# Choir
Task Orchestration Framework
> Orchestration: the planning or coordination of the elements of a situation to produce a desired effect, especially surreptitiously
![destiny task graph](https://i.imgur.com/iXU9Dpq.jpg)
<!-- inspiration example, 2015 -->
## Why?
- give: control flow (at macro level)
- get: free scaling (both perf and complexity)
> any time you take control flow away from the user you have a really high usefulness bar to clear
![tasks everywhere meme](https://i.imgflip.com/6iycp0.jpg)
<!-- not about the technology -->
## Scalable?
- Way to organize your thoughts, and code
- Separating scheduling from structure
## Example
let mut choir = choir::Choir::new();
let _worker1 = choir.add_worker("worker1");
let first = choir.add_task(|| { println!("First"); }).run();
let mut second = choir.add_task(|| { println!("Second"); });
![scene loading graph](https://i.imgur.com/bMiiqXu.png)
## What is the problem?
<!-- ok, we understand the idea,
but what problem is it really solving?
Rust + ECS = ...
<!-- very nice combination, but overused -->
> if you have an advanced ECS, everything looks like a system
## ECS-centric approach
<!-- all logic is systems, all data is components and resources.
"Everything is a system" is a very narrow view, introduces friction.
## Task-centric approach
<!-- the beauty is - task orchestrator not only schedules ECS jobs, but also any other jobs, seamlessly
<!-- it's a lower level approach to scheduling -->
## Choir features
<!-- not technically complex -->
- task dependencies, including from running tasks
- spawning tasks from tasks
- multi- and iter- tasks
- flexible workers
![Arc dependencies](https://i.imgur.com/Yjqhl9H.png)
## Perf
Executing 100k(!) empty tasks:
- individually: 28ms
- as a multi-task: 6ms
Each task: 60ns to 280ns
## Future
- circular dependency detection :dizzy:
- exhaustive testing with Loom :radioactive_sign:
- scheduler for Hecs :gear:
![map of control flow](https://i.imgur.com/w1acEhC.png)
## Happy tasking!
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