## `whoami`
<!-- 12 years of experience -->
## Agenda
1. Landscape of GPU abstractions
2. History of *wgpu*
3. *Blade* of difference
## GPU abstractions
### Map of Portability
![platform availability](https://github.com/kvark/slides/raw/b3cbeaa4704dd6090cf633e5b559390e744f6c1c/md/ProcessingShaders/PlatformsMap.jpeg)
<!-- is it safe to access memory? Browser definition -->
<!-- underfined behavior vs undefined data -->
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### case: glow
Purity: :heavy_check_mark:
Safety: :grey_question:
- OpenGL is safe, but Rust API is not
Backends: *GL/GLES/WebGL*
- no compute on Apple platforms
Overhead: :question:
- API itself is close to zero overhead
- but actual platforms may involve translation
Ergonomics: *AA+*
- relatively small API
- boilerplate related to bindings and framebuffers
Downloads: every *8 seconds*
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### case: Ash
Purity: :heavy_check_mark: (no shader solution)
Safety: :x:
Backends: *Vulkan*
Overhead: :heavy_check_mark:
Ergonomics: *A*
Downloads: every *9 seconds*
- is a dependency of many others
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### case: Vulkano
![vulkano-logo](https://github.com/vulkano-rs/vulkano/blob/master/logo.png?raw=true =15%x)
Purity: :heavy_check_mark: host, :x: shader processing (3rd party C++)
Safety: :heavy_check_mark: host, :x: shaders, relies on robust buffer/image access
Backends: *Vulkan*
Overhead: :zzz:
- every draw/dispatch is iterating all the used resources
- actual commands are recorded at the end of the pass
Ergonomics: *AA*
- automatic barriers, bit of type sugar
Downloads: every *2.5 minutes*
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### case: wgpu
![wgpu-logo](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/blob/trunk/logo.png?raw=true =15%x)
Purity: :heavy_check_mark: (includes shader solution via `naga`)
Safety: :heavy_check_mark: (includes shader instrumentation)
Backends: *Vulkan*, *D3D12*, *Metal*, *GL*, *WebGPU*, *WebGL2*
Overhead: :zzz:
- tracking every bind group setup
- actual commands are recorded at the end of the pass
Ergonomics: *AAA*
- simple specification
- automatic state tracking
Downloads: every *12 seconds*
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### case: wgpu-hal
Purity: :heavy_check_mark: (includes shader solution via `naga`)
Safety: :x:
Backends: *Vulkan*, *D3D12*, *Metal*, *GL/GLES/WebGL2*, *WebGPU*
Overhead: :heavy_check_mark: (directly mapped)
Ergonomics: *A+*
- a bit simpler than Vulkan
Downloads: every *12 seconds* (same as wgpu)
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### case: Blade
![blade-logo](https://github.com/kvark/blade/blob/main/docs/logo.png?raw=true =15%x)
Purity: :heavy_check_mark: (includes shader solution via `naga`)
Safety: :x:
Backends: *Vulkan*, *Metal*, *GLES/WebGL2*
Overhead: :heavy_check_mark: (directly mapped)
GPU penalty: :question: (to be discussed)
Ergonomics: *AAA+*
- doesn't involve any bind group layout business
- no resource states or barriers
- but requires manual resource destruction
Downloads: every *15 minutes*
### Ergonomics scale
<!-- drops portability and overhead -->
![logo](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/blob/trunk/logo.png?raw=true =50%x)
### wgpu: Implementation of WebGPU
### WebGPU: Targets
### wgpu: History
### wgpu: Architecture
### wgpu: Safety
Core idea: *validating correctness takes as much computation as providing it*.
<!-- not obvious, needed to be experimentally proven -->
### wgpu: Synchronization
### WebGPU Shading Language
#### WGSL: Motivation
- one of the drivers behind early Web was the ability to _inspect/edit/write_ pages directly.
- no shading language is designed for safety and lack of UB.
- GLSL is outdated, SPIR-V spec is difficult, everything else is poorly specified...
Naga shows GLSL -> SPIRV in just 1.5ms per shader.
<!-- in any case SPIR-V fork would require a spec -->
#### naga: Architecture
### wgpu: Conclusion
- most mature, portable, well specified
- pretty fast, and the only truly safe
![vangers debug](https://github.com/kvark/slides/raw/b3cbeaa4704dd6090cf633e5b559390e744f6c1c/md/WgpuChallenges/vangers-raymax-debug.png)
## blade
Lean and mean graphics API
### blade: Motivation
- it's not always worth it to provide the driver with all the info ahead of time.
- lots of workflows are leaning to *compute-only*, e.g. 2D graphics rendering, ray tracing, neural networks.
- most API complexity is from rasterization.
- modern APIs are too verbose.
![Screenshot 2024-10-28 222030](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJqCex0gJg.png)
### blade: Principles
1. hacking graphics should be fun!
- we can live without resource barriers
- shader resource layouts can be simpler
- uniforms are just data
2. simplicity >> safety
- no runtime validation
- copyable handles
<!-- user-facing abstraction should be safe,
the question is - at what level is this enforced?
Arguably, GPU API level isn't the best -->
### blade: Look, ma, no bindings!
var<storage,read_write> particles: array<Particle>;
var<uniform> parameters: Parameters;
pc.bind(0, &MainData {
particles: particle_buffer.into(),
parameters: Parameters {
my_uniform: [1,2,3,4],
pc.dispatch([group_count, 1, 1]);
### blade: Synchronization
if let mut pass = command_encoder.compute("fill-gbuf") {
let mut pc = pass.with(&self.fill_pipeline);
pc.bind(0, &FillData {...});
// implicit barrier between passes
if let mut pass = command_encoder.compute("ray-trace") {
let mut pc = pass.with(&self.main_pipeline);
pc.bind(0, &MainData {...});
### blade: Performance
API translation and command recording: :zap:
| GPU | blade | wgpu-hal |
| --- | ----- | -------- |
| Ryzen 3500U | 20K | 20K |
| Ryzen 6850U | 70K | 70K |
| GeForce 3050 | 100K | 100K |
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### blade: GPU Penalty
[@krOoze on Khronos forums](https://community.khronos.org/t/which-vulkan-implementations-really-care-about-image-layouts/6885/4):
>Supplying GENERAL everywhere sure is state-of-the-art weapons-grade laziness…
* NVIDIA: [irrelevant](https://d29g4g2dyqv443.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/akamai/gameworks%2FVulkanDevDaypdaniel.pdf)
>Just leave images in the VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL layout
* AMD: comes down to [ac_surface_supports_dcc_image_stores](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/blob/e18733300e65f97757150c6a670f80d032a2615d/src/amd/common/ac_surface.c#L149)
* roughly starts with RDNA
* experiments show no penalty on Vega
* Intel: unclear
Easy to mitigate by inserting transitions around render passes.
### blade: conclusion
- easy to use, hackable
- very fast and portable
## Thank you! :crab: :crab: :crab:
![torus](https://github.com/kvark/blade/raw/d99fd709b8d0b415197eee0b71b1cac9cee84aa2/docs/ray-query.gif =50%x)
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