CDT Monthly Call April 14 2021 === :::info - **Location:** [:computer: Zoom Meeting]( ([full details below](#Connection-Details)) - **Date:** April 14, 2021 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) ([Calendar/ICS]( - **Agenda** 1. Welcome and sign yourself in [name=Jonah Graham] [name=Torbjörn Svensson] [name=John Dallaway] [name=Florent Vion] [name=Alexander Fedorov] [name=Jeff Johnston] [name=William Riley] [name=Jantje] 3. Actions from last meeting 4. CDT 10.3 / 2020-06 planning (M1 is on 12 April) 5. Increasing minimum version of GDB we test and support "officially" [Bug 572582]( 6. Reenabling long disabled DSF-GDB tests (these were initially disabled when we moved to Jiro) 7. Status of cdt-gdb-adapter 8. Any other business? - **Contact:** <> - **Reference:** [Last month meeting]( ::: ## Connection Details Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 545 364 607 Passcode: 196590 Dial by your location find your local number: ## Actions from last meeting details - Action (Jeff): to try to reproduce, and if there is a problem report back so that we can respin CDT RC2 before it means having to respin all of SimRel/EPP. The deadline would be this afternoon. - Jeff will keep his eye on it, but not a reproducible problem - Action (Jonah): Raise a bug to make CPP EPP consistent Bug 571849 Created - Done. - Action (Jonah): Add entry to N&N for Bug 571458 to make it explicit that only C builders are now invoked. - Done. - Action (Anton): Try out the new headless builder to see if there are any impacts on this change that need resolving - Nothing to do, but monitor if there is a problem here ## Minutes - Action (Jantje): does project creation turn off workspace autobuild. - Action (Torbjörn): Reproduce dark theme color issue in console. - Make minimum version supported of GDB 8.0 - Short discussion on cdt-gdb-adapter in context of gitpod's announcement - The full blog post is here and if a twitter summary is enough you can see it here - GDB knowing GDBSERVER has resumed (reset or watchdog type issues). See gdb mailing list messages and bugzilla: - - initial message - - bugzilla entry - - reply - - reply (on gdb-patches) - Why is IOverwriteQuery being using in managedbuilder.core? - Action (Torbjörn): file bug - Florent lead topic on project references [Bug 566892]( - project references at platform level causes unneeded builds of dependent projects - John commented on his experiences: - initial conclusion is that there is code at platform level to support use case, but not UI to support it - pointed out that there was significant concern of breaking projects with fixing this - the current CDT referencing system is not complete - e.g. it won't run other builders when building referenced projects - There is a "default" build configuration - Implementing this in the platform would enable it for all types of projects - Features that are lost if the platform reference is disabled - Opening closed projects, including dependencies, won't open the dependencies - Dependent projects won't run non-CDT builders - More discussion on this topic happened that is not well captured in these notes. ### Next Meeting [May 12 at 11am (Ottawa, Canada time)](