--- tags: notes, dauhaus, daos, community --- # DAOhaus Haus Party LIVE! Notes Last updated: 5/20/21 @10:43pm EST - I'll periodically be updating this doc! Link to the Twitch recording: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016) ## Notes from the Livestream I tried to roughly organize these notes into themes, but there were many interconnecting threads throughout the video. I've tried to add timestamps (roughly accurate — will refine with links!) for certain topics and notes but many of these themes were present throughout the talk. ### NFTs, Art, and Social Capital - [[37:00]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=0h30m0s) MetaFactory working with many organizations allows for tapping into the social capital of each organization. Doing drops across communities has a cross-pollinating effect and allows for MetaFactory to become curators and increase emotional response due to MetaFactory's reputation - Allows individual creators to tap into the communities and have a different response than if they'd done a drop or distribution on their own - Monetary value of the grants and projects was important but was a "drop in the bucket" compared to the social signal - [[39:50]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=0h39m50s) Curation is important — group of people working together and making smart decisions with their money and pooling funds to make collective decisions greater than what would be possible individually - Proposing NFTs to the group ### DAO Participation - [[40:50]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=0h40m50s) DeFi and web3 are like "the greatest MMO ever made" - We can level up our skills with the support of others - DAOs are a way to have a group of friends to explore, grow, and learn alongside — similar to involvement in a guild in a MMO! - (Personal note — this is why Raid Guild and DAOs resonate so much with me having been an avid MMO and MUD player for years) - [[41:30]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=0h41m30s) Emphasis on active participation as opposed to the passive buying and selling tokens (speculation) - Opportunity to enter crypto space by *creating value* instead of speculating on the value created by others - "Way higher leverage" of summed value to contribute value (especially if people who are speculating shift toward providing original value) - Curation process awards active participation and provides more stakes in the game for folks who are involved and contributing to the communities and DAOs - [[42:40]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=0h42m40s) Many untapped opportunities; still early - Concepts are all evolving in an exciting way and changing concepts of ownership, sovereignty, and identity - Participatory experience where active contribution to the group is valued and rewarded. Emergence happens when people are collaborating and focusing on providing value to the group. Combinations of skillsets, experiences, and backgrounds - New social platforms emerge, new ideas of ownership - [[46:40]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=0h46m40s) Sovereignty of creators → **DAO Legos** - NFTs empowering creators and next step is focusing on creators and establishing a set of "DAO Legos" similar to how there are Lego blocks that are foundational to DeFi "DeFi Legos" or "Money Legos" - Empowering other communities and creating/providing tools to align communities to focus on goals, creativity, and providing value - Reduce friction for creators and participation - [[47:15]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=0h47m15s) DAOs are welcoming: joining a new guild in a game with likeminded builders on a similar quest - Provide onboarding and value → receive ownership regardless of background - Give opportunity to get involved and be compensated - Contributors receive upside upon providing value AND benefit from the community network that they're in - Distributing ownership allows for greater progress: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - Instead of traditional model of compensation, creators and contributors receive shares and ownership - Such a powerful and impactful exposure and entrance into crypto (compared to speculation and trading on value created by others) - Exposure to opportunities and recognition for work and contribution as an entrance into decentralization/web3/crypto as opposed to speculation on cryptocurrency - Directly create and provide value (through participation in the DAO/community) as opposed to speculating on value created by others — more direct sovereignty and ability to earn as a creator - [[50:05]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=0h50m05s) There is a "collective shared interest in success" of the group — less focus on traditional models of salary and compensation. Ability to earn upside through direct contribution - Focus on how to make things instead of focusing on sending resume around, negotiate, etc. - Ability to work for crypto → can find opportunities from *where you are* — don't need to relocate or send around a resume or please a boss. Can contribute and be gain recognition. Contribution and progression rooted in providing value - Can make side projects or things previously conceived as *side projects* or *passion projects* into main projects (as long as they provide value to the group) - In the future of work, passion and interest are aligned with compensation and sustainability - Smaller DAOs focused on niches and micro-interactions and micro-economies ### Growing Communities - [[52:04]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=0h52m04s) During bear market, thinking about *why aren't things community first*? - "Community first IS the thing" - How to create sustainable networks and systems? - How to find (and expand) target audiences for DAOs? Is this 'mass adoption' even something that is needed? - [[57:00]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=0h57m00s) Need more literacy and education around designing communities - Lots of potential for growth - People feel more motivated to join and level up when they have "skin in the game" and are participating → connection between personal identity and relationship to the group - Emphasis on likeminded folks - Need to learn some concepts to begin participating, but can then dive in as deep as you want - (Personal note: This also is why having a guild or group is so crucial to helping folks and providing some pathfinding and encouragement) - [[58:20]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=0h58m20s) It's hard to make guides about community building because it's so contextual - What does each community align around? - **Identity, relationship, being, belonging** - Find more local and specialized niche audiences where common interests unify members - Folks moving away from legacy mindsets around companies, pay, structures, contributions, and value - This is often difficult to do unless someone participates and experiences the community and culture directly - [[59:59]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=0h59m59s) Instead of focusing as much on mass adoption, focus on celebrating web3 as a culture, building things for us, and then educating outwards from first principles: - Sovereignty, decentralization, privacy, community - How to extend outward and build bridges? - Build for selves (and build to support the DAO) → build for others - Build things that have value and then share externally - create value in the DAO and others will also find valuable - [[1:02:21]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=1h02m21s) "Crypto UX is the far superior UX" (compared to web2 or traditional systems) but people need to change minds and adopt new way of thinking → Immersion is a way to do this - When people are coming together and finding an *internal sense* of validation (instead of looking for external validation or approval — monetary or otherwise) results in more permanence and buy-in - Provide access points and on-ramps for people to align themselves - Ideas aren't new, but new tools for expressing the concepts (such as autonomy, decentralization) - [[1:08:24]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=1h08m24s) Key is to not necessary expand too quickly. Focus on organic, stable growth - Find people who want to stay beyond just making quick money on speculation. - (Personal note: People may get exposure during a hyped up bull market, but will stay beyond this if they find values and communities with similar alignment) - [[1:09:40]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=1h09m40s) "Mainstream adoption is an anti-goal" - Could become too generic - [[1:10:45]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=1h10m45s) Look toward subcultures with more natural resonance and philosophical alignment such as the punk and hiphop communities - Many projects and philosophies/first principles of web3 and decentralization are a fusion of punk mindsets and technology - Similar to co-op record labels and other types of co-op structures used by many communities - Look toward what people strive for — paths to do work that they're passionate about while having a financial upside through participation in a DAO - [[1:12:50]](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1029240016?t=1h12m50s) Adoption from a **values first, not tech first** perspective - Other subcultures may be more naturally accepting and able to integrate with focus on values that resonate - "We tend to overestimate the impact of technology in the short-term and underestimate the impact of it long-term" ## Additional Resources and References - "Geeks, MOPs, and sociopaths in subculture evolution" - [https://meaningness.com/geeks-mops-sociopaths](https://meaningness.com/geeks-mops-sociopaths) - *The Gervais Principle, Or The Office According to "The Office" -* [https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2009/10/07/the-gervais-principle-or-the-office-according-to-the-office/](https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2009/10/07/the-gervais-principle-or-the-office-according-to-the-office/) - Venkatesh Rao