Kunal Marwaha
University of Chicago
joint with Roozbeh Bassirian, Bill Fefferman (arXiv)
see also Jeronimo and Wu (STOC '23)
What is the power of unentangled proofs?
Set of decision problems that have a BQP verifier \(M\), and:
Set of decision problems that have a BQP verifier \(M\), and:
Gap amplification (as long as \(c(n) - s(n) \ge \frac{1}{\text{poly}(n)}\)):
Upper bounds (better than \(\text{NEXP}\)):
Set of decision problems that have a BQP verifier \(M\), and:
Set of decision problems that have a BQP verifier \(M\), and:
What if we instead required non-negative amplitudes
only in completeness?
[GKS14] show that this is equal to \(\text{QMA}\) (or \(\text{QMA}(2)\)).
Lesson: \(\text{QMA} \subseteq \text{QMA}^+\) and \(\text{QMA}(2) \subseteq \text{QMA}^+(2)\), since we also reduce Merlin's cheating in soundness.
Gap amplification:
Parallel repetition fails.
Reason: Partial measurements can reintroduce complex phases into remaining state.
Upper bounds (better than \(\text{NEXP}\)):
Using a semidefinite program fails.
Reason: Copositive programming is hard!
Optimizing \(\max_{x \ge 0} x^\dagger A x\) can compute independence numbers of graphs, etc.
Every state \(|\psi \rangle\) has \(\frac{1}{4}\) overlap with some state with non-negative amplitudes.
\(\implies\) \(\exists\) constants \(1 > c' > s' > 0\) s.t.
\(\text{QMA}^+_{c',s'} = \text{QMA}\) and \(\text{QMA}^+(2)_{c',s'} = \text{QMA}(2)\).
\(\exists\) other constants \(1 > c > s > 0\), s.t.
\(\text{QMA}^+(2)_{c,s} = \text{NEXP}\).
New way to understand \(\text{QMA}(2)\):
\(\text{QMA}^+(2)\) gap amplification \(\implies\) \(\text{QMA}(2) = \text{NEXP}\)!
\(\exists\) other constants \(1 > c > s > 0\), s.t.
\(\text{QMA}^+_{c,s} = \text{NEXP}\)!
(\(\frac{c}{s}\) interpolates from \(\text{QMA}\) to \(\text{NEXP}\))
NO gap amplification of \(\text{QMA}^+\)!
"Perhaps the power lies in the \(^+\), not the \((2)\)…"
Any technique to amplify the promise gap in \(\text{QMA}^+(2)\)
must fail for \(\text{QMA}^+\).
Input: CSP instance (\(n\) variables, bounded alphabet \(\Sigma\),
\(q\)-uniform constraints \(\{\mathcal{C}_1, \dots, \mathcal{C}_R\}\))
Output: Is instance fully satisfiable (for some \(x \in \Sigma^n\))?
PCP Theorem: \(\text{NP}\)-hard for \(q = O(1)\), with completeness \(c=1\) and soundness \(s = \frac{1}{2}\) (i.e. constant gap).
Plan: Solve this in \(\text{QMA}^+\) with \(O(\log n)\)-sized proof.
Intuition: non-negative amplitudes "take the interference" out of \(|\psi\rangle\) (they don't "cancel out"!)
Goal: require Merlin to send a certain type of state.
Big idea of [JW23]: \(\langle \psi |+\rangle \propto \||\psi\rangle\|_1\).
(\(\Pi_+ := |+\rangle \langle +|\) accepts \(|\psi\rangle\) according to its \(\ell_1\) norm)
This is the only use of the (\(^+\)) assumption in both papers.
\(\longrightarrow\) check closeness to states of a target \(\ell_1\) norm.
Consider two registers:
question (\(\log n\) qubits) and answer (\(O(1)\) qubits)
We choose one of two tests:
States with non-negative amplitudes can't perfectly pass Test 2. The best have one answer per question.
