## 補充 + Runner 環境 + Runner 類型 + Instance + 環境必須設定到所有指令 runner 都看得懂 (如: git, ssh, 對應的 sdk 及 runtime 等等) + Image (Recommend: Alpine image) + [register runner 時,executor 選擇 docker](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/docker/using_docker_images.html#register-a-runner-that-uses-the-docker-executor) + 無法撰寫 image 看不懂的指令 + C#: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-alpine + Node.js: node:lts-alpine + Runner 層級 + Group Runner + Shared Runner + Project Runner + 環境類型 + 如果用到 git 指令,runner 需要安裝 [Git client](https://git-scm.com/download/win) + 如果用到 ssh 指令,ruuner 需安裝 Openssh client,目標機器需安裝 [Openssh Server](https://www.hostwinds.com/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-openssh-windows-server-2016),且必須先設定好 key pair 配對。 + API 與第三方整合 + Webhook: Settings > Webhook + Gitlab API: User Settings > Access Tokens > Call gitlab API with token (User Settings Access Tokens) + 第三方整合: Settings > Integration > Slack notification, Jira.. etc ## 目前常見作法 1. CI/CD pipeline 過程中將最新程式 build 成 image 推到 docker hub 2. 通知 k8s 或 load balancer 從 docker hub pull 最新的 image 來完成更版 2.1. 為避免 runner 權限過大,有些公司會將部署 k8s 權限交由 ArgoCD 控管 ![](https://i.imgur.com/GrDSbSV.png) ==Gitlab CI/CD 細節上還有很多參數可以用,設計的好壞也會影響部署速度,同時也提供 API 與程式或第三方整合,都等著你去發現== + Ref https://linyencheng.github.io/2022/05/30/devops-gitlab-ci-and-gitlab-runner/ https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10238855 https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10241701 https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/
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