\(\longrightarrow\) check closeness to states of a rigid form:
\(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\sum_{j=1}^{n} |j \rangle |f(j) \rangle\)
questions \(\to\) constraints
answers \(\to\) assignments of associated variables
In completeness, \(\exists\) satisfying assignment \(f: [R] \to \Sigma^q\) and proof \(|\psi\rangle := \frac{1}{\sqrt{R}}\sum_{j=1}^{R} |j \rangle |f(j) \rangle\).
With some probability, we test for this rigid form.
Otherwise, we check the constraints \(\{\mathcal{C}_j\}\).
For rigid states, checking the constraints is easy:
measure in computational basis, and test \(\mathcal{C}_j(f(j))\).
But Merlin can cheat: sending different values for the same variable depending on the constraint.
So (with some probability), need to check for consistency.
Goal: Construct unitaries \(\{U_1, \dots, U_d\}\) such that:
Then, the consistency protocol would:
We build the graph \(G\) using a step from [Dinur07]:
Illustration for one variable ⚫ and \(d = 2\):
\(G\) is the union of all expander graphs (\(R \cdot q\) vertices).
Recall that a rigid state is of the form \(|\psi\rangle := \frac{1}{\sqrt{R}}\sum_{j=1}^{R} |j \rangle |f(j) \rangle\).
It is convenient to separate the variable assignments: \(|\phi\rangle := \frac{1}{\sqrt{R\cdot q}}\sum_{j=1}^{R} \sum_{\iota=1}^q |j,\iota \rangle |f(j)[\iota] \rangle\).
(Then all vertices of \(G\) are in superposition!)
The map \(|\psi\rangle \mapsto |\phi\rangle\) is efficient; see paper for details.
We can always decompose a \(d\)-regular graph into \(d\) permutations \(\{\pi_1, \dots, \pi_d\}\).
For \(k \in [d]\), let \(U_k: |j, \iota\rangle |value\rangle \mapsto |\pi_k(j,\iota) \rangle |value\rangle\) for each constraint \(j \in [R]\) and variable index \(\iota \in [q]\).
Honest assignment \(\implies\) \(|\phi\rangle = U_k |\phi \rangle\) for all \(k\)!
Input: Succinct CSP instance (\(N := 2^n\) variables, bounded alphabet \(\Sigma\), \(q\)-uniform constraints \(\{\mathcal{C}_1, \dots, \mathcal{C}_R\}\))
Output: Is instance fully satisfiable (for some \(x \in \Sigma^{2^n}\))?
PCP Theorem: \(\text{NEXP}\)-hard for \(q = O(1)\), completeness \(c=1\) and soundness \(s = \frac{1}{2}\) (i.e. constant gap).
Plan: Solve this in \(\text{QMA}^+\) with \(O(\text{poly}(n))\)-sized proof.
Arthur's protocol needs to be efficient.
Only issue: how to do "consistency" test?
expanders are exponentially large
Doubly explicit expander constructions, to build the expanders and decompose them in \(\text{polylog}(N)\) time.
could be exponentially many expanders
Use a \(O(1)\)-strongly uniform PCP.
adjacency lists could be exponentially large
Use a \(\text{polylog}(N)\)-doubly explicit PCP.
Everything else works after making these adjustments!
Promise-symmetric classes can be very powerful.
But the promise gap really matters: \(\text{QMA}^+_{c,s}\) interpolates from \(\text{QMA}\) to \(\text{NEXP}\) for constant \(c,s\).
(\(x\)-axis: \(\frac{c}{s}\))
Is there a phase transition in constants?
Suppose you try to prove \(\text{QMA}(2) = \text{NEXP}\) by showing \(\text{QMA}^+(2)\) promise gap amplification.
Then the amplification technique crucially involves unentanglement, since it will fail for \(\text{QMA}^+\).
These techniques may be much more difficult to find.
What does \(\text{QMA}^+(2)\) have that \(\text{QMA}^+\) doesn't?
Kunal Marwaha
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. DGE-1746045. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